How to choose a carpet on the floor in the living room and nursery

Carpets have been used in residential and other environments for many years. Each person treats them differently, some cover the entire room, others try to put only a small carpet for the feet or a certain area of ​​the room. Despite this, the product helps to add coziness with the help of such a coating, and it will be much more pleasant to walk on the floor. Today there are many manufacturers and a large assortment, so the buyer needs to know how to choose a carpet for an apartment, house and a specific room. Models differ from each other in materials, appearance and other parameters.

Top carpet manufacturers

To understand how to choose a carpet for the floor, it should be said that a quality product from a trusted manufacturer will serve for many years while maintaining its basic qualities and appearance. Some companies can guarantee their coatings for up to 50 years, which indicates high quality.

It is difficult for the buyer to choose a good carpet, since many low-grade coverings come on the market today, which are questionable due to the low cost. In this case, you can save money, but you need to understand that the product will last up to 5 years, after which it will be thrown away or useful in the garage.

To use the carpet for a long time and enjoy its beautiful appearance, it is recommended to choose models from trusted manufacturers:

  • Wool & Silk;
  • Longbarn Company;
  • MID;
  • Luzern;
  • Radici Pietro.

The products of the companies described occupy the first places among carpets, they help to effectively warm feet in winter, and also become an excellent decoration for the room, but when buying there are a number of other features that you should familiarize yourself with in order to understand which carpet to choose.

Types of carpets

Many users ask experts which carpet is better to choose for this or that room. One can say unambiguously only after considering the possible types on the market.


How to choose a carpet on the floor in the living room and nursery

This segment includes materials that are created from natural raw materials. Manufacturers use linen, silk, cotton or wool, as well as other materials for carpeting. In comparison with synthetic counterparts, such carpets are able to create their own microclimate in the room by adjusting humidity and retaining heat. A floor with such products always looks beautiful and stylish, adds coziness, but the cost is not the lowest.


  • Complete environmental safety.
  • The use of only natural raw materials for manufacturing.
  • With proper care, your carpet will last a long time.
  • It always looks beautiful and rich.
  • Can maintain the desired indoor climate and keep warm.
  • At a certain thickness, there will be additional insulation from extraneous noise.
  • Softness with tactile contact.


  • Certain materials, including wool, can trigger an allergic reaction.
  • High price.
  • A high degree of hygroscopicity, therefore, in the case of a spilled liquid on the surface, the carpet will quickly absorb it, but it will take a very long time to dry, so there are risks of an unpleasant odor or mold.
  • You can use a washing vacuum cleaner for cleaning, but it will take several days to wait for complete drying.


How to choose a carpet on the floor in the living room and nursery

Such a coating is characterized by a relatively low cost, since it is made of artificial materials. Manufacturers will use cheap synthetic fibers, including acrylic, polyamide and others. If you come across a high-quality model from a trusted brand, then even synthetic carpets can please the user with a long period of use.

The individual parameters of a synthetic coating depend on the raw materials used for manufacturing, despite this, certain pros and cons can be distinguished:


  • The carpet does not provoke allergies.
  • Resistance to wear and moisture appears.
  • Excellent dry or wet cleaning.
  • The surface dries quickly after washing.
  • No color loss occurs over time.
  • The surface is very pleasant to the touch.
  • Affordable cost.


  • The material accumulates static electricity, so dust quickly settles on the surface.
  • Heat retention is not the best, as the surface is more suitable as a decoration for a room.


How to choose a carpet on the floor in the living room and nursery

Such carpets are combined according to the type of materials used. They include natural and artificial turf, which makes all products average in value, and also allows you to collect the best qualities of both options. Often, manufacturers add up to 30% artificial material when making wool rugs and vice versa.


  • The optimum degree of hygroscopicity, although not the highest.
  • In case of fire, they do not burn, but they will smolder.
  • They give good warmth.
  • Pleasant tactile surface.
  • High level of strength, which gives a long service life.
  • The cost is almost two times less than for products made from natural raw materials.


