How to choose an ATV

ATVs are popular and in demand in certain circles of people. This technique can be considered a regular motorcycle on 4 wheels, which gives high stability, improved design and excellent cross-country ability. Such transport is often used for sports and various stunts, although there are models on sale that can be used for travel, rural areas, and manufacturers also offer children's options. You can figure out which ATV to choose if you know the main technical parameters and types. This will eliminate troubles during operation.

The principle of operation and the device of the ATV

The interior of the ATV is very similar to the classic motorcycle, but the main difference is in the wheels and the placement of the saddle for the driver in the center. Such a constructive solution significantly increases the stability of the vehicle on the road, while making turns, landing after jumping and other maneuvers, in addition, the wheelbase and other parameters help to load the equipment more.

The apparatus is used in different activities and the goals are always different:

  • For sports and similar events where many jumps or tricks have to be performed.
  • For work related to agricultural activities. For example, ATVs have found application as a transport that allows you to get to a forest, a field, and also carry work equipment. Some models are equipped with a tow bar, so if necessary, you can fix a trolley, trailer and other similar mechanisms for transporting goods. Based on this, the devices are widely used by fishermen and hunters.
  • Extreme tourism in a vehicle turns out to be very exciting, since the ATV will allow you to go in the mountains and on almost any off-road, sand.
  • Spending free time traveling on the highway. Leisure models feature suspension, transmission and wheelbase for increased driving comfort.
  • Children's ATVs, which are made in a reduced form, develop a low speed and are considered one of the safest models. They are suitable for riding in any terrain, but accompanied by adults.

In order for the transport to perform different functions and tasks, the creators of ATVs thought out the device in detail. Models often include several important nodes:

  • Motor.
  • Gear box.
  • Steel frame for fixing the main elements.
  • Shock absorbers.
  • Wheels.
  • Fuel supply and ignition systems.
  • Steering wheel.
  • Braking and cooling systems.
  • Saddle.
  • Headlights.
  • Luggage compartment.
  • Mirrors.
  • Decorative overlays for covering, protecting and decorating vehicles.

Due to the carefully designed suspension, as well as large wheels with excellent tread, the devices are able to pass in almost any conditions, especially where a regular car or motorcycle will not pass. This is provided by a powerful engine for technology. Users can drive into sand, swamp, wet ground or move over rocks without fear.To drive an ATV, you will need to get a license of the corresponding category, but you can do without them if the equipment is intended for children or the movement will be exclusively in the forest, mountains, fields.

For a long service life, the owner will need to constantly monitor the device and take care of it. For this, not only timely control and replacement of oil or other fluids is carried out, but also cleaning of the injection system, sweeping of oil seals, tightening of fasteners. The driving principle is similar to a conventional car. For driving on stones or other difficult areas, the expensive position of the variant is transferred to work at reduced speeds. You can brake with a hand brake or a pedal, there is a possibility of emergency shutdown of the engine.

Types of ATVs

To figure out how to choose an ATV for hunting, fishing, tourism or tricks, you should understand the main types, which at the moment are 4. Each of them differs in some peculiarities, scope of use, there are pros and cons.


How to choose an ATV

It is customary to use sports ATVs to perform various tricks, jumps and other feints. They are structurally designed to be lightweight for ease of use and control. They are also characterized by a small volume of the fuel tank, the saddle is designed for only 1 person. The power units are average in power and volume, so the driver can briefly load the device to perform a quick acceleration in front of the springboard. It is recommended to choose such devices for young and active people who play sports in a vehicle or this is their hobby. The price range for these devices is in the range of 94-150 thousand rubles.


  • Minimum weight.
  • Narrow wheels.
  • Optimum power.
  • Excellent shock absorbers.
  • Stable operation of the fuel injection system.
  • The high seat of the saddle, which makes it possible to control transport while sitting or standing.


  • The minimum amount of fuel in the tank.
  • High price.
  • Small ground clearance, but even with it you can move on a dirt or sandy road.


