How to choose a shower cabin

Showers are increasingly common in modern bathrooms, and this is not surprising, since such a thing is multifunctional. For example, you can not only take a shower and wash in it, but also enjoy a hydromassage or tidy yourself up with aroma or chromotherapy. In addition, shower stalls are equipped with modes such as sauna or bath mode. Some of them even have special water-resistant screens so that you can enjoy your favorite movies or TV shows while taking a shower. Therefore, many are interested in how to choose a shower stall.

Keep in mind that such devices are often very expensive, so there is a need to approach the choice of a shower cabin as carefully and seriously as possible. Such devices have a very complex structure and very impressive functionality, so before using you will have to figure out what's what in this or that model. In addition, there are currently a huge number of different models that have their own characteristics, so before buying you will need to consult with a specialist, which one is right for your bathroom.

Before choosing the right shower stall, measure your capabilities and desires. That is, the booth should not only meet your needs, but also easily fit in your bathroom. Some booths are designed for large bathrooms, while others are for smaller ones.

How to competently approach the choice of a booth manufacturer

Before thinking about which shower stall to choose, the buyer must definitely decide on the company that he would prefer in this sense. Currently, there are quite a few companies that are ready to offer the consumer such a device, but not all approach this issue as responsibly as possible. In some cases, you have to poke your fingers into the sky, because all the flaws of a particular model are not visible immediately, but are revealed only after a certain amount of time. However, the question of which is better to choose a stall for your bathroom can be decided almost immediately if you trust the professional brands in this area. Among them are the following companies:

  • IDO.
  • Jacuzzi.
  • AM.PM.
  • Radaway.
  • Luxus.

It will be enough for you to simply choose the model that suits you best. Moreover, it is advisable not to choose exactly that shower stall, which is too sophisticated, if you do not use this functionality. Otherwise, you will simply give away an extra amount of money that is not compensated in any way. This is the advice of a professional.

How the shower stall works, the principles of its functioning

Before choosing a shower cabin for your home, you will need to study the principles of its operation, so that if something suddenly happens, you can know exactly where it needs to be repaired. In addition, the shower cabin is a rather complex mechanism, therefore, in order to use it, it is necessary to find out its main functionality in advance.

In fact, any shower stall designed for the bathroom is designed in such a way that you can take water treatments in it in a standing or sitting position. The designs of such devices are very different, so for you, first of all, there is a choice of the design of the shower stall. Such devices are divided into separate types, which differ among themselves not only in functionality, but also in a variety of amenities, as well as installation features. Therefore, many users are worried about how to choose a shower enclosure for a small bathroom, as most of the buyers' bathrooms do not take up very much space. For such buyers, it is especially important to understand what kind of shower stalls there are. They, in turn, are divided into the following types:

  1. Closed showers. These are such booths that are hermetically sealed so that water does not spill onto the floor and flood your walls, since water in such devices splashes in different directions. In addition, these shower stalls come in a variety of shapes, so you can install them wherever you want. Often, such booths consist of a pallet, a frame, a special door, several panels and a fairly rich functionality. Such boxes are perfect for those who would not like to take up a lot of space in the bathroom with just a shower stall, but at the same time are ready to pay for a device in which you can not only take a shower, but also give yourself a massage or perform aromatherapy.
  2. Open showers. They have only side and front doors, as well as a shower head and a special mixer. The stream of water is directed towards two walls that have insulated spacers to prevent water seeping or dripping onto your floor.
  3. Combined showers. These showers have universal properties and functionality that combines the features of open and closed shower stalls. However, there are some improvements in the combined cabins, which have a waterproof floor, as well as a rather beautiful ladder, with which you can carefully and safely climb into the cab.

What types of booths are there

Each model of shower stall has its own characteristics, which are limited only by the amount of money that you will be willing to spend on such a miracle of technology in your bathroom. Among the main amenities and features of the functionality of such booths, the following can be distinguished:

  • standard, contrast, as well as a new shower regime, which is called "tropical";
  • hydromassage, which can be both vertical and horizontal;
  • aromatherapy as well as chromotherapy;
  • Turkish bath and Finnish sauna modes;
  • Internet, mobile communications, as well as the ability to view videos and listen to audio files.

