How to choose a children's mattress

All parents-to-be who are expecting a baby buy a crib, diapers, clothes, as well as other goods, including a mattress. This is an important element not only for newborns, but also for older children. Every mom and dad wants the best for their babies, so you need to know how to choose a baby mattress for a newborn. You need to decide on the purchase carefully, since the products differ significantly from those provided for adults. It is caused by an unformed spine, and improper bedding can cause posture and back problems. To minimize any risks, it is recommended to study in detail all the selection parameters that are described in the article.

The best manufacturers of children's mattresses

For those who do not know which mattress to choose, it is recommended to study products from the best manufacturers. Among them are the following companies:

  • Ormatek;
  • Ascona;
  • Plitex;
  • Dream Line;
  • Vegas.

The brands described above offer a choice of whole series of beds that are suitable for newborns and older children. In order to approach the selection and purchase as responsibly as possible, you should know the features and other parameters of this type of product.

Mattress device for children

The device of the bed allows you to determine how the product works, as well as how to choose a mattress for a crib. Modern models differ in structure from those that were many years ago. This is due to the presence of new technologies and materials used as fillers. The number of basic elements can be any, but there are several main parts for any children's mattress:

  • The base is a spring block, which can be dependent or independent, and it can also be completely replaced with dense fillers. The latter option is preferable for newborns, and the main material is polymer, plant fibers or latex. The main task of this part is to maintain the level of the body in the anatomically correct position.
  • Interlayer - this element is often used for spring versions of mattresses, which allows more correctly and evenly to accept loads, and also reduces the pressure of steel wires on the torso of children. If we talk about structures without a frame, then sometimes there is a top layer for which other materials are used, different from the padding. The comfort of children during rest depends on such a main part.
  • The cover is the last element that acts as a shell, protecting the filling and other parts of the mattress from children. In addition, the cover prevents dust from getting inside, and the product will be more beautiful and aesthetically pleasing.

Types of children's mattresses

All mattress manufacturers have several options for children. They differ from each other constructively, and are also recommended for different ages.


How to choose a children's mattress

This type of mattress is considered the most effective for a child from birth.Manufacturers can use artificial materials, but since the bed for a newborn, natural raw materials are often used for stuffing. The design is often stiff when compared to other options. The device does not have a framework in the form of a skeleton, but the load is distributed evenly, which gives the correct shaping and position for the back, head and neck.


  • Light weight.
  • Parents can choose different fillers, which will differ in the degree of rigidity.
  • An excellent choice for newborns.
  • Only materials that do not provoke allergies are used as fillers.
  • They perfectly absorb moisture, therefore they do not accumulate dust.


  • The price for such mattresses varies widely, but is considered the highest. The cost starts from 700 rubles and goes up to 64 thousand.
  • If you choose low-quality products, then there is a risk of harming the child. This can happen if the manufacturer uses toxic mixtures to bond the packing.

Spring-loaded with dependent bonnel block

How to choose a children's mattress

This design is based on conventional springs made of metal. They are connected to each other with a wire, are characterized by a relatively low cost, but do not have a strong orthopedic effect. Among the minuses, you can also highlight the sagging of the springs, so when using it, the effect of a hammock appears, but if the mass of children is small, and the filler with optimal rigidity is also correctly selected, then you can not be afraid of anything.


  • They can easily withstand loads, which is convenient for many children, as they often like to jump in bed.
  • Excellent thermoregulation.
  • The air circulates freely.
  • Optimal orthopedic effect with the correct filling.
  • Affordable pricing policy that starts at 900 rubles, but depending on the specific model, it can be up to 11,000 rubles.


  • After a certain period of time, all springs begin to stretch and the frame sags.
  • Squeaks may occur due to metal joints.
  • Not suitable for newborns.

Spring-loaded on independent blocks

How to choose a children's mattress

Such models are based on a large number of vertically arranged springs, which are completely isolated from one another. Each of them is in a separate case and the work of the spirals is independent, since they are independent of each other. Due to this, it is possible to achieve an excellent orthopedic effect. During the child's sleep, the body is supported in all areas by separate springs. The body does not collapse, there is no hammock effect in the middle of the mattress.


  • An excellent choice in terms of orthopedic action.
  • The design provides optimal back support.
  • Models do not sag over time and can last for many years.
  • An excellent choice for a child from 3 years old.


  • High pricing policy, the cost of the product will be in the range of 1.5-30 thousand rubles.
  • Poor air permeability.

Options for choosing a children's mattress

Knowing the main types of models, you should figure out which one is better to choose for a child. To do this, parents must understand the basic parameters that you need to look at when buying.


After choosing the type of mattress, you need to immediately focus on the size. To do this, you need to know what the dimensions of the bed are, otherwise bumps or free cavities may appear. The maximum gap that can be between the elements of the bed is 4 cm.

Many elements of furniture for children are made according to accepted standards, which allows the manufacturer to make mattresses of the same size. The most popular options are 120x60, 125x65 and 140x70 cm. These sizes are suitable for newborns and slightly older children.