How to choose an ATV

The models differ from the rest in large volumes of motors, with optimal power. The technique is capable of developing high speed, all this makes it possible to move comfortably along the highway and feel almost like driving. You can use and buy devices at any age. They often include liquid cooling as long distances have to be covered and this protects the motor from overheating. The chassis is wide, excellent road holding, ground clearance is not the greatest, since the devices are designed for flat surfaces. The average price policy for a high-quality and comfortable model is 100-170 thousand rubles.


  • Beautiful appearance that distinguishes the ATV from other models.
  • The ability to develop high speed.
  • Wide wheelbase, like a car.
  • High degree of stability when cornering.
  • The presence of alloy wheels.
  • Digital speedometer.


  • Some manufacturers install a mechanical gearbox that not every novice driver can handle.
  • Small fuel tank, which forces you to make frequent stops on the road.
  • High price.


How to choose an ATV

This type can be considered universal, therefore it is the most popular among users. The models are characterized by powerful propulsion systems, excellent suspension performance, as well as high ground clearance and wheels with pronounced tread. The frame is strong and sturdy, so the vehicle can be loaded, seated 1-2 people or a trolley can be attached to transport goods.

This technique is suitable for fishermen, hunters, adventurers who are engaged in tourism, as well as agricultural workers. In addition to protection, the body is endowed with arcs that exclude possible impacts on the frame. The pricing policy is very different, for example, devices for hunting and fishing are available for 150-190 thousand.rubles, the most powerful models, which are designed for extreme sports, will cost up to 400 thousand rubles.


  • Excellent engine power.
  • Optimal speed.
  • The ability to load transport and transport several people.
  • Large ground clearance.
  • Wide wheels that prevent sinking in sand or on a soft kidney.
  • Excellent suspension performance with long lifespan.
  • There are liquid-cooled options on sale.
  • Wide scope of transport use.
  • Large supply of fuel tanks.


  • Large mass.
  • Fuel consumption is too high compared to other types.
  • High price.


How to choose an ATV

Such devices are characterized by small size, beautiful appearance and can carry only 1 person. It is recommended to buy children's models up to 12 years old. The speed of these devices does not exceed 45 km / h, so the child will not be able to accelerate to dangerous values. Many devices are equipped with an additional protective system that allows you to remotely disable the motor.

The frame and total load capacity is designed for a person up to 55 kg. This technique is perfect for games and entertainment, when the child can drive the ATV away from the road.


  • Relatively cheap when compared to other types of ATVs. On average, you can buy transport for 50-84 thousand rubles.
  • Simple maintenance and construction.
  • Optimum lifting capacity.
  • Nice appearance.
  • Thoughtful safety.
  • There is a reverse gear.


  • When the child grows up, the device cannot be used and will have to be sold.
  • Small volume of the fuel tank.
  • Low battery capacity.

How to choose an ATV - basic parameters

To choose the right ATV, you need to understand the basic parameters on which certain operational capabilities will depend.

Motor volume

This is the very first unit that you need to look at, because ease of use depends on its volume. On sale you can find options with a value of 100-698 cubic meters. see and when choosing, you need to focus on the following numbers:

  • For children who will ride in closed areas or away from the roadway, a volume of up to 108 cubic meters is enough. cm. This will give the opportunity to get the optimal speed, which is higher than the bike, but the degree of safety will be sufficient.
  • For personal needs, for example, going hunting, fishing or vegetable gardens, you should choose models within the range of 150-230 cubic meters. see Such a volume will make it possible to pass sections of a dirt road or without problems.
  • For driving on the highway at high speed, you can choose devices in the range of 150-280 cc. cm.
  • Anyone involved in extreme tourism should choose engines from 350 to 689 cc. cm.
  • It is better to buy sports apparatus for tricks in the volume of 150-170 cubic meters. cm.


The ability to transport goods and accelerate at the right time depends on the power. Main landmarks:

  • A child needs 6-7 hp. This is due to the low weight of the vehicle itself, as well as the absence of the need for jerks.
  • For road riding, where sharp acceleration is not required, you should focus on the power of 13-18 hp. This is sufficient to achieve and maintain optimal speed.
  • Equipment for tourism, transportation of goods should be powerful and it is better to buy ATVs with an indicator of 13-45 hp. It is worth remembering that the more planned loads, the higher the value.
  • Stunt models may be low powered, but enough to do a quick acceleration before climbing. The optimal choice is 13-15 hp.

