How to choose a freezer

A freezer is a convenient and functional household appliance that must be selected correctly and carefully to be sure of its reliability and long service life. It will be a shame if a large batch of vegetables and fruits for the winter are spoiled. The article describes the basic recommendations on how to choose a freezer for the home, and also indicates its main parameters, functions and other useful data.

The principle of operation and the device of the freezer

The main components of freezers are the following:

  1. Compressor.
  2. Evaporator.
  3. Capacitor.
  4. Tube system.
  5. Drip pipe.

Domestic models include a coil-shaped evaporator. The part is placed inside the camera, and the capacitor itself will be on the back of the camera. A closed pipeline system is also created, through which the refrigerant moves, it is also freon. Such contents are constantly changing their structure from liquid to gas. To perform the necessary movement of freon, a compressor is used, which, according to work, allows you to replace the pump and gives a certain pressure in specific sections of the system.

The cooling itself is performed by the following method. A compressor is used to compress the refrigerant in gaseous form to high pressure. As a result, the gas enters the condenser, where it is cooled and converted to liquid form. In this state, the liquid flows through the throttle, and the pressure decreases with temperature.

Further, there will be a transition to the evaporator using a capillary pipe with a sharp drop in pressure. Freon begins to boil, evaporate and transform into gas. Heat is absorbed during its evaporation. Moving along the pipeline, the refrigerant cools the air in the middle of the chamber by absorbing heat.

Top freezer manufacturers

The main parameter for freezers is their reliability - this is the main parameter that you need to pay attention to when choosing. You should buy a product from trusted brands that have been working on the market for many years and know all the details very well. Among the best firms are:

  • Liebherr;
  • LG;
  • Bosch;
  • Kaiser.

In addition to the companies described, there are domestic ones that can offer high-quality and reliable equipment that has served for years without any problems: Pozis ("Sviryaga") and "Biryusa". If you want to buy not a camera, but a whole chest, then it is recommended to look at companies that manufacture just such equipment, since you cannot find laris from any brand, because they are not included in the assortment. The best of them are Frostor or "Snezh", and among the companies that deal with household appliances, there are: Liebherr, Hansa, Candy.

How much does the freezer cost

An equally important factor when deciding which freezer to choose will be the cost of the equipment.The main influence on the price is provided by the size and some options. In this case, the selection is carried out based on the needs of each person.

Inexpensive models of freezers, which are characterized by standard functionality and chambers up to 100 liters, can be bought from 10,000 rubles. The average price will be 15-20 thousand rubles. and this technique is sufficient for urban conditions, apartments, so the devices are very popular. If the volume is about 200 liters, then the price starts from 17,000 rubles, and for models similar to ordinary refrigerators you need to pay from 25 thousand rubles.

In the middle price range, there are options for which the price will be up to 30,000 rubles. Such equipment is characterized by large dimensions and additional functions. It is recommended to buy for a family of 3-4 people. This segment also includes lari with 500 liters, which will be from 25 thousand rubles.

If you need to buy a small-sized camera for installation under the countertop in the kitchen, then the cost of the device will be from 18,000 rubles. In the most expensive segment with a large number of functions and options, you can single out devices from 40 thousand rubles. and more. The volume will be about 300 liters, they are characterized by a beautiful appearance, a large number of functions and a number of innovative additions that simplify operation.

Types of freezers for home

The freezer for the home can be of different types, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with all the options before buying in order to choose the best one for yourself.

Freezer with horizontal loading

How to choose a freezer

Such devices are called chests and are most suitable for long-term preservation of food. They are in demand among summer residents, mushroom pickers, fishermen and hunters who make large supplies. The devices are characterized by a horizontal door for loading, as well as rectangular shapes. The cover is located at the top.

Often, such products can be seen in shops or grocery stores and other firms. As a result of the volumetric dimensions, the installation is difficult to perform in the apartment, since the kitchens are often small, in addition, the equipment visually looks ugly against the general background of the interior. Often, the devices are placed on balconies, in garages or in a summer kitchen in the country.

If it is necessary for ordinary household use, it will be enough to choose devices with a working volume of 100-400 liters. Manufacturers can equip goods with several baskets for more convenient organization, and if necessary, sections can be purchased.