The dimensions are easier to choose, it is more difficult to determine the thickness of the product, especially for the frameless type. It should be emphasized right away that the higher the surface, the more mass can be sustained. Experts recommend using the following data:

  • For children from 0 to 3 years old, models 5-12 cm should be selected.
  • From 3 to 7 years old, a thickness of 10-15 cm is suitable.
  • Anyone over 12 years old can sleep on adult mattresses with a height of 15-20 cm.


This part should be made only of natural material that can "breathe". It is recommended to choose jacquard, linen or cotton. It is best to give preference to a removable model, which allows you to remove the cover at any time for washing.

Child's age

This value is more caused not by the weight of the baby, as is commonly believed in the circle of many parents, but by the parameters of body development. In children who are just born, the skeleton is not yet formed and the bones are very soft, full formation takes place in a few years. At this time, the main thing is to choose hard mattresses, where the rest will be spent. Only then will optimal vertebra support be achieved. It is worth remembering that the younger the age, the harder the surface should be selected.

Mattress fillers

One of the most important parameters for choosing a mattress is the filler as well as the top layer. Materials should not provoke allergies, are characterized by environmentally friendly cleanliness, as well as a long service life. In addition, they must provide good moisture absorption and air circulation. If there are orthopedic properties, this will be only a plus. In general, almost all materials for children's mattresses are natural and have the desired qualities. The only difference is that they are more or less pronounced.

Coconut fiber (coir)

This is a natural filler that can be considered the best among the rest. It is characterized by antibacterial qualities, in addition, it does not provoke allergies. It has optimal elasticity and rigidity, so it is possible to correctly distribute the body's load.

The fibers do not intertwine very tightly, which allows moisture to wick away without accumulating in the mattress and gives better ventilation. Coira also helps with thermoregulation, so children don't get cold in winter and don't sweat in summer. Coconut fibers for padding are the ideal choice for babies of all ages from birth.


During the manufacture of mattresses, manufacturers can use natural or synthetic material. Both options provide the required stiffness, they are elastic, due to which they are considered the basis of filling and are often used as an interlayer that covers springs. This helps to achieve the desired anatomical characteristics, since during sleep, the product completely follows the curves of the body and provides support, even distribution of loads. Latex is considered an environmentally friendly material that does not provoke allergies, it has good durability and optimal thermoregulation.

Polyurethane foam

This type of packing appeared as a result of manufacturers seeking cheaper latex analogues. We can assume that the raw materials are improved foam rubber, which is characterized by almost the same qualities as latex, but less durability.


Quite good stuffing with vertical fibers, which belongs to the category of foam rubber. The raw material is artificial, but perfectly breathable, characterized by optimal rigidity, which gives normal support for the vertebra.


It is a wool based raw material, it is quite soft, very warm and has positive effects on the baby. The only limitation can be considered a ban on the use of material for children who have allergies. Such a mattress can cause unpleasant reactions. Since the felt is soft, it does not provide the required rigidity; it is used only as an intermediate layer between the cover and the springs.

Other materials

For children's mattresses, seaweed, buckwheat husks, and other non-woven materials can be used. All of them show themselves well during use, but they are sold less often, and the cost is more expensive than the other options described. The main disadvantage is that they lose their original shape.

Finally, it is worth highlighting materials prohibited for children, among them ordinary foam rubber with a minimum service life, cotton wool, which begins to stray, collects a lot of moisture, and then rots, as well as Memory Foam, which does not allow air to pass through well.

Which children's mattress to choose

In conclusion, we can draw a conclusion based on the recommendations of experts in choosing a mattress:

  • It is better for all children who are just born to choose models of the springless type with a hard inner filler. Coir or seaweed is best, but there may be other natural materials. This allows you to get not only excellent support for the back, but also provides an improvement in the immune system, eliminates allergies and the possibility of its development, and also prevents diaper rash. For newborns, the optimal bed height will be 5-10 cm. It is also recommended to focus on the cover, it will be more convenient and functional to choose a removable model to take it off for washing, even with constant use of diapers.
  • A child under 3 years old can buy options a little softer, for example, many parents prefer coir, but it is already supplemented with latex or polymer. Such combined products perfectly restore their shape after sleep, which is achieved by dense padding. In addition, the product will provide good support for the spine and skeleton as a whole. The optimal thickness is 8-12 cm.
  • For preschoolers under 7 years old, pediatricians recommend continuing to use the combined options, but as a result of the rapid growth, parents have to completely change the bed and equip a new resting place. In this case, a replacement of the mattress is required, it is allowed to use models with a bonnel spring block, best of all of different degrees of rigidity. It is permissible to buy coconut fiber on one side and polyurethane foam or struttofiber on the other side. The height of the mattress can be 10-15 cm.
  • Spring options with independent blocks are suitable for children 7-12 years old, in which the packing will be slightly softer, but with medium hardness. Foam rubber and latex are used as fillers. In this case, parents need to take into account the child's posture, therefore, when choosing a specific model, it is better to go for a consultation with an orthopedist.

In adolescence, children are considered adults, for such people you need to buy a mattress based on personal characteristics, body weight and lifestyle. For example, everyone who has back problems is advised to choose rigid models made from plant and natural fibers. For dense people with excess weight, experts advise using spring blocks. In the case of the rapid growth of a teenager who may have VSD, it will be necessary to buy latex models, the entire surface will not squeeze the vessels.

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