If you use the usual modifications, then this leads to the fact that you take a regular shower, and for this you can simply raise the lever of the mixer and thus adjust the temperature and water supply in general.

Open showers

How to choose a shower cabin

The simplest and most understandable functionality is just for open booths, since they are actually the most budgetary among all other types. It is the open-type booths that are currently the most popular, since it is quite easy to fit any type of installation, and is also easy to use. Such a booth is able to satisfy the regular human need for hygiene and water procedures, and there is no need to have any special skills to use it.

Often, models of this type are produced without a dome or any other special gadgets, as well as additional functions, so as not to create an overload in the functionality of this device, since its focus is exclusively on water procedures without frills.

Such shower stalls are more in demand than others, as they can fit even in small bathrooms. As a rule, they are installed in the corner of the room and have several shapes so that you can choose the one that suits you the most. Installation is carried out in the corner of the bathroom almost end-to-end, and all the smallest holes or cracks are sealed, otherwise the water will drain to the floor or later corrode the walls. In this case, a waterproof tile acts as a finishing material, and if there is also a special structural niche, then a built-in booth is also created.

In this case, the ceiling, walls and floor must be fully tiled with a ceramic coating, since it is this coating that is most reliable and resistant to corrosion or rust. For this reason, it is not recommended to use a metallic coating. Although it is quite durable, it will not last long with constant contact with water. If there is a special ladder along which a person will enter the cabin, then it must be installed at a certain distance from the floor, since it will be much more convenient. The swing door should not be obstructed by anything, it is desirable that there is relatively free space around the shower stall.

The main functions of this device include taking a classic shower, as well as a "tropical" one, if your model has such a function. For this, a special watering can, a stand and a mixer are provided.


  • such a model has sufficient comfort, but in comparison with other models it can be attributed to the minimum;
  • a sufficiently mobile device, and it can also be conveniently used during operation;
  • compared to taking a bath, the water consumption is noticeably lower;
  • this device is non-volatile, so you can take a shower when you want and with the proper comfort;
  • the relative ease of installation, however, if you still have not dealt with the installation of such devices before, then it is better to involve a wizard in the work;
  • relatively low price when compared with models of a different type;
  • the design is quite simple, so the device can serve you for several decades.


  • if you want to install such a booth for yourself, then your bathroom should have almost perfectly flat walls;
  • any additional conveniences are not provided in this case, so count on the minimum functionality;
  • such a shower stall will not be able to retain heat for a long time, since there is no dome above it.

However, despite its simplicity, it is the open-type shower cabins that are most practical in comparison with other types of such devices. Therefore, if you are looking for the most inexpensive booth, and you do not have requirements for the sophistication of your device, then an open booth will suit you almost perfectly.

Closed shower cabins

How to choose a shower cabin

If you love the variety in the reception of water procedures and are ready to pay a certain amount of money for such a pleasure, then closed-type cabins are just right for you. They, as a rule, have advanced functionality compared to open showers. In addition, it is not at all necessary to install such a booth in the corner of the bathroom. Such devices are made in such a way that you can put it where you want.

Such shower stalls are hermetically sealed boxes. You can buy such a device both disassembled and assembled. If you purchase a disassembled booth, it will cost you a little less, but in this case you will have to suffer a little to correctly install it in your bathroom.Or you will simply spend the difference in price on installation, if you have not previously dealt with such devices. However, the price level of closed booths depends not only on this. Cabins with different functionality and capabilities are different. Therefore, the following options can be built into them:

  1. In such a booth, special nozzles are installed, often rotating, so that it is convenient for you to turn on the hydromassage mode. Moreover, the nozzles can be installed in several rows, or in one, it all depends on how complete the massage you want to get.
  2. Some enclosed booths have a special fan with a steam generator that can give you the experience of a Turkish bath.
  3. Some compartments that are treated with wood can be used for the effect of being in a Finnish sauna. In addition, a closed cabin may have some set of additional functions, in which you can regulate the atmosphere of your home sauna.
  4. If you want to relax a little and forget some unpleasant moments that happened to you during the day, then chromotherapy is at your service. It consists in the fact that streams of water are alternately and smoothly highlighted in different colors.
  5. Some closed booths also have special containers that you can fill with your favorite flavors. When you turn on the desired mode, these scents are mixed with water, and you can fully enjoy aromatherapy.


