How to choose a microphone for voice recording

Microphones for voice recording are almost all good, regardless of cost, poor quality can be the result of improper design, installation or setup of equipment. This technique is generally considered very moody, but if you know the principle of operation and some of the nuances, then you can easily understand the main parameters and find the optimal device for work. In this case, the rule does not work that the higher the cost of the goods, the better. It is important to understand the main technical features, auditory capabilities, useful information, how to choose a microphone for voice recording. The article will present the main points that simplify the selection and purchase of equipment.

Top microphone manufacturers

The cost of a microphone depends on its technical content, as well as the name of the brand that manufactures the product. Many large manufacturers do not just add value for the name, but also spend a lot of money to develop new technologies that will improve quality, functionality. This allows you to create more advanced models that help solve different problems.

To understand which microphone is best to choose by brand, you should focus on the following manufacturers:

  • Telefunken - this brand is considered one of the best among microphones, because it is characterized by ideal quality and the best innovative solutions. Many brands look up to this firm, but the products are very expensive.
  • Neumann is another legendary company whose U47 and U87 have become some of the classics and standard for speech recording. There are such devices in many studios that value quality, of course the goods are very expensive.
  • VioletDesign is a Baltic manufacturer that hand-assembles microphones. Differs from other representatives in high build quality and sound. In addition, users can choose from a large number of models that are in the range. The buyer can buy an inexpensive home microphone or a professional studio device.
  • RODE is an Australian-born company that has been producing various musical techniques for over 30 years. Microphones are renowned for their optimal quality / value ratio.
  • AKG is a well-known company with a very large range of microphones. The model in the C414 range can be considered the only one in the world that has no flaws and everything is perfectly balanced. Over the past few years, the quality has begun to gradually deteriorate, at the moment the goods are not the best, so there is no point in overpaying for the name.
  • Marshall Electronics MXL is a 30-year-old manufacturer that is in demand by home musicians as microphones are affordable and of excellent quality.
  • Shure is another well-known brand all over the world, with a couple of models that are in many self-respecting studios.

It is not enough to know the best manufacturers. Much depends on them, but you still need to figure out the main characteristics and parameters. They will show you how to choose a microphone for your computer or other devices.

The principle of operation and the device of the microphone

When choosing a microphone, it is important to make a purchase that will fully meet the needs of the person. For this, it is necessary to determine how, where the equipment will be used. This can be home recording of instruments, performances on stage, or sound recording in the studio. In this case, you can choose a highly targeted or universal technique.

The selection is carried out taking into account the equipment to which the connection will be carried out. There is no point in spending tens of thousands of rubles on a studio apparatus if you plan to record at home, where the acoustics are very weak. In this case, a budget option with low sensitivity is sufficient. From a technical point of view, the best device depends on the preamplifier, if it is of poor quality, then all the advantages of professional models will be destroyed.

There are 2 main systems regardless of the microphone model:

  • Acoustic - a special sensitive membrane, which vibrates at a specific frequency as a result of the appearance of pressure from sound.
  • Electromechanical - A system that changes the movement of the diaphragm into electrical signals. After that, you can broadcast to any device, for example, speakers or PC.

It is due to the design features of the systems that several main types of microphones can be distinguished.

Types of microphones

Almost all types of microphones can be divided into dynamic and condenser. In the first case, the device does not require a separate power supply, the latter need a source.


How to choose a microphone for voice recording

Such equipment is a built-in speaker, but the work is done in reverse. In other words, membrane vibrations begin to transmit impulses strictly to the coil, which is attached to it and is under a constant force field using a magnet. This is where the electrical signal is generated. This technology allows you to work with a wide range of frequencies, but the upper limits will not be the best. In addition, the membrane is rather slow, so it cannot keep up with fast sound changes due to the large acoustic unit.

All models of this type are characterized by reliability, easily withstand shocks, falls and are perfect for concert halls, outdoor stadiums or theaters.

A subspecies of the described devices are tape models, which give higher clarity and detail of sounds, but their cost is higher and they require careful handling. This is due to the more "gentle" technical content. Acoustic parts are made in the form of a thin plate of metal, which is, in fact, foil and can burst under strong pressure or impact.

Ribbon models are ideal for conveying vocals as well as string wind instrument sounds. The microphone achieves a soft and velvety sound that smoothes the high frequencies.


  • The microphones are versatile because they are suitable for professionals and amateurs recording at home.
  • The mid and low frequencies work well.
  • They perfectly pick up sounds from a distance of up to 1.5 meters.
  • They are characterized by medium sensitivity, and also do not collect other sounds.
  • High degree of reliability.
  • The ability to use in any weather.


