How to choose a sewer for your home

For all residents of private houses, sooner or later, the question arises of how to choose and make the right sewage system. This problem has many subtleties and nuances, and no one wants to delay the process. There are many types of solutions to the problem, but everyone should choose an option, taking into account the amount of wastewater, soil and its characteristics, as well as other parameters. The article describes the main features, how to choose a sewerage system for a house, which one is better to install in certain conditions, how many species there are with their features.

Parameters for choosing an autonomous sewage system

An autonomous sewage system for a private house may differ from each other not only in appearance, but also in several basic parameters that are important to understand before arrangement:

  • Land area and soil. If you plan to use a septic tank, then it is better to give preference to models with an end infiltrator, filter field or well. The first pair of options is suitable if there are sufficient areas, as well as sandy or sandy loam soil, and the groundwater must be deep.
  • Distance. In those situations, if the choice is in favor of a cesspool, the distances to different objects should be taken into account, for example, there should be at least 20 meters to the well, from 10 meters to the water conduits, and from 1 meter to the neighbors. In addition, take into account the distance to buildings, which will be from 10 meters, and the collector with a drain must be dug in further than 3 meters.
  • Performance. This parameter is important when choosing a septic tank, you need to take into account not only your own needs and family members, but also guests who may be guests.
  • Cost. If factory designs are selected, it is recommended that you carefully consider alternatives that may be cheaper.

Among the additional selection parameters, the warranty, the price of installation and the product itself, as well as the name of the company are taken into account.


How to choose a sewer for your home

Starting to consider what to choose as the main sewage system for a private house, you should pay attention to the cesspool. This is the simplest type for collecting waste water, which is characterized by a conventional container made of brick, plastic or concrete rings. Such a structure is covered with a hatch from above and dug into the ground by about 3 meters, taking into account the groundwater.

Such a system must be completely sealed, therefore, during installation work, specialists take into account several simple rules:

  • In the case of a brick container, a ceramic model with a round layout is used.
  • Reinforced concrete rings are installed with a crane due to their massive size and strength.
  • Monolithic reinforced concrete structures require the formation of formwork, as well as the use of reinforcement for reinforcement and a high-class cement-sand mixture.
  • Plastic containers are convenient for use and are not affected by external factors.

The work of the cesspool is very simple, a pipe with a diameter of 100 mm is led from the sewer in the building to the created tank, it is important to make a slight slope for good drainage. The depth of the pipe must be below the level of soil freezing.After the arrangement, the drains simply flow into the compartment.

As a result of the design features, home owners will need to order the services of a vacuum cleaner from time to time in order to remove the sewage that accumulates during operation. The frequency of calling specialized services directly depends on the frequency of using the sewage system and filling the tank. To exclude contamination of the ground, the distance between the ground and the upper part of the liquid should be at least 35 cm. Often, drains are pumped out 2 times a year or more often, and after the process, disinfection is done.

The choice towards a cesspool is recommended for summer cottages when living in the house will be in the summer or spring.


  • Complete tightness of the container for collecting wastewater, which will exclude contamination of the earth and groundwater.
  • You can install a sewerage system on your own.
  • Low price.
  • Simplicity of design and sufficient efficiency.
  • Independence from electricity and other power sources.
  • The simplest cleaning of the container.


  • The sewage system needs constant cleaning, which is quite expensive.
  • The smell of sewage may appear on the street or through the toilet through the pipe.
  • There is no possibility of installation in case of very high groundwater.

Septic tanks

The wastewater is based on ordinary water, so the task of the sewage system for the home will be to clean the wastewater to a safe level. In this case, there is no need to collect and store waste, to order the services of sewers for pumping out. A similar problem can be solved by septic tanks, which can separate water from solid parts of a biological or chemical nature.

The separation is carried out by means of overflow of waste water into various chambers. It should be noted that the system does not provide complete purification, therefore additional filtration using separate elements will be required. At the moment, there are several options for septic tanks, which differ structurally and in the method of filtration. This will help determine which sewer to choose for a private home.

Septic tank with a filtration well

How to choose a sewer for your home

This model of a septic tank is considered one of the simplest, so you can even design it on your own using available materials. In addition, manufacturers offer ready-made designs that are slightly better technically.

Inside the tank there are chambers through which the waste liquid is cleaned. To do this, it simply shimmers, the solid parts settle. The filtration compartment is positioned so that its lower part is higher than the groundwater. A pillow of two layers is poured on the bottom, which includes coarse sand, and crushed stone is poured on top. It is best to use a small or medium fraction.

Among one of the options for installing the sewerage system, a liquid transfer system is used in different compartments. Such structures can be made of bricks, reinforced concrete rings, and all work can be done independently. This allows the owner to reduce construction costs.

Sewerage works as follows. Initially, wastewater flows through a pipe into a tank with a sealed bottom, where solid particles remain. In this case, fats begin to float upward. Sometimes, for the effective functioning of the system, several sedimentation tanks can be used at once, which work in series.

