How to choose a sling

A sling is a special carrier for babies so that the baby feels comfortable and the mother does not worry about his safety. However, not all carriers are specifically sling. Therefore, many mothers have the question of how to choose a sling so as not to be mistaken. As a rule, only those carriers that are made of fabric are considered to be slings. Most kangaroo bags, as well as small backpacks, do not belong to them.

Among the varieties of sling there are such as a scarf, a special design on rings, and a may-sling. Moreover, when a mother is interested in which sling is better to choose, they try to find out both the advantages and disadvantages of this type of carriers for the baby. It is very important to know all the characteristics before buying, because, first of all, you need to worry about the comfort and well-being of the child.

Which company to choose when buying a sling

Before choosing a sling for a newborn baby, you need to decide on the manufacturer of such a carrier. Currently, there are a huge number of companies that are engaged in the production of this type of carriers, so it is rather difficult to navigate independently in this area. However, there are several companies that are clear leaders in this area, so one of them should clearly be given preference. These companies are the following:

  • Didymos;
  • VMeste;
  • Hoppediz;
  • BabyHawk;
  • Ellevill.

When you choose a sling, remember that this is a product that is used for your child, therefore, the product must in any case have a quality certificate, as well as the appropriate medical opinion that this device is safe and will not cause irritation or an allergic reaction in your child. ... At the first request of the buyer, all serious firms that are engaged in this area are obliged to provide all the necessary documentation so that the consumer can make sure that he is purchasing a really high-quality item.

In addition, when you choose a manufacturer of slings, be sure to check the presence of a catalog with the company's logo, since any self-respecting company must have a similar form of presentation of its products.

How the sling works and how to use it

Before wondering which sling to choose for a newborn, you need to understand the principle of operation of this device, and also have an idea of ​​how it looks.

A sling is a specially wrapped fabric that holds the baby in place. Moreover, it can be completely different lengths and colors. The sling works in the following way: the mother ties it on herself as it is convenient for her, while leaving a place for a special "pocket" in which she then places her child. At the same time, the fabric itself should not be too loose so that the child does not fall out, and also should not sit too tight for the baby to be comfortable.

By the way, this way of carrying a child goes back to ancient times, because in this way the mother could free her hands and go about her daily affairs. however, she did not let the child out of her sight.In addition, it is the sling that is analogous to the hands, since it allows the child to maintain a natural posture when worn correctly. Therefore, the sling is a versatile means of carrying your little one. You can feel comfortable with him in transport, as well as in a store or in other public places.

In addition, during the position in the sling, the child evenly distributes his body weight in a natural position, which is supported by this structure. This does not create additional pressure on the spine, as it does in baby carriers, so the sling is a more versatile means of safely carrying the baby.

What types of slings are

Many mothers, from the very first days of the child, are wondering which sling to choose, so that both they feel comfortable and their baby feels comfortable. Currently, there are several basic types of sling that are universal.

Sling scarf

This type of sling is a fabric, the size of which can vary depending on the physique or height of the mother. They are usually between four and six meters long. The width reaches 80 cm. The versatility of this product lies in the fact that the mother can position the child where it is convenient for her, while the baby himself will not feel unnecessary discomfort. For example, the child will feel great not only on the stomach, but also in the back or hips of the mother.

It is quite simple to tie such a scarf, just throw it over yourself several times and fix it properly. Moreover, this variety has another important feature - such a scarf is attached to two shoulders at the same time, so the load on the mother will be fairly uniform.

If you are using such a carrier for a newly born baby, then this sling will be an excellent replacement for his cradle, so that the child may not even notice the difference. And if your child has already grown up, then you can easily carry him on his back or side, while not worrying that this will cause him discomfort.


  • in the process of wearing, the load is evenly distributed over the shoulders;
  • a child, both a newborn and a slightly older one, will feel comfortable in such a carrier;
  • the legs of your child will not dangle and interfere with him or his mother;
  • in this type of sling it will be quite convenient to carry the child without experiencing unnecessary discomfort.


  • you must first practice a little to learn how to properly tie such a sling;
  • in order to fix this type of sling as firmly as possible, additional time is required.

Ring sling

How to choose a sling

This sling is also a small canvas, however, in this case, rings act as the main fastening. In length, this type of sling can reach two meters, and the width does not exceed, as a rule, 70 cm. The rings are located at the ends so that you can conveniently fasten such a fabric. The whole structure is attached only to one shoulder of the mother, but this does not in the least take away the reliability of such a sling.

The sling functions in such a way that the fabric is pushed through special rings, so that the mother can adjust the position of the fabric from time to time, either by loosening it, or vice versa, pulling it so that it is convenient not only for her, but also for the child. In this case, the position of the child can also be changed, either by sitting him vertically, or by laying him in a horizontal position. In addition, the mother can carry the baby both on her stomach and around the hips, or on her back.


  • you can very quickly and effortlessly adjust the length and tightness of the scarf;
  • there is no need to specially bandage the sling for your baby to feel comfortable;
  • if you need to remove your little one from the sling, you can do it effortlessly.


  • the sling is tied on one side, so the load on the mother's body is distributed somewhat unevenly;
  • you have to constantly change the shoulder on which the sling is tied, as the mother's body quickly gets tired.


