How to choose a good water filter

In the modern world, almost no one can be surprised by bottled water. However, very few people know that this is far from the purest water. It is not extracted from springs or wells. This is regular tap water that goes through a cleaning process. Therefore, knowledgeable people have long been using such an invention as a filter. Many people wonder how to choose a good water filter.

There is no reason to buy bottled water as it will simply be a waste of money. It is enough just to purchase a filter in your home that will purify your tap water. However, do not think that everything is so simple. In order to install the filter, you will need not only to smash your head over which one to buy is best, so that it is inexpensive and purifies the water efficiently, but also over its immediate installation. In addition, you will need to select the correct cartridges for your filter. And their choice varies from 1 to 6. So before using clean water, you will need to try hard.

Which filter manufacturer should you prefer?

In specialized stores, all water filters are often similar in appearance to each other. However, you can only feel the difference when you use these filters. The fact is that with the same amount of filtered water, one cartridge can last you a whole year, and the other only a few months.

For this reason, it is really necessary to approach the choice of the manufacturer as carefully as possible. Among modern filter manufacturers, there are several main ones that produce really high-quality products:

  • New water.
  • Barrier.
  • Atoll.
  • Aquaphor.
  • Geyser.

These companies produce filters of various types. Some belong to more budgetary models, while others may not only be expensive, but also require additional costs of effort and money for installation. However, the more powerful the filter, the less often you will need to change cartridges, which means that all consumables will be used as economically as possible.

Therefore, before you wonder which water filter is better to choose, evaluate your capabilities. If you have already dealt with something similar, then you yourself can make the installation, but in some cases it would be best to invite a specialist. However, there are filters that do not require any special knowledge. In fact, you can use them immediately after purchase.

What types of filters are there

Currently, there is a huge selection of water filters. Some are more compact and designed to filter a small amount of water every day, while others are designed to filter on a large scale. For home everyday use, filters are suitable for you, which do not take up much space, and can also pass a small amount of water through them.


How to choose a good water filter

The water jug ​​filter is the most mobile and convenient type of filter to use. Outwardly, they represent a transparent container, which is covered with a plastic two-level lid.In fact, another container is placed inside the transparent jug, in the center of which a cartridge is installed. It is this cartridge that serves to ensure that you drink purified water. It functions as follows: you pour water into a container that is placed inside a transparent jug and wait literally 5-10 minutes. Water, passing through the filter, is purified, and then drains into a transparent container.

Such a container itself consists of a polymer body, and the insert is made of plastic. The filter itself is a cartridge that must be changed periodically. You don't have to wait for the water to drain completely from the plastic insert into the jug itself, as fresh portions of water will be refilled as you consume water. If you only need a glass, you can not wait long, and later just add water to the plastic insert so that you always have clean water when you need it.

Depending on the composition of the water you are filtering, you need to use different types of cartridges. Among them, there are such types as:

  • cartridges with the main element in the form of activated carbon;
  • cartridges with special resins in which ions are exchanged;
  • there are also cartridges that belong to the health group and contain fluoride;
  • filters with disinfecting properties;
  • filters that remove excess iron from the water so it doesn't get too hard.

Keep in mind that although this type of filter is quite budgetary, you need to remember that you still have to spend money on consumables. For example, you can change the filters themselves both within a few months, and once every six months or a year. It all depends on what kind of filter you prefer to choose.


  • such filters can boast of their effectiveness, since the device of the cartridges themselves allows you to filter the water with high quality, leaving all unnecessary elements inside it;
  • there is no need to connect such a filter to the water supply, which determines the mobility of such a filter, in addition, you can rearrange it at any time wherever you want, especially since it weighs a little and is very compact;
  • you can choose the filter volume you need, so manufacturers offer their customers from 1 liter to 5 liters;
  • the plastics used in the manufacture of such a filter are food grade, so you do not need to worry that the materials used by the manufacturer can somehow affect the chemical composition of the water;
  • using such a filter is quite simple, just pour water into it and wait a little;
  • at their cost, such filters are among the most budgetary, and they also have a rather stylish design, so they will look very useful in your kitchen (it remains only to choose the color of the plastic insert so that it matches the color of your interior).