It is difficult to call an ATV a fast vehicle, but there are several features that require attention. For example, for children, a safe indicator will be up to 45 km / h, and an adult will need to gain speed up to 95 km / h for long trips. Devices that will be operated for fishing or hunting, driving on rough roads can be with a limit of 75 km / h.

Fuel supply system

To supply fuel in the described technique, 2 systems are used.The first carburetor is simple and cheap, but with increased fuel consumption. It is recommended to pay attention to the purchase in case of infrequent movements, for example, going once a week for a fishing trip or a vegetable garden. The second injection system is more demanding, but helps save fuel. It will be an excellent choice for travelers or sportsmen as it provides high injection stability.

Volume of the tank

On average, the fuel consumption of ATVs is small, about 2.5 liters per 100 km, but the distance of the trip without refueling depends on the volume of the tank. Up to 3 liters is enough for a child, and for fishermen or hunters it is better to focus on an indicator of 5-6 liters. For driving on flat terrain with asphalt, when it is necessary to travel long distances, frequent refueling should be excluded, in which case the equipment should be bought with a 7 liter tank.

Sports models are light and their weight is reduced in everything, so a volume of 4 liters will be enough, but more is not needed, because the device is not designed for long trips. Extremals need to stock up on fuel in case of unforeseen circumstances in the mountains, forests and other areas. It is best to buy ATVs with a 12-22 liter tank.

Cooling system

During engine operation, fuel burns out, and from this and the influence of external factors, strong heating occurs. To exclude overheating of important components and further wedge of the motor, cooling is used. In ATVs, it can be air and water. The first option will be convenient for infrequent movements, but the daily operation of equipment for several hours requires liquid cooling, which gives excellent heat transfer.

Ignition system

At the moment, manufacturers can offer 3 options for starting the engine, which is performed by means of ignition:

  • Electronic - to start, just turn the key, press the button. A convenient system for any person, it is often installed on road and children's vehicles.
  • Manual - to start, you need to jerk the cable using the handle, which will automatically start the motor. The use is not the most comfortable, you need to make an effort, but the cost of the units is lower, an excellent choice for experienced drivers.
  • Combined - there is a start button, but if it fails, you can make a forced start with a cable. It is recommended to choose a system for extreme lovers, hunters or those people who travel a lot and are not able to contact a service station for repair.


This parameter is responsible for gear shifting and the device may differ depending on the ATV. The switch box is installed in the following types:

  • Mechanical - to work, you need to constantly work with the lever, without taking your eyes off the road. Best used by experienced drivers, often on road models.
  • Automatic is a great choice that does not require attention from the driver, which helps to maximize concentration. Such an element independently adjusts to the driving style, which helps to automatically adjust the number of revolutions and gear. A very convenient hub for the city, sports.
  • The variator is a combined device for which you just need to set the lever to the driving position, after that attention is required only in the presence of obstacles or changes in the surface (wet soil, sand, etc.). In this case, you will need to manually engage a lower gear. A very good option for ATVs that are used for hunting or fishing.

type of drive

With the help of a metal chain, torque is transmitted from the motor to the rear axle. This design is reliable, always used in motorcycles and is suitable for driving in the field, forest conditions, for stunts or moving loads. If the ATV is constantly under load, moving in the mountains on inclines or over rocks, there are risks of breaking the chain. In this case, it is more advantageous to use a cardan drive, which is characterized by a connection of one-piece steel pipes and bearings.The design is much stronger and more reliable.

Brake system

To avoid accidents or exits from the road, you should carefully approach the choice of brakes. They work with the handle on the steering wheel, which is responsible for braking the front wheels, or works from the pedal, which is responsible for the rear brakes. Both types include discs and hydraulics.

If we consider models with a maximum speed limit of up to 50 km, then there may not be front brakes, they are not needed. For other cases, both brake forks are required.


The smoothness of the ride, as well as the degree of comfort during the move and other obstacles, will depend on this parameter. Quite often, 2 levers and ball front shock absorbers are installed on ATVs, in total this will allow you to ride over curbs and pits. There is also a pendulum type, in which 1 hydraulic type shock absorber is also installed. The second suspension is more focused on driving in fields and sands.