  • The cost of completely artificial analogs is twice as high.
  • Allergies are possible.

Carpet selection options

To understand how to choose the right carpet, each person will need to know the basic parameters. With their help, it is possible to identify the main factors that you need to pay attention to and decide on them before buying.

Size and shape

In the standard version, the length and width indicator is often tied to the dimensions of the room where the carpet will lie. For typical apartments, factory sizes are used, which include the range of 1.7x2.4-3x4 meters, but there are other options on sale.

When choosing a palace, you need to take into account your own preferences, taste, as well as certain design parameters:

  • If the main parts of the rooms differ in stylistic direction or color, then the carpet must be chosen in such a way that it can tie all the elements together. To do this, the width should cover the entire area, but it is better to leave about 20 cm free around the perimeter.
  • If you need to focus on a specific area and highlight it, then a small model will do, where a TV or play corner for a child will be installed. You can lay the carpet right in front of or under the furniture.
  • If the room is half empty, when there is nothing on the floor, then the carpet can be anything, and the size is not wider than 3 meters.
  • For the kitchen and dining area, it is always located on the carpet, its edges should be slightly farther than the limits of the pushed back chairs, the size is about 60 cm larger.

If we talk about the form, then it can completely repeat the room or be of free choice, without reference to the area.


When choosing a color palette, it is recommended to be guided by your taste, but remember some important rules:

  • Light colors are best for expanding the space if the room is narrow, but in this case, you need to completely fill the floor from one wall to the other.
  • A dark color helps to narrow the space, but small carpets or those that can be laid on light laminate or linoleum can make an unusual and dramatic accent.
  • Variegated shades will work well for rooms with windows facing North and West. In the daytime, all beauty will appear in the light.
  • In low light of the area, any dark shades will appear as black as possible, which can negatively affect the overall appearance.


Based on the information described above, it is clear that artificial and natural materials are distinguished. Among the synthetic raw materials are:

  • Nylon - polyamide fibers that are characterized by elasticity, as well as a high degree of strength and durability. The material differs from others in the bright shine of the pile, and the service life of the carpet will be up to 15 years.
  • Acrylic - although the material is synthetic, it is very similar to wool in properties. The main advantage is that the raw materials do not provoke allergies, and also do not collect static electricity. The main disadvantage is the service life, which will be up to 8 years.
  • Polyester - Polyester fibers, it is tough but gives good warmth to the feet. In addition, the carpet is easy to care for, the surface retains its color perfectly, but the service life is approximately 6-8 years.
  • Polypropylene - visually similar to wool, suitable for any type of cleaning and is cheap.

Natural materials differ in cost and environmental friendliness. Among them are:

  • Wool - has excellent elasticity and warmth, carpets can last for many years, but if the room is very humid, moths, mold and other negative consequences develop. Often, manufacturers use sheep's wool, but there are materials with camel wool, which are several times better, but also more expensive.
  • Cotton - the material is highly hygroscopic, easy to care for, but with poor strength, so wool is often added to carpets made of this material.
  • Viscose - carpets are durable, and their cost is optimal and affordable for many people. Visually, the rugs are similar to silk.
  • Silk - carpets are very dense and durable, and no deformation appears under the furniture. The material perfectly retains its shape, does not provoke allergies, is characterized by minimal weight, but the cost is very high.

Pile type

The pile has a significant effect not only on decorativeness, but also on insulating qualities. In addition, tactile sensations and care features depend on it. At the moment, carpet manufacturers offer a large number of pile designs:

  • Velor - the length of the pile is about 8 mm, the model is split, sheared, it gets dirty easily, but only at the top, so there are no problems with cleaning.
  • Saxony - the length is slightly longer than that of the velor type, without fluffing, the parts are twisted together. Such carpets look good even when using the same color, the coating is characterized by softness and pleasant tactile sensations.
  • Friese - the pile model is very long, the fibers are twisted together and fixed by heat treatment. Models can be cut, looped or assembled from different threads in thickness. Carpets with this type of pile are visually not the most beautiful, but it is pleasant to walk on them. Dirt does not adhere well, which is a plus, but fine debris penetrates almost to the base, so cleaning is recommended every six months.
  • Single-layer loop pile - This type of carpet is very difficult to clean, but it is the strongest.
  • Multilevel looped - the pile is characterized by different thread lengths, which help to obtain a three-dimensional pattern.
  • Catlup - this model is considered the easiest to care for from all the described piles. The carpet turns out to be visually attractive, because it uses threads of different sizes and fine weaving.

