How to choose lawn grass

Every owner of a private house or a plot outside the city dreams of equipping a green lawn. It will decorate any of the courtyards. Also, the cover is practical. A piece of land that is covered with dense green grass can be used for games. Only creating such a beautiful lawn can be a problem. The task is really one of the most difficult ones. Even if you are caring for the greens, there may be bald spots. They appear after harsh winters. Moreover, you need to understand which lawn grass to choose for planting.

All this is suggested to be discussed within the framework of the presented article. You will learn about the best types of lawn grass, advantages and disadvantages. It will also be appropriate to mark the varieties that are suitable for different sowing conditions.

Primary requirements

It does not matter which lawn the grass is applied to. It should always be of a long-term nature. The thing is that the lawn will be created for several years. It is not rational to create it on the basis of plants that are annuals. There is definitely no point in such a decision.

It is best to use grass seeds, which belong to the group of cereals, in order to form a lawn. This is due to the fact that they are more adapted to the climate in our country. As you know, it does not please with warmth and is very harsh in winter. But don't use all the cultures of the group. You must rely solely on those that can meet special conditions.

The main requirements will be: resistance to freezing, excellent decorative qualities, which include the height of the cover, richness of color, uniformity of germination. There is also the possibility of developing a powerful root system that will not collapse under the influence of soil movement, and is also able to grow on soil with high compaction properties. It is important that the grass grows quickly after beveling.

It is also worth mentioning the ability to reproduce due to the vegetative method. This is due to the fact that the constant slope of the lawn will not allow the seeds to multiply.

Grass seeds

If you get acquainted with the seeds that are offered for lawns in the conditions of our domestic stores, you can understand that there are 3 plants that meet the above requirements. These are bent grass, red fescue and meadow bluegrass. All plants are represented by a group of short-rhizome cereals. They have a number of similar properties that are inherent in them. They are not afraid of sudden changes in temperature or frost in autumn, spring. The root system of plants is able to withstand critical low temperatures.

As the plants grow, they are able to form a high density sod, which allows them to prevent weeds from breaking through. In the case of growing this herb, more than 30 thousand shoots will be concentrated per 1 square meter.

The advantages of these seeds include the fact that they perfectly tolerate frequent bevels. They have the properties of a vegetative way to actively reproduce, and therefore are ideal for the formation of a lawn.All of the above advantages indicate that with proper care, the lawn can be used for about 10 years, while overseeding is not required.

When deciding to equip a lawn on the site, get the right mixture of grass. At the store, buy those mixtures where the composition contains a high percentage of cereals. The names that are included in the mixtures can be indicated in Latin. For this reason, even before going to the store, you should understand exactly how the seeds sound in a given language, so that there are no problems with the selection.

The field bent is designated agrostis, meadow bluegrass - poapratensis, red fescue - festucarubra.

List of lawn grass seed producers: company selection

When deciding which lawn seeds to choose, you will find yourself in a store with a wide variety of assortments. It is necessary not only not to make a mistake with the manufacturer, but also to understand which herb is the best. If all goes wrong, then there is a chance that in the future you will be looking at weeds among the lawn, which will be covered with bald patches.

A number of foreign firms and domestic companies offer a variety of herbal mixtures, which are presented in different price categories. These are elite and budget options. In fact, you cannot check what the quality of the seeds in the bag is. For this reason, you should rely on the good reputation of the company.

We analyzed the information on the Web, which will help you understand how to choose lawn grass seeds. It is recommended to pay attention to the products of such brands: Lilliput, GreenMeadow, Zelenikvadrat, Powerseed.

The main types of lawn grasses

It is important, when studying the question of how to choose lawn grass for a summer residence, to understand that there are different types of it. Do not equate grass with the same criteria. Experienced gardeners and landscaping designers know how to properly care for lawns. We suggest keeping in touch, and therefore we will define the main types of lawn grasses.

Meadow bluegrass

How to choose lawn grass

This is a common type of grass that makes for a green lawn. The plant is frost-resistant, it grows for a long time. It sprouts when the snow melts. If you properly care for it and water it often, the lawn will turn green and gain strength. It tolerates heat quite well, but if there is a lack of moisture, it can dry out. The root cover texture is dense, which prevents weeds from growing. In the first year after planting, you will need to tinker more.

The advantages of the species are that it grows for a long time, it tolerates frost well. It grows fast enough and breaks out early. All this prevents weeds from sprouting from the soil. Only in the first year you need to make a mistake with his departure, after the second year there will be no problem.

As for the cons, in the shade he is able to be amazed due to powdery mildew. This type of grass needs frequent watering, and weeds that have made their way into the wild need to be removed in the first year.


How to choose lawn grass

Due to the trefoil, lawns are often decorated, which are distinguished by a large area. These can be suburban restaurants, sanatoriums with lawns. The cover has a beautiful emerald color, has an incredible pattern, which is due to the leaves in the form of hearts. The overall picture is complemented by small spherical flowers of pink or white. He uses 20 types of plants in landscape design. The most popular today are white, red and meadow clover.

It should be noted that the plant is wild. It will not be difficult for him to quickly settle down in a new place. It spreads very quickly over the territory.