  • The volume inside is very large, and when compared with vertical devices, the indicator increases by 10-15%.
  • Optimal current consumption.
  • The lid of the chest always closes as tightly as possible due to its weight. This helps to eliminate the loss of cold, even with frequent opening does not affect the storage of food.
  • The horizontal cover absorbs less heat.
  • If the light is turned off, the chests will keep the cold inside longer than vertical units.


  • Inconvenient storage organization.
  • It takes up a lot of space, so the use of the area is inefficient.
  • It is inconvenient to store small-sized food in a package.

Top-loading freezer

How to choose a freezer

Visually, such devices do not differ from a classic refrigerator. Many manufacturers use a standard size, but there are small appliances that will be 60 cm high. Vertical freezers are often sold with a depth and width of 60 cm, which makes it possible to install the device in the kitchen.

The internal dimensions of the compartments are divided into several cells, which are isolated from each other. This helps to use them for different products, so you can stack meat, fish, vegetables and fruits. Many products are equipped with several drawers that slide out.


  • Small in size because the vertical configuration takes up less space than the horizontal type.
  • Front-facing doors for easy access to the camera and products in it.
  • If the loading of the ingredients is done correctly, then they are not mixed in the compartments, and the preservation will be as long as possible, without absorbing foreign odors.
  • The presence of shelves and drawers, which gives a more convenient organization of space inside.
  • Many chambers are equipped with boxes made of plastic, which has no coloring, which makes it possible to see the load level and the type of food when opening the door.
  • Attractive appearance when compared to horizontal installations.
  • Manufacturers implement the No Frost technology in the design, which eliminates the need for constant defrosting.


  • Overpriced in comparison with other types.
  • In some models with different sections, it will be difficult to fold large products.
  • Devices with drawers and sections take up a little useful volume.
  • High current consumption.

Built-in freezer

How to choose a freezer

It is not always possible to install a full-fledged chamber for freezing food in the kitchen, which can complement the interior. In this case, built-in models come to the rescue. Depending on the manufacturer, you can find compact devices of about 60 liters or large ones of 250 liters.


  • Additional insulation increases efficiency.
  • Almost no noise is heard during operation.
  • Perfectly complement the kitchen design.


  • Small volumes.
  • High price.

Freezer with static cooling system

How to choose a freezer

Such products have a traditional technology of operation, are used in many models of chests and some chambers of the vertical type. Air circulation is natural inside the chambers, but after a certain time icing of the walls appears. This is caused by the presence of moisture that gets inside from the food, as well as by frequently opening the lid or door.


  • Simple design that improves reliability.
  • There are no major requirements for food packaging.
  • Relatively low cost.


  • Ice appears inside.
  • From time to time it is necessary to manually defrost the chamber.

Freezer with No Frost system

How to choose a freezer

Such a system is present in almost all modern vertical models, but it is very difficult to find chests made using this technology. This implementation provides forced ventilation inside with a separate fan. Due to this, the moisture evaporates and periodically defrost the chamber for a short time to remove excess liquid inside. The water flows into the provided container, where it evaporates.


  • Excellent cooling with even temperature control inside.
  • Eliminates the need for manual defrosting. The user just needs to disconnect the equipment from the network once a year.
  • All reported products are quickly frozen, and without freezing to the walls or to each other.


  • High price.
  • High consumption of electricity.
  • Louder operation, which is caused by the operation of the fan.
  • Reducing the volume inside the freezer.
  • It is imperative to use an airtight container for food, otherwise the product will dehydrate.

Freezer selection options

Understanding the main parameters of the equipment will help you choose the right technique for freezing food.


This value indicates the amount of food that can be placed in the chamber. Often, for domestic conditions, options for 100-500 liters are proposed, but it should be borne in mind that the larger the chamber size, the higher the current consumption.

Freezing capacity

The power of the technique depends on the internal volume, using the indicator you can find out the performance of the cold. This parameter is performed using a compressor, and insulation of the walls of the freezer is also important. Many companies can offer products with a capacity of 4 kg of products for freezing per day to 35.

If food is bought or appears quite rarely, but in large quantities, then devices with a high power should be chosen.