  • a rather low rate of water purification, since you will have to wait some more time for the water to glass (it usually oozes through the filter in a thin stream);
  • every month and a half you will have to change the cartridge, although there are those that will last for several months, but they clog up rather quickly;
  • in the end, you will have quite a lot of expenses for such a filter, taking into account all the replacements of consumables throughout the year.

This filter is best used for purifying water that is not heavily contaminated. For water with significant contamination, it is better to use a more powerful filter. Often, jugs are used for domestic purposes to purify tap water, and even then you will not be able to clean very large volumes in one go. The amount of water in this case will be strictly limited.

Attachment on the crane

How to choose a good water filter

You will not waste a lot of effort if you install a special nozzle on the tap.Thanks to it, you will be able not only to qualitatively purify the water that flows from your tap, but also to save it to some extent. Such nozzles can have different designs, but they have the same principle of operation. If the jug is a storage filter, then this one refers directly to the flow filter. If the jug occupies a certain place in your kitchen, although it is not very large, but you still have to put it somewhere, then the nozzle does not require a separate space for itself, since it is attached immediately to the tap.

This solution is quite convenient, in addition, you can purchase a filter with interesting design solutions. Not only will the filter itself look very stylish and best fit your kitchen interior, but it can also have some effects. For example, in the modern world, filters have become quite common, which, passing water through themselves, illuminate it in different colors. If your kitchen is designed in an ultra-modern style, then you might like this solution very much.

By themselves, filters of this type are small cylinders made of plastic or metal alloy, in which, for example, activated carbon or sorbent is placed. There is also a porous mineral that is located in different corners of this filter. The mineral is pre-crushed and poured inside. It has excellent absorbent properties, so it quickly removes all excess particles. More modern models can be moved slightly to the side and operated with a divertor.

In a minute, these filters can clean up to 0.5 liters of water. They can be both disposable, that is, after some time after installation, they become unusable and therefore have to be unscrewed back and thrown away, or reusable. Reusable ones are also called collapsible ones, that is, such filters can be disassembled into components if necessary, and then simply replace the internal elements so that the filter starts working again like a clock.


  • such a filter is able to filter out quite a lot of water in a short time, relatively more than a jug will do;
  • a rather high resource by modern standards - about 5000 liters of water;
  • there is no need to tie such a device directly to the water supply system, it is just enough to screw such a device to the tap;
  • a portable thing, since it does not require a separate place for placement, but is immediately attached directly to the crane, so that later it will be quite convenient to disassemble and replace the internal components;
  • you can install such a miracle yourself, even if you have never dealt with such devices before, in addition, installation can take you literally a few minutes;
  • quite affordable price for such a device.


  • it is quite difficult to choose the optimal water pressure, so you will have to suffer a little with the settings;
  • if you use disposable filters, then they are rather impractical, because they cannot serve for a long time, and their replacement, especially frequent ones, will cost you a pretty penny;
  • if you set the pressure incorrectly, then with rather small streams it will be difficult for you to wash the dishes;
  • at first it will be quite difficult to get used to such a filter, since the water pressure will change dramatically.

At its core, the nozzle is not very different from the jug, since the principle of the filters for such devices is the same. The difference between a jug and a nozzle is that the nozzle is more efficient and can handle more water than the jug.

In addition, it is quite compact and the installation principle is very simple. you can use such filters not only at home, but also in the country or even on a business trip or just on vacation. If necessary, you can simply remove this filter from your tap and move it wherever you like.

System "under the sink"

Such a system is used in order to purify water with more serious pollution. If a jug or nozzle is used to clean a small amount of not the most dirty water, then just such a system is designed to purify water that has significant contamination.

The most convenient application of such a filter is the case when the water has changed color, as well as if a certain smell comes from it. All these factors may indicate that the water needs cleaning, but even after passing through this filter, highly contaminated water should not be consumed. It is used for other purposes, such as washing dishes or taking a shower.

