How to choose a feeder rod

Many people who fish in ordinary bodies of water and lakes prefer non-predatory species of abode. Among them are perch, carp, carp and other species. Some even manage to get grass carp. In order for the catch to be large and of high quality, it is necessary to choose good and correct gear. The article will focus on how to choose a feeder rod, what you need to know about it, what types exist, their main features.

The principle of operation and the device of the feeder rod

The main purpose of the feeder rod is to catch fish from fresh water, the breeds are not predatory. Such animals in the water are in flocks, and also accumulate where there is food. Due to this, feeder models are considered the most suitable for a good catch.

The rod is quite simple to use. From the fisherman, you need to cast the feeder using a form. The feeder itself is made in the form of a separate container where food for fish is placed. Its shape is often rectangular, but it can be a cylinder. For work, you need to make porridge, and after cooking, glue the feeder in a circle and add food inside.

Upon entering the water, a cloud of food begins to appear as it slides off and out of the metal cage. At this time, several casts must be made from the person again, which can attract fish. After that, stop a little so as not to frighten off the catch.

Not far from the feeder on the rod there is an element with 1-2 hooks for another type of bait. The design is thoughtful, the school of fish is so interested while eating that it does not notice the hook made of metal and other objects, so it begins to swallow it. This is immediately apparent from the end of the rod, which is referred to as a quivertip. This part is the most flexible, so a reaction to a bite and the presence of excess mass immediately appears. At this time, you need to do the undercutting correctly so that the fish is firmly fixed.

Feeder and hook without a float, as a result of which they will completely penetrate under the water. To rule out problems, it is recommended to know or to study the bottom in advance in order to reduce possible snagging on algae or driftwood. To do this, you can make several test casts using a special tester, which weighs 50-100 grams. After getting into the water and reaching the bottom, it is necessary to pull the cargo to the shore along a different trajectory. This will help you make the correct terrain check.

After finding a place, a mark is made for casts, the length of the line is set in order to exclude displacement from the place of feeding. This can be done by clipping the cord to the spool. Further, the usual fishing is carried out.

Having dealt with the principle of operation, you should understand how to choose a feeder rod and reel, but everything in order.

Types of feeder rods

To figure out the choice and do everything right, you need to understand what types exist, what are their features, pros and cons.

Telescopic models

How to choose a feeder rod

This model is considered the smallest, characterized by the ability to quickly lay out. The rod consists of 6 parts with different sizes in diameter, which bite into each other.This allows you to use the tackle for transportation on a bus, car or other transport, putting the inventory in a bag. Recommended by fishermen for feeder fishing when it is not possible to use their own transport to get to the place of the reservoir.


  • Basic exploitation.
  • Fast transformation.
  • Convenient to transport.
  • A cover is often provided in the kit.
  • The feeder is designed for a weight of 10-60 grams.
  • The tops can be replaced.


  • The total length is only up to 2.1 meters.
  • Weak strength of the product, which makes it possible to fish only up to 2-3 kg.

Plug models

How to choose a feeder rod

The rod includes from 2 knees, which are attached with a threaded connection. The length can be 2-5 meters, which makes it possible to cast over long distances. The fisherman can independently adjust the size of the blank, based on the area of ​​the lake. Often, models are used by professionals, as well as amateurs buy them.


  • Large assortment, which makes it possible to choose the desired length.
  • Can be used for fishing in strong currents or in still water.
  • Cost in a wide range, which allows you to choose the best option for the price.
  • High strength of blanks if there are a minimum of knees.
  • Feeders with a mass of 20-200 grams are installed.


  • Some tackle is not the most convenient size, so transportation is difficult.
  • Certain types are costly due to brand and materials.

How to choose the right feeder rod - basic parameters

It is possible to choose the right tackle for fishing only if you understand the basic design features. Below are all the parameters to help you understand how to choose a feeder rod.

Construction type

Structurally, the models are somewhat different from each other, depending on the number of joints, the strength begins to decrease. As a result of the large weight of the feeder and groundbait, a long casting tackle will be required. The blank is made of several elbows, which are fastened with threaded connections, there are usually 2-4 units of them. The main parameters of this group that you should pay attention to:

  • To get large fish in the form of grass carp or carp, it is recommended to use models based on 2-3 elements.
  • For smaller fish species, 4 knees of the blank can be used.
  • The telescopic model is easy to handle with the smallest fish.

Number of vertices

A feature of any type of feeder can be considered the top, which can bend very strongly and helps to determine the bite. As a result of several design features, the sensitivity is different. This is influenced by the weight, type of fish, so some of the companies that make tackle began to produce models with interchangeable tips. When choosing, you need to focus on the place of fishing and the weight of the fish, if it does not change, then a feeder with a glued end will do.

In the case of frequent replacement by a reservoir and a mass of fish, it is better to choose models in which the top can be changed, and if necessary, you can change the tops to the desired ones.