Partially purified water is drained into a well for further filtration using connecting elements that cut into the wall of the compartment at a height of 2/3 of the base. On the bottom of such a structure, a two-layer pillow is poured through which moisture begins to penetrate. To reduce unpleasant odors from the container, experts advise using special bacteria. With their help, they quickly and efficiently help biological materials decompose into safe elements that allow the use of water in the future.

Over time, the use of the sewage system begins the appearance of silt on a cushion of sand and gravel, therefore, periodically it is necessary to carry out cleaning work, as well as change the gravel in order to resume the main task.

The entire process of siltation will be significantly slowed down during cleaning, and the waste pumping itself should be carried out at least once every six months. The lifespan from cleaning to cleaning depends on the soil structure. For example, on sandy or sandy loam soil, the liquid is well absorbed, so the service life is longer, in the case of a clay or loamy base, water absorption is minimal, so containers begin to clog quickly. A complete pillow replacement should be carried out approximately every 5 years.

When choosing this system, it is important to take into account the composition of the soil, since the performance of the sewage system directly depends on this indicator. This type of septic tank is recommended to be installed in private houses where the permanent residence of a family of up to 4 people is planned. Volley discharges of fluid for the structure are considered critical, there is a risk of overflow and leakage of drains into the ground. For smooth operation of the device, it will be necessary to do installation in the presence of sandy or sandy loam soil, but there may be black soil with a lot of sand. When choosing, you need to take into account that groundwater should be low.


  • Constructive simplicity is the main advantage of the sewage system.
  • Long period between service execution.
  • The system is completely autonomous, there is no need to use electricity and other means of supply.


  • In the case of a high groundwater level, the installation of a septic tank will be impossible.
  • The construction is not suitable for clay soil.
  • Mediocre wastewater treatment.
  • It is necessary to constantly clean the tank from silt, but the frequency is several times lower when compared with a cesspool.
  • After about 5 years, the owners will have to replace the pillow in the container, and this operation is expensive, requires a lot of effort and is considered a very messy procedure.

Septic tank with filtration field

How to choose a sewer for your home

The septic tank model is a multi-stage design, since an additional filtration field is used. This system is quite complex and includes several basic elements:

  • Sump for drainage.
  • Distribution well.
  • Fluid filtration chambers, which include piping as well as a two-piece pad, which together serve as a filter. The thickness of this part will be from 1 meter and more.

During operation, waste water from the house penetrates into the sump, which includes 2-3 compartments. At the very beginning, the liquid begins to settle, as a result of which the solid parts settle to the bottom, and the insoluble and fatty elements float. Slightly purified water is drained into a further chamber to continue cleaning. In the next compartment, the distribution of waste effluents begins, after which the liquid penetrates into the filtration field through the pipes. During the flow, the earth takes away the purified liquid almost in full.

Some devices have an additional container that is mounted behind the filtration field, acting as a drainage system. Liquid flows into this compartment, which is pumped out by pumping equipment in the future. To install such a sewage system, you need more than 30 sq. m. area. Performance depends on the structure of the soil and sand is considered the best option. Clean water can go directly into the ground or separate vessels for further use. The estimated life is 10 years, after which the pillow should be replaced.

It is recommended to buy and order installation work for a septic tank with a large area of ​​the site. The device provides excellent performance, so it is suitable for a large family. It is useful to place sewers in places with doors or the ability to plant them, lawn, flowers. Crop plants are unacceptable because there is a certain percentage of harmful substances, even with purified water.


  • Excellent overall system performance.
  • Maintenance and attention of the owner will not be required for a long time.


  • For installation, you will need to allocate a large area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe area that allows you to make effective filtration.
  • The water purification is mediocre, so it may not be suitable even for technical use.
  • Overpriced construction.
  • After about 10 years, the filters and the main system are covered with silt, so reconstruction has to be done, which takes a lot of time, effort and money.

Septic tank with infiltrator

How to choose a sewer for your home

Devices that use an infiltrator are considered a replacement and an excellent alternative to drainage pipes. The main advantage of such a septic tank is the possibility of installation in a small area. The infiltrator itself is a long plastic container that looks like a trough. Its installation is carried out upside down, and there are also holes for entry and exit. The volume of such a container is often 400 liters, which can replace about 35 meters of pipes for a conventional filtration system.

Structurally similar sewers can be of 2 types, where an intermediate compartment is used, which is installed between the septic tank and the infiltrator, and there are also options without it.

Among the main constituent elements, similar parts can be distinguished, as in the first case, but there is a complementary device. If the owner does not use the well, then wastewater begins to flow into the septic tank after passing through several separate chambers. This is what gives a certain degree of cleaning. After this process, the liquid flows through the pipes into the infiltrator, from where it gets into the ground, through the gravel.

If an intermediate tank is provided in the design, then the wastewater will flow from the septic tank into it. A pump with a float is installed inside the container, which allows you to move water into the chamber with a filter. After that, the liquid penetrates through the gravel. This device helps to get rid of the penetration of wastewater back into the septic tank. It is recommended to use sewerage system with high groundwater and poor soil absorption.