This type of filter directly communicates with the water supply, so you need to think in advance about the installation method before buying. If you yourself have not dealt with such devices before, then it is better to leave this matter to a professional, since if installed incorrectly, a filter of this type will be practically useless.

In addition, it is necessary to select certain filters in order to properly connect such devices to the water supply. The creation of local treatment facilities requires some preparation and a lot of time. However, remember that these are the filters that will ultimately prove to be more effective than portable filters.

It is best to install such filters directly under the sink. This place is not conspicuous, and there the filter itself will not interfere. A special container is mounted under a special mixer into which all clean water will drain. In addition, the tap itself is neatly connected to such a filter so that you can consume purified water directly from the tap.

The total number of columns can be several. Can be installed as one or six. The installation sequence for such speakers is as follows:

  1. The column is responsible for mechanical water purification, that is, you yourself control the water purification process.
  2. Sorption absorption, due to which all unnecessary and bad substances are absorbed with the help of substances installed inside.
  3. Small amounts of iron and salts are removed from the water so that it is not too hard.
  4. One of the devices disinfects water, since after the cleaning processes, substances or microorganisms still remain that can spoil the water.
  5. The device softens the water a little so that it tastes good.
  6. All excess iron is removed from the water, even if a similar process has already been carried out before, since sometimes iron is not removed in sufficient quantities.
  7. The water is enriched with special minerals so that drinking it is not only pleasant, but also healthy.
  8. General conditioning of the water is carried out.

A special additional device can also be installed under the sink, which contributes to the fact that the water is 99% purified. This makes the water practically distilled. All unnecessary and harmful substances are removed from it, it becomes not so hard, and it also has no smell, taste or excess salts.

Such filtration is carried out using a special membrane that is installed directly inside the filter itself. It is similar in function to that used in attachments, but larger and more efficient. When water passes through such a membrane, it allows only pure H molecules to pass through2A. The structure of such a membrane includes the following elements:

  • a connector that helps to hold all unnecessary elements and separate them directly from the water itself;
  • this device uses only filters with deep and hard cleaning, since more polluted water requires completely different conditions, besides, in addition to special minerals, it also includes activated carbon;
  • a storage tank in which already filtered water accumulates;
  • mineralizer that fills the water with useful minerals;
  • there is a collapsible tap through which water flows directly into the filter.


  • such filters carry out only deep cleaning, so the water that comes out after processing is absolutely safe for consumption, both for food and for many other purposes;
  • such filters often have a fairly high performance, so you can keep supplies of clean water just in case, this property can be especially useful when the water is turned off in the near future;
  • after installation, you will not even notice such a filter, since it will be under the sink and practically will not catch your eye, which determines the aesthetics of the installation;
  • if necessary, you can install such a system completely independently, but if necessary, you should still invite a specialist if you are not sure that you can do everything correctly;
  • buying such a filter will pay off pretty quickly, because if you buy bottled water, it will cost you several times more;
  • if you purchased such a filter from a trusted manufacturer, then it will serve you for a long time, so you need to be especially careful when choosing the company from which you are going to purchase such a device.


  • since water that has been purified becomes distilled, its use is quite harmful to human health, so it is not recommended to drink completely purified water in large quantities;
  • prices for this kind of filters are quite high, therefore, in terms of availability, such filters are far from being in the first place;
  • maintenance of such equipment will subsequently be quite expensive.

Installation and operation in the future will take you quite a lot of money, so it is recommended to install such devices in apartments or private houses for home use only if the level of pollution is quite high. Otherwise, you can safely get by with nozzles on the faucet or jugs.

Remember that distilled water can only be used for cosmetic and medical purposes. In addition, it is good for diluting the acid in the battery and will also be useful for heating systems in the home. It is practically not suitable for eating, because it will be "none". Odorless, tasteless and slightly harsh. Therefore, it is not recommended for drinking, or you can use it in small quantities.

What parameters to focus on when choosing a filter

If you need to use the filter on a daily basis, then the jug is best for you, since it is quite mobile and does not take up much space. In addition, after you have filtered the water, you can immediately pour it into the kettle, for example, in order to make your morning coffee. However, remember that such a filter is only suitable for water that is slightly contaminated.