  • in such cabins, you can count on maximum comfort, as well as on the expanded functionality of your bathroom;
  • some of the functions built into the cubicle have a relaxing and therapeutic effect, so that you can not only take a bath, but also enjoy the scents or flowers;
  • complete absence of high humidity in the bathroom, so you don't have to worry that such an atmosphere will affect the state of your bathroom;
  • the booth heats up quickly, so you can take a shower almost as soon as you enter it, and you will not have the unpleasant sensations of cool walls;
  • among the closed booths there are a huge number of models that can not only suit you with their functionality, but also attract you with an attractive price;
  • there are quite a few models that are able to boast of an original design, so if you wish, you can choose the exact booth that suits you best for the interior of your bathroom.


  • if you have heart problems, be very careful when taking an aromatherapy bath;
  • such booths have a water consumption several times higher than that of closed booths;
  • quite high cost.

Combined shower cabins

How to choose a shower cabin

There are special bathrooms in which you can have a shower and a bath at the same time. Therefore, combined shower stalls have such a feature that you can take water procedures not only while standing or sitting, but also lying down. If you have a relatively small bathroom, then this solution will suit you almost ideally, since it combines both a shower and a bath at the same time.

Quite a lot of people in the modern world have compact apartments that are not able to fit in a large enough bathroom, where both a bathtub and a shower stall would fit separately. Therefore, it is often necessary to make a choice in favor of one or the other. However, with the advent of combined designs, the pain of choice faded immediately into the background, because you can take water procedures with such a device in a position that is most convenient for you. In this case, both open and closed bath design can take place.Moreover, the shower design can be quite standard, but the bathtub is capable of combining not just a huge bowl for filling with water, but also a jacuzzi, as well as several other interesting additional options.

Such a device will be more convenient for you compared to even a standard bathroom. In addition to some advanced functions, you can use the usual modes for taking water treatments. In addition, such designs have an individual or universal mixer, which comes immediately with a watering can. By the way, when installing, you do not have to close up cracks or any other imperfections in the walls of your bathroom. She is not obliged to have absolutely flat walls, as is a necessity in the case of open booths. You do not need to collect water or hang curtains so that it does not drain onto the floor or splash onto the walls. The design of the combined type booths is quite versatile, so the shutters take on all the splashes of water.


  • this design combines both a shower cabin and a bathtub at once;
  • such a device boasts wide functionality and a large number of possibilities, in fact, combining the options of open and closed booths at once;
  • in the process of using such booths, you will not feel any discomfort, so you can take water procedures with pleasure;
  • this design is universal because it is suitable for use by all family members;
  • you will be able to save space in your bathroom, especially if it is rather small, so in fact, when purchasing a combined type booth, you buy two devices at once (which, by the way, will help you save a lot financially);
  • such designs have a huge selection of various models, among which you can definitely choose for yourself exactly the one you have always dreamed of;
  • the range of combined cubicles is also huge in terms of design, so you can choose for yourself the cubicle that will perfectly match the interior of your bathroom.


  • if you have a very miniature bathroom, then this option will not work for you, since such models often eat up enough space in width;
  • such designs consume a lot of water when compared with the same open booths;
  • much more expensive than open-type cabins, and can also exceed the cost of closed cabins, which in themselves require significant costs for their acquisition.

Thus, choosing a shower stall will require an accurate knowledge of the size of your bathroom, as well as a clear understanding of what functionality such a structure should accommodate. Keep in mind that if you want a device with bells and whistles, then such a device can seriously cost you a pretty penny. However, despite this, among the branded goods there is a wide selection of models that can combine not only high quality, but also a democratic price. Before buying, it is still worth weighing all the options available.

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How to choose