How to choose a sling

Such a device is a special square fabric pocket, which is hung in front of the mother's belly so that she can always see her child. There are special garters in every corner, thanks to which the child sits in this device as securely as possible, so his mother can feel that he is safe. In addition, it is quite convenient to follow the child.

This design is attached to the mother's shoulders and to her sides thanks to the sewn-in straps, so that the weight is distributed not only on the shoulders, but also on the body itself. The lower straps are attached directly to the mother's waist, and the upper strips of fabric are securely fixed on her shoulders.

In this case, you yourself can choose the fabric of which this design will consist. In this regard, the choice of material is much wider than if you had chosen previous models. By its appearance, such a sling can be either monochromatic or with a variety of prints, so that it suits a much larger audience than the previous options. The fabric is often softer, so both mother and baby will feel comfortable.


  • due to the competent location, the load on the mother's body is distributed as evenly as possible;
  • the child feels great inside such a structure, especially if he sits upright;
  • it is very convenient for the mother to carry the child in this way both on her stomach and on her back, depending on how she will be calmer;
  • if the child has grown a little, then his weight that has appeared is practically not felt when using such structures for carrying.


  • if the mother wishes to breastfeed the baby, then in a horizontal position it will not be very convenient for the baby;
  • such carriers have significant restrictions on adjustment in a fixed state;
  • such structures are not intended for use on long walks, since not only the mother's back gets tired, but also the child himself.

What parameters should be followed when choosing a sling

In order to choose a high-quality and most comfortable sling. there are some parameters that need to be taken seriously that can have a significant impact on the comfort of you and your baby.

With regard to rings, it is worth saying that the very first requirement for them is strength. They need to be made from the most reliable materials such as steel or metal alloy. In diameter, they should be at least 8 cm and no more than 9 cm, since such parameters are the most optimal. Often, the diameter of the ring depends on what kind of fabric the manufacturers used. For example, for heavier fabrics, larger rings are used, and for lighter fabrics, the diameter can be reduced to 6 cm.

Keep in mind, however, that smaller rings are harder to adjust, so it's best to try before buying how comfortable that diameter will be. Before purchasing this or that model, be sure to try bending the rings a little to check how strong they are. The rings themselves should not bend at all, so consider this factor when choosing.

When buying a may-sling, be sure to pay attention to the straps, because when making them, manufacturers must use the most durable materials, and the straps themselves must be wide enough. Wide shoulder straps do not bite into the shoulders, so not only the mother, but also the child himself will be comfortable. This part of the sling should be within two to four meters, so that the design of the product itself does not hinder movement, but it would also be comfortable for the child to sit in the mother's arms.This length is most suitable for women of all sizes, but if your size starts from 54 and above, it is recommended to purchase a sling with straps wider and longer so that it fits comfortably enough on you.

When choosing a sling, be guided by whether you have a newborn baby, or he has already grown up. Often, the width of the back is from 30 cm to 40 cm. A newborn child will need the minimum size, but for an older child it is best to choose the maximum indicator, since otherwise it will be extremely inconvenient for him to be in such a carrier.

With regard to materials, it should be said that nothing is better than natural fabrics. No synthetics or artificial fibers that can cause irritation or an allergic reaction. This is especially true for newborns, whose skin is more sensitive and requires even more careful monitoring.

The most suitable fabrics for a sling will be knitwear, as well as jacquard fabric. It is these fabrics that will not harm either the child or the mother herself. Often, all natural fabrics are hypoallergenic, but there may be exceptions if you have individual points in relation to this.

In addition, knitted fabrics are quite soft, so it is recommended to use slings from it, however, for a grown child, it may not always be suitable, since the baby can sag in it, and this will not have the best effect on his posture in the future. Experts recommend taking care of the child's condition from now on, so the choice of a sling should be taken more than seriously.

Before buying, be sure to feel the fabric and look at it from all sides. It is best to purchase designs that are made of non-stretch fabrics. However, completely non-elastic fabrics are also not worth purchasing, since they can subsequently dig into your shoulders, and also bring discomfort to your child.

The best option would be a wicker fabric, which helps the mother move freely, but at the same time itself quite firmly fixes the child.

Sling cost

You can choose special designer slings that will look original, as the appearance of the item is specially designed for your tastes. In addition, individual tailoring is able to take into account all the features of your body, as well as the characteristics of your child, so the sling will be adjusted in all respects so that both the mother and her baby feel as comfortable as possible. However, keep in mind that these are the fabrics that are the most expensive. Their price can vary from 5 thousand rubles to 20 thousand rubles, especially if they are made of natural and valuable fabrics, for example, velvet or silk.

If we are talking about slings, which are made of the simplest fabrics like the same knitwear, as well as coarse calico, then its cost can be limited to 1500-2000 rubles. Moreover, you can find such models everywhere.

If you decide to choose a jacquard sling, then the price tag in this case can jump by half. The cost of acquiring such a design can range from 2 thousand to 4 thousand rubles, it all depends on the color, as well as the type of sling itself, since a different amount of fabric can be spent on different models.

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How to choose