If your tap water is poor, then it is better to use more powerful systems. However, in order to filter a simple tap from the tap every day in small quantities, such a device is just perfect.

To do this, choose universal cartridges that are suitable for replacing the old one in such a filter.

In the event that you need high performance from the filter, as well as a high cleaning speed, then it would be best to choose a nozzle for the faucet. In addition, such a solution will suit those who do not like to litter or clutter up excess space. It will be enough just to install this part on the tap and enjoy clean water. However, in this case, you will have to suffer a lot with the subsequent installation and cleaning of the filter itself.

The fact is that subsequently such installations tend to get dirty, so you will have to disassemble and clean such a filter with your own hands.Using disposable nozzles will also not be the best way out of the situation, since it is on the bottom that you will spend more than on the subsequent installation of the disassembled nozzles.

However, if you still need to install the nozzle, then, first of all, take a closer look at the manufacturer whose products you want to purchase.

In the event that you decide to install a column, then keep in mind that you will need to spend money on a special coarse filter. The fact is that if the water in your tap is heavily polluted, you will have to bring it to a more or less decent level. Therefore, only a coarse cleaning device can save such water.

After that, this water is driven through the filter itself and filled with the required amount of useful minerals, if a mineralizer is built into the filter itself. However, it is worth bothering about relatively powerful treatment facilities only if it is really advisable. There is no point in spending money on a column or on a special installation if such water in your tap can be easily cleaned by the same nozzle.

Depending on the composition of your water, you need to prefer different types of filters. It is best to use a line filter. Such a device has a cylindrical shape and is often made of either plastic, metal alloy, or plastic. Such a device is specially cut into the pipeline, and also passes about 20 liters or 50 liters of water through itself.

Sometimes such a device is made of steel or brass. It is designed to retain particles such as sand or dust. Therefore, it is installed specifically in order to remove all unnecessary substances from the water, since after passing through the pipes it is able to absorb a lot of all kinds of nasty things.

Even if you have quality water from wells or springs, then remember that transportation takes place through outdated or even somewhat corroded pipes. Therefore, no matter how clean they are initially, you will still have polluted water at the exit. The degree of pollution will depend solely on how old the pipes through which it flows are. It is worth remembering that for stubborn dirt, you need a powerful filter, and the nozzle or jug ​​will not be able to cope with large dirt.

Therefore, even if initially the water was artesian, then in the end you will have to bring it to its original state. So use for these purposes special installations that are able to remove everything, even the smallest contaminants in the water. The most optimal solution in this case would be a special column with ion exchange resin. It is thanks to her that you can remove not only all the contaminants that the water received during transportation through untreated pipes, but also extract chromium, excess iron or strontium.

In order for the water to be somewhat softened, it is recommended to use an ion exchange resin, which is placed in a cartridge. After the water has been roughly cleaned, it becomes quite harsh, so you will need to soften it a little to keep it drinkable.

Activated carbon has sufficient efficiency for water purification, therefore, before buying a filter, be sure to make sure that this substance is present in the cartridge. This is especially true for such types of filters as jugs. They are not the most powerful purifiers, but it is activated carbon that allows them to filter as much water as possible and do it as efficiently as possible.

It should be remembered that the activated carbon cartridges must be thoroughly cleaned if it is a nozzle for a tap, and also constantly replaced if it is a jug. Activated carbon is produced from wood residues as well as coconut shells.This substance not only absorbs all unnecessary and harmful substances that can accumulate in the water, but also remove chlorine residues or other organic substances unnecessary in the water. It can also soften the water a little.

However, if you need to purify water as quickly and better as possible, then membrane purifiers will be the right choice for you. They are able to quickly remove all unnecessary and harmful components from your drinking water. However, keep in mind that these types of cleaners will cost several times more than other alternative cleaning methods.

At the same time, membrane purifiers do not allow practically any pollutant to pass through, no matter how small it may be, so if in your case the situation with water becomes catastrophic, then it is best to spend a little more, but buy exactly the device that will help you. However, membrane cleaners also need to be carefully monitored, periodically checked and cleaned.

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How to choose