Constructions without an intermediate well should be used in areas where water penetrates well into the kidney. Among them are sand, chernozems, loamy soils. Installation is allowed in areas with an average location of groundwater. Such devices can pick up a lot of wastewater, including volleys of liquid, when large volumes are received from different rooms of the house. Not a bad choice for people with a large family of people.

Devices with an intermediate compartment should be used in places with high groundwater. With the help of an additional tank and a pump, the backflow of wastewater into the sewer will be completely excluded. This is necessary in situations where the wastewater in the infiltrator cannot quickly be absorbed into the ground.


  • For work and installation, a small area of ​​the site is required.
  • Easy installation.
  • There is a possibility of installation at a high level of groundwater.
  • Can handle emissions in large volumes of wastewater.
  • The need for rare maintenance.


  • Periodically, there is a need to cleanse the infiltrator, and the pillow itself requires replacement, but the period of this process does not come soon.
  • Sewerage requires a current connection.
  • Medium wastewater treatment.
  • The surface above the septic tank can only be used to form a lawn.

Biological purification systems

How to choose a sewer for your home

Some houses are located on land with a high level of groundwater, in addition, the owners of the house may have little space on the site, which will not allow placing the classic models of sewage. In this case, whole systems come to the rescue, which are manufactured in specialized factories and allow to exclude soil pollution.At the moment, manufacturers offer several options that can not only collect, but also purify water almost 100%, in the future it can be used for irrigation or technical work.

Septic tank with biofilter

Such models are often used, include a container (septic tank), as well as a chamber with a built-in biological filter, where expanded clay, synthetic fibers or other materials that are not subject to decay are filled up. During work, a special film of bacteria appears on the surface of the powder.

The device works quite simply. With the help of the inlet manifold, the wastewater enters the first tank, which serves as a settling tank. In it, solid elements settle to the bottom, fat is separated. Between the other tank there is a wall in the form of a membrane with a large number of holes, allowing relatively purified water to overflow. After that, the process of rough cleaning begins, with the removal of hard parts with a cloth or other materials. At the very end, the purification of the liquid is carried out in the compartment with bacteria, which allows you to completely destroy the organic matter. Further, the filtrate goes into a storage vessel for further technical use.

Owners can independently discharge the liquid to the ground or into a separate drain. Such a sewage system for a country house will be useful for private housing with its constant use. In addition, the devices do not require constant care and maintenance, they are easy to work with, and bacteria can be introduced using the toilet bowl. The main disadvantage is that there are risks of bacteria death if there is a long downtime of the sewer system. After the introduction of microorganisms, their effectiveness appears after 2 weeks.


  • High level of wastewater treatment, which is in the range of 85-95%.
  • Maintenance is sufficient once a month to replenish bacteria.
  • No current or other power supplies are needed for operation.
  • There is no smell from the septic tank.
  • Simple installation that takes a minimum of time.


  • Downtime should not be allowed for 2-3 weeks, as a result of which the bacteria will be completely destroyed.
  • Microorganisms cannot survive under the influence of bleach and chemical-based detergents.
  • You need to constantly add special drugs.
  • The price is higher than a classic septic tank.

Deep biological treatment plant with forced air supply

How to choose a sewer for your homeHow to choose a sewer for your home

For anyone looking for which sewer to choose for a home with a large number of people, this option should be considered. Such a device is very productive, since it can process 1.5 cubic meters per day. m. waste water and more. All elements of the system are enclosed in one single housing, inside which there are several compartments with different functions.

Sewerage works as follows. Initially, the wastewater enters the sump, where the separation of fats begins using a special device, as well as the settling of solid particles that cannot be dissolved. After that, the purified liquid is mixed with sludge, which contains algae and bacteria. To support the vital activity of bacteria, a forced flow of air from the street is used using a pump. In the last chamber, the separation of sludge begins, which then enters the aeration tank for reuse and the formation of a closed circle. The purification of the liquid will be within 98-99% and the water can be drained:

  • To the ground through the distribution bay.
  • Into the ground.
  • Into the ditch.

It is recommended to choose such a system for houses where many people live or where high performance is important with maximum effluent purification for further use of the liquid. This sewerage system is not limited in its use, needs almost no maintenance and can be installed in any groundwater.


  • Fast and thorough cleaning of effluents, the degree of which reaches 99%, therefore it can be easily applied for technical needs.
  • Quite small installation sizes.
  • No smell.
  • Easy installation.
  • Placed on sites regardless of the groundwater level and soil type.
  • There is no need to use biological agents.
  • The durability of the sewage system, which is measured in decades.


  • For work, you will need to provide a constant supply of air from the outside, so there will be additional costs for electricity.
  • Without air, bacteria die.
  • The high cost of the system.
  • Failure to use the sewage system causes the death of activated sludge and bacteria.
  • Sludge accumulations must be removed 2 times a year.
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