In the case of the most severe operating conditions, choose an independent suspension type with a pair of levers and springs, as well as front and rear hydraulics. Such models will help you easily navigate steep climbs, ravines and large holes.

Ground clearance

It is difficult to get around on an ATV if its ground clearance is very low. In this case, the ground clearance for urban conditions or highway conditions is about 95 mm. For sports, it is recommended to use models of 100 mm, and driving in rural areas involves devices with a clearance height of 12-15 cm. The largest ground clearance is chosen for extreme tourism, which will make it easy to move through forests and mountains. The best option is 265 mm.

Seat height

A saddle is used for a comfortable position on board the ATV, the degree of comfort can be measured by the height of the landing to the ground. Basic guidelines for the correct purchase:

  • The child should use a model with a low fit, which will be 60 cm. The size allows you to easily reach the ground, climb / dismount.
  • Sports models differ in that during feints the driver can get up and drive from this position, so the average landing value will be 70 cm.
  • For extended travel on fields or asphalt, devices with a 76 cm saddle can be used.
  • A tall person is most comfortable to ride on a saddle of 88 cm.

Wheels and tires

Steel discs will not be very pretty when chosen, but the metal itself is soft, so it is easy to take impacts. This type is suitable for sports, driving through obstacles, hunters and fishermen. For country driving, where there are no obstacles or their number is reduced, it is recommended to opt for light-alloy models. They are beautiful, reduce the weight of the unit, but in the event of a collision with a curb at high speed, there are risks of splitting.

It is equally important to choose the right tires, since they affect handling, stability and sinking on soft ground. For driving on a hard surface, a width of 17 cm is suitable, with a forest with sands and swamps, 185 mm options are chosen, and in the city it is better to use the widest types of 235-270 mm.

Which ATV is better to choose

Having studied all the features of technology, the main types and nuances, you can understand how to buy equipment. Expert advice will help to simplify the choice:

  • Hunters or fishermen are advised to use powerful models with a 149cc motor. see and variator. It is better to choose a pendulum suspension at the rear with a chain drive to the axle, as well as a carburetor system. Power of 13 hp will be enough. with a speed development of about 70 km / h. With these parameters, the optimal fuel tank will be 7 liters, and the carrying capacity of the device is 140 kg, which will allow you to take the necessary tackle with you on the road. The height of the ATV should be approximately 10 cm.
  • Travelers who mainly plan to move along the highway need to focus on a motor with a volume of 246 cubic meters. see and 16 hp Such indicators help to develop speeds up to 80 km / h, it is better to use a mechanical gearbox and a simple carburetor for fuel injection. As a result of long distance movements, a liquid cooling system is preferred.For tracks, a ground clearance of 95 mm and a wheel width of 270 mm are suitable, and the tank is enough for 6 liters.
  • For extreme lovers who are engaged in tourism, you should choose a device with a motor within the range of 30-45 hp. and a volume of 400-689 cubic meters. see Ideally, buy equipment with an injector, independent suspension, and electronic ignition. For normal cooling, only the liquid system. The saddle should be 80-88 cm in height with the ability to lift 300 kg of mass. The fuel tank is large with 22 liters. The easiest way to operate is with a variator or automatic transmission.
  • Models with a 17 hp power unit, 176 cc are recommended for performing tricks. see. This will allow you to reach a speed of 75 km / h, which is enough for stunts. The injection system can be carburetor, and electronic ignition. Disc brakes are required in a circle of hydraulic type, and the width of the wheels is about 180-220 mm. Saddle height 70 cm, clearance 125 mm.
  • A low-power equipment with a 7 hp engine is suitable for a child. and 108 cubic meters. see In this case, the speed will be up to 45 km / h. The main components are the simplest - carburetor injection, air cooling, a 3-liter fuel tank.

To get a reliable vehicle that can be used for a long time, you should look at the manufacturer. The best ATV brands are:

  • CF Moto;
  • Honda;
  • Kawasaki;
  • Stels;
  • Yamaha.

After studying the article, it will be easy to choose the type of vehicle for your own needs and tasks.

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How to choose