Modern apparatus is controlled by 3 methods:

  1. Electronic - considered the most modern and very convenient type, which will allow you to set precise settings for the freezer. On the case there are indicators, an informative screen for selecting a function or mode. Devices with this control unit are often protected against network surges.
  2. Electromechanical - the control is simple and more reliable, the settings are made using a thermostat, but the user cannot choose the exact readings.
  3. Mechanical - this type of control is performed using conventional switches, is characterized by a high degree of reliability, simplicity and low cost, but the consumer cannot make precise settings.

Freezing class

In the description of any freezer, manufacturers indicate the class of freezing, which is prescribed by asterisks. This allows you to set the temperature and shelf life for food inside the chambers.

  • * - up to -6 ° C, 1 week;
  • ** - up to -12 ° C, up to 4 weeks;
  • *** - up to -18 ° C, up to 3 months;
  • **** - from -24 ° C, up to 12 months.

The more stars, the better the food will be preserved and also the more nutritional value. Low grades give slow freezing and food structure can be damaged.

Battery life

This value tells you how long the camera can keep the interior cold if the lights are turned off. This will save food for a longer time without electricity. Based on the manufacturer and model, the period is 7-45 hours.

Additional features and functions

Before buying a freezer, you should read the instructions, as it may indicate certain additions in the form of useful functions. You need to know at least a little about them, since this will allow you to more accurately select the technique.

  • Low Frost - this designation will indicate a design feature of the evaporator, which helps to reduce temperature fluctuations, so there will be less ice inside the chamber.
  • Stop Frost is a special technology that makes defrosting easier. All liquid will drain onto the plate, which is characterized by high thermal conductivity, and all ice will be easily removed.
  • "Super freezing" is a separate mode, which involves quick freezing of food. Inside the chamber, when the function is turned on, the maximum temperature drop occurs. This is convenient if you plan to freeze a large amount of food as soon as possible. The option must be turned on 24 hours before the start of loading, this makes it possible to achieve stable operation of the compressor. It must be remembered that the regular use of such a regime reduces the operating period.
  • Air purification - a special system that is equipped with a charcoal filter and helps purify the air inside the chamber so that food does not absorb foreign odors.
  • Door open notification - an option that beeps if the door is loose.
  • Removable door - equipment with a similar element is more convenient to use. This allows the user to change the opening side, but this function is only available for vertical models. The choice will be able to please the client with the versatility of the installation. Each person himself will be able to choose the side of the opening, so the installation can be carried out in any part of the room, regardless of the walls.
  • Climate class - marking can be on SN or N. Such devices are made for countries where there is a temperate climate (Russia). The devices will be able to work normally even at a room temperature of 32 degrees. For hotter conditions, refer to the ST or T.
  • Auto-save cold is a great feature where lights are often turned off. A separate cold accumulator is installed in the devices, which must be initially placed inside. As soon as the electricity is lost, the preservation of the frozen food can be extended up to 2 days. The dimensions of the chambers are irrelevant for this indicator.
  • The indicator light is a separate device on the case, which will show the maximum time, how long the door can be opened without harm to the contents, and also shows when the period ends. This option will allow you to monitor the temperature indicators.
  • Blocking is a protective function that will be useful if there are children in the house. With its help, the controls are completely blocked, which excludes the possibility of camera malfunction. In addition, the option is convenient for locking against accidental pressing of the buttons.

Which freezer for home to choose

As a conclusion and summary of all the information presented, you can draw the following conclusions using the advice of experts:

  • For an ordinary family, which is used to storing semi-finished products, as well as small amounts of vegetables and fruits for the winter, models with chambers of 150-200 liters are enough.
  • Summer residents, gardeners, mushroom pickers who constantly stock up in large volumes should pay attention to chambers with 300 liters.
  • For a family of 4 people, it is recommended to buy devices with a freezing capacity of 6-12 kg per day.
  • Lovers of meat and fish, as well as dog breeders, should use lari, designed for about 300 liters. It is in them that it is convenient to store such products.
  • In order for the kitchen to be as harmonious as possible and each element complements each other, you should focus on small devices that can be built into furniture or placed under the countertop.

The described recommendations, as well as an understanding of the principle of operation and the device of freezers, will help to simplify the choice of household appliances for a summer residence, at home or for other needs.

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How to choose