Letterhead material

Feeder rods are currently available in 3 basic materials:

  1. Carbon fiber is considered a modern type of material, but there are several disadvantages. The main one is the cost of the inventory, and the second one is the fragility of the gear. This leads to the fact that the use of the rod is better for professionals who know how to handle fishing equipment.
  2. Fiberglass is a great material for extreme conditions such as heavy feeders or long casts for large prey. The models are characterized by low weight, but sufficient strength.
  3. A glass / carbon composite — a beginner feeder rod made of this material will be sufficient for a normal catch. It differs from other options in greater rigidity and weight, but the service life is much longer.

Blank weight

The weight of the fishing rod will directly depend on the size, as well as the number of connecting elements.When choosing to operate on the following characteristics:

  • Lightweight models will weigh 120-200 grams, which is perfect for recreational or frequent fishing in small lakes. Recommended for small loot.
  • The 420-500 gram variants are considered the largest and should be used for larger fish. They are able to withstand heavy loads.

Test and class

Both indicators are related to each other, since they are based on the mass of the bait. Compared with spinning rods, in feeder fishing it is customary to use a feeder, which is filled with bait. Visually, it is made in the form of a small cage, so the weight will be greater than the spoon.

The following models can be distinguished by classes:

  • Picker - works in conjunction with feeders 10-40 grams. A similar product is supplemented only with a weight, and the main bait is thrown by hand. Not a bad option for fishermen who catch prey in small bodies of water.
  • Light - characterized by the presence of a standard feeder in which you can put food for fish. Weight up to about 60 grams, often used for large lakes, where you can perform casts up to 40 meters.
  • Medium - the filled mass of the feeder will be 80-100 grams. Such models are considered the most popular among fishermen, as they can be used in the event of a large current or stagnant water. Castings can be done up to 50 meters.
  • Heavy - the total mass of a cage with food is 100-120 grams, equipment is suitable for large rivers with a current. With this device, you can regulate the fishing, and also increase the chances of catching big fish.
  • Extra heavy - the total weight will be more than 120 grams, this is the largest option, which in some models reaches 300 g. Blanks make it possible to cast over long distances, which is great for fishing in reservoirs. Often used by professionals.


An equally important characteristic will be the total length of the rod, on which the throw range and other parameters depend. When choosing, you can focus on the following indicators:

  • Blanks of 2-3 meters should be used on small lakes or bets when fishing is relatively close to the shore.
  • Models 3-3.6 meters are suitable for lakes and rivers with light flow.
  • Devices 3.6-3.9 meters are popular and demanded, they make it possible to comfortably and effectively fish in a strong current in wide reservoirs. The length allows casting over long distances without any problems, as well as pulling prey over the edge so as not to enter the water.
  • Equipment of 4-5 meters is suitable only for very large reservoirs and the largest prey, which will give the necessary conditions for fishing, exclude possible hooks.


Feeder rods can include 1 of 3 action types:

  • Fast - characterized by the ability to bend one knee from the top. A small amplitude will only help to make close casts for catching small fish. A great option for training beginners.
  • Slow - during use, the entire length of the tackle will be gradually used, therefore models with excellent elasticity. In case of jerking from a large fish, the blank bends, excluding line breakage. Not a bad choice for wide rivers, as the flexibility allows you to use larger lures for long distance casts.
  • Difficult - at a minimum load, only the end of the rod will bend, and if there is an active movement, then all the equipment is involved. It is best to use models for catching large prey.

Transport length

Based on the location of the reservoir, the length of the blank is determined before assembly. If the water is near the house or you have your own car, then you can use the options 1.5-1.9 meters and more. In the case of using public transport to achieve the desired goal, you need to focus on compact dimensions, which will be up to 1.2 meters when folded. For this, 3-4 knees or a telescopic system are used.

Which feeder rod to choose

Having studied all the material, it will be much easier to determine the choice, but beginner fishermen may have difficulties, so experts highlight several buying tips, as well as the main parameters for a rod:

  • For a narrow river, a rod length of 2 meters with a 10-40 grams feeder and a fast action is required. Full equipment should not exceed 160 grams. To save money, you can choose a housing made of composite, fiberglass telescopic or two-plug type. The average pricing policy ranges from 1200-3000 rubles.
  • For fishing in small bodies of water where there is water, it is recommended to use a blank length of 3 meters, and the total weight should be 150-200 grams. Use a feeder 10-40 grams including food. It is recommended to use a slow action to cast short distances and get the rod out of snags. The telescopic version with a fiberglass body works great. The cost of the inventory will be about 1200-2000 rubles.
  • Fishing in large reservoirs forces the use of a 3.6 meter feeder with a complex system, as well as an 80-100 gram feeder. The total weight should be about 300 grams, it is better to choose a carbon case. It takes 3 knees to use effectively. The average cost of such equipment ranges from 1,500 to 10,000 rubles.
  • For a wide river that has a strong current it is necessary to use a 4 meter rod with a dough up to 120 grams in slow action. A carbon fiber body is recommended. Equipment price from 2 to 21 thousand rubles.
  • Fishermen catching fish directly from the boat can use a 2.7 meter blank with 20-50 grams of dough and fast action. The price of a fishing rod will be in the range of 1400-5000 rubles. In this case, the casting distance does not matter, since a person is already far from the coast.

The information described in the article will help beginners understand the device and the principle of operation of the feeder rod, understand the selection parameters, and also make the right purchase of tackle.

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