The pros are that the plant is perennial. It tolerates frost perfectly and rises quickly. He is able to form a beautiful and lush decorative coating. For 2-3 years of life, it completely stops the growth of other grass. It is also very convenient that clover is ideal for feeding rabbits, decorating flower beds and playgrounds for children. For a summer cottage with an apiary, a honey plant will be the best solution.

The disadvantages are that sometimes bald patches can form on the lawn, which must be sown again. The grass needs clear boundaries to keep it from growing. In the first year, it is imperative to feed the grass, remove weeds.

But keep in mind that clover flowers are allergy provocateurs in many people, and therefore you need to be careful with them.

Weed - perennial ryegrass

How to choose lawn grass

A heat-loving herb with viable qualities. She is very tenacious. It belongs to the genus of cereals, i.e. needs watering and frequent haircuts. Her growth is really very fast. Otherwise, it is an unpretentious plant that is often found in mixtures of herbs for decorating lawns. With its brightness of the green hue, it will delight for a long time, almost until frost.

The advantages are that the grass has excellent germination properties, vitality and resistance indicators. She will quickly recover from a haircut or trampling. Lives 7 years, no less. Those. it can be attributed to durable plants.

The disadvantages are that the percentage of freezing after winter is really high. For this reason, you will need to sow the grass. She needs a frequent haircut, which will add to the hassle of the owner.

Red fescue

How to choose lawn grass

This herb is considered the most unpretentious and resistant. It is represented by the family of cereals. The similarity is at the highest level. According to external data, it is attractive, does not need care after planting. It will perfectly cope with winter, heat and drought. She is also comfortable in the shade. Plus, it is not afraid of pests.

All these properties make it possible for this type of grass to be incredibly popular if you want to arrange summer cottages and park areas. It grows very beautifully as a carpet even in the shade. It is often used in herbal mixtures and is prized by gardeners for its durability qualities.

The advantages are that this herb is very beautiful and has been growing for many years. It has a silky soft texture and is stable even in harsh climates. It looks good along with other lawn grasses.

The downside is that at the very first frost, the grass can lose all its beauty.

Small Timofeyevka

How to choose lawn grass

The plant is undersized. It has narrow sheets that form a thick carpet and is very dense. Unlike meadow timothy, which can also be used for sowing lawns, this species will perfectly tolerate a short haircut. Those. with its help, you can give the landing a neat appearance.

The plant has excellent frost resistance properties. It has excellent moisture readings. Grass is able to withstand flooding more easily than drought. For this reason, it is recommended to use it for sowing lowlands or soils that are distinguished by watering. In other cases, frequent and abundant watering is needed.

The pluses include that the plant is perennial. It has excellent frost resistance properties, and therefore it is able to survive even the most terrible winters in our country. The grass can withstand trampling very well. It can be cut short to create a neat green lawn. She can kill weeds.

As for the disadvantages, if there is a drought in summer, then you need to water the grass as often as possible.

Taboo on herbs that are not suitable for the climate of the Russian Federation

In the composition of lawn plants from Europe, you can often find those varieties of herbs that should not be planted in the conditions of our state. They are designed for mild conditions, and therefore die quickly enough. Perennial ryegrass can be attributed to such plants. It grows very well, has excellent decorative properties, forming a dense canopy. But keep in mind that after the first winter, most of the grass may die, resulting in large bald patches on the lawn. In European countries, the plant is actively used. It can decorate the lawn for 8 years or more.

Often, in the mixtures that are in stores, the annual bluegrass is also found.Its main feature is that the growth rate is high, and in terms of care it is not particularly whimsical. But keep in mind that reproduction takes place at the expense of seeds. This is not possible in cold temperatures. Those. next year, the grass will not multiply in the Russian Federation, and therefore expect the growth of weeds.

There are also 2 herbs that are better off in the Russian Federation. These are sheep fescue and turfy pike. They have many advantages, but they were not without drawbacks. If you grow your lawn on the basis of these herbs, then over time, from a flat carpet, it will look more like mounds in green.

Lawn grass selection: expert opinion

For a garden lawn or for decorating a plot near a house, you should give preference to a mixture based on red fescue and meadow bluegrass. Herbs are a great way to complement each other. Florists can use clover to create beds with interesting designs. It will be able to become a kind of undercoat that is suitable for shrinking tall flowers. It is patterned, lush and thick.

The parterre lawn, which can be broken in front of the house, can be sown through the use of timothy grass. After mowing, the lawn will become truly European-like. He is able to endure the games of children and other movements around the site.

But the multicolor of the Moorish lawn can emphasize the chaff. It is a bright green grass. To decorate the playground, it is better to use trampling-resistant, but soft herbs. It can be fescue, clover, timothy. If desired, you can supplement the base with ryegrass.

Price question: how much does lawn grass cost?

A frost-resistant mixture can cost in the region of 220-370 rubles per 1 kg. It can include red fescue, meadow fescue, ryegrass, and timothy. It is often sold in bags of 30 kg, i.e. packaging will cost around 6,600 rubles. Shade-tolerant mixtures that tolerate frost well can cost around 1900 rubles per 1 kg.

If the goal is to equip a plot in the country, then buy the simplest mixture based on fescue and bluegrass. Its cost will be 260-390 rubles per 1 kg. But for fescue and chaff you will need to pay for 1 kg in the region of 400-700 rubles.

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