In addition to the described options for carpets, you can find lint-free models on sale. They hardly wrinkle under furniture and are also highly abrasion resistant. Cleaning is easy, there are two-sided options, which will allow you to simply turn the product over and walk on the clean carpet.


The density of the carpet, or rather the bundle, is one of the main parameters that you need to pay attention to. The quality and the period of operation depend on the density. The following types of density are distinguished:

  • Low - knots per 1 sq.m. it turns out about 38-100 thousand units.Used for the most basic but practical rugs. Manufacturers use coarse and dense threads from natural raw materials. It is better not to buy options with long piles, because after a while it begins to wrinkle.
  • Average - the density of nodes is approximately 100-325 thousand / sq. m. This type is the most common, very soft and pleasant to tactile sensations. Manufacturers use all types of materials as materials.
  • High density - knots per 1 sq. M. will be from 325 thousand to 1 million. Often the density is used for expensive coatings that are resistant to wear.
  • Exceptionally dense - carpets with knots of 1-1.5 million / sq. m. This indicator can often be found in silk products.

You can roughly determine the density by folding the carpet in half. If there are few nodes, then the base will be visible on the bend, and the denser the surface, the more difficult it is to consider it.

How much does the carpet cost

The cost of the carpet depends on the materials and dimensions. On average, the prices are as follows:

  • Artificial models start at 300 rubles when covering 60x110 cm, but the cost can be about 30,000 rubles, if the area is increased to 60 sq.m.
  • Small size rugs that are used for a bed cost about 1200 rubles for a size of 70x105 cm, and if you use the best materials and the size is 3x4 m, then the amount can reach 28-200 thousand rubles.
  • For small cotton models for children, you need to pay about 1200 rubles, with dimensions of 3x4 meters, the price can rise to 20-40 thousand rubles.
  • Wool carpets range from 1-400 thousand rubles.
  • Silk products are always expensive and the cheapest models will start from 24 thousand rubles, but can go up to hundreds of thousands and even millions per carpet.

Which carpet to choose

Studying the features of carpets for the home, it will be easier to choose the product for a specific room. If difficulties remain, in this case it is recommended to use the advice of experts:

  • It is recommended to use inexpensive products made of artificial materials in the hallway, which will have minimal or no nap. Variegated colors work best because they won't give off dirt. When choosing, you need to focus on the aspect ratio so that they are as identical as possible to the size of the hallway.
  • For rooms with children, it is recommended to buy wool models with large and dense pile. A similar choice would be optimal for bedrooms. In case of allergies, the material can be replaced with polypropylene or acrylic. The color scheme should be calm, pastel colors are best suited. It is better to choose a size such that part of the carpet or it completely goes under the bed.
  • For the living room, it is recommended to buy an expensive carpet with a beautiful pile and pattern. Experts advise to give preference to wool or silk. If the budget is limited, then it is better to select cheaper analogs, for example, from velor, composite materials or artificial raw materials. The rest of the indicators are also important to carefully select that the floor is in harmony with the overall appearance of the room.
  • For the purpose of zoning a large room, when it comes to a studio, it is better to choose several carpets in the size of 1.5-3 meters. It is best that the products are in contrast with the floor covering, are characterized by a large pile.
  • Carpets are rarely laid in the kitchen, but their use is possible, especially in the dining area. In this case, products with no lint or with a minimum length are better suited. The shape should follow the size of the tables, and among the best materials are viscose, cotton and synthetics.

The described recommendations will remove the questions of how to choose a carpet in the living room, nursery, bedroom and other rooms in the house.

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