  • Poor treble reproduction, so sound within these ranges can be sluggish and weak.
  • The models do not have time to react to the rapid change of sounds.

Capacitor (electrostatic)

How to choose a microphone for voice recording

With the help of a built-in capacitor inside the microphone, the oscillation capacitance of the membrane can be changed. Such an element helps to transfer an alternating current of a similar frequency to the network, creating an output electrical signal. Models of this type operate in a wide frequency range from 5-30 Hz to 24-200 kHz. The indicator directly depends on the technical equipment, therefore the technique is ideal for recording in a studio, where the equipment can capture any details of the sound.

Electret devices can be considered a subspecies.For work, there is no need to use a constant power supply, because the current is supplied using an electret on the membrane. As the charge is used up, the sound quality decreases, and the diaphragm itself will lose its sensitivity.


  • High frequency.
  • Excellent sensitivity.
  • You can change the direction.
  • The microphone produces excellent live sound transmission.
  • Sold in different sizes, even the smallest.


  • High cost compared to dynamic devices.
  • Careful use is required as the devices are sensitive to high pressure.
  • You always need food.

How to choose a microphone - basic parameters

For everyone who does not know how to choose headphones with a microphone or a separate microphone, you should familiarize yourself with the basic technical characteristics of the technique. They will help to simplify the purchase, because understanding makes it possible to define requirements.


If this value is at a high level, then the equipment will be able to pick up even the quietest and most distant sounds. Based on the conditions of use, this factor can be a plus and a minus, so you need to immediately decide where the microphone will be used.

If you plan to use it in a studio or at home, where there is sufficient isolation, then a microphone with a high sensitivity can be purchased. Investments will be justified, the recording will be able to maximize the subtleties of sound or speech. In this case, preference should be given to electret or condenser models.

For using the microphone in open areas where there is a lot of noise, a low sensitivity is the best choice so that the sound transmission is clear. When choosing, it is better to buy dynamic devices.

In addition, a high indicator is important for equipment that works from a remote sound source, even at a distance of about 2 meters. Microphones placed directly in front of a person or instrument should be of lower value. To simplify the selection, it is recommended to use the following characteristics:

  • Dynamic microphones are difficult to "swing", their sensitivity is 0.3-4 mV / Pa.
  • Indicators of tape models are 1-3 mV / Pa.
  • Condensing devices operate within the range of 1-18 mV / Pa.
  • The highest sensitivity for electret types is 6-18 mV / Pa.

Sound pressure level (SPL)

This value can indicate the strength of the sound stream that the microphone receives without distortion and the possibility of aperture rupture. When choosing to focus on the terms of use:

  • For studio recording at home or in a professional environment, a device with a pressure of up to 100 dB will suffice.
  • If you need to provide a rock concert where guitar, drums and other powerful equipment will be recorded, you should give preference to options with a pressure of 130 dB or more.

In this case, it is important to understand that the higher the pressure, the lower the sensitivity of the equipment. Both indicators depend on each other. To get powerful and clear sound, it is recommended to buy a microphone with a built-in attenuator to increase the SPL of the device and protect it from excessive loads.

Frequency range

The value indicates the threshold for the frequency of sounds that the technician can pick up. This does not mean that you should choose the model with the highest performance. Often, purchasing such a product will be unjustified.

It is best to look at the sound sources themselves, where the microphone will be connected:

  • Human speech is in the range of 100-6000 Hz, and 3-4 kHz is enough for optimal perception.
  • Singing can be estimated in the range of 75-10000 Hz, which is an excellent parameter for a vocal device, but their values ​​can be quite enough for a violin, guitar or flute.
  • For working with instruments, including a trumpet, guitar or drums, it is recommended to use microphones with a frequency of 12-15 kHz, when using a synthesizer, models at 20 kHz are suitable.
  • For bass, microphones with a threshold of 20-50 kHz should be used.

It is worth remembering that closer to the indicator of 20 kHz, the purity of sounds begins to disappear and it is more difficult for people to distinguish them. Due to this, microphones are included in the segment of specialized devices.

Direction of action

This value indicates the ability of the microphone to pick up sounds from different directions or the same direction. Based on this, the devices are divided into 2 large groups:

  • Omnidirectional vehicles - equipment can receive sound from any direction with approximately identical sensitivity. Working angles are 360 ​​degrees. Microphones are often bought and used for concerts, where voices can come from different directions. This solution helps to create a certain effect and shoot a musical picture from different sides of the stage. In a studio or room, this effect will disappear as a result of a closed-loop speaker system.
  • Unidirectional - Models of this type can receive sounds from one direction, and also eliminate possible noise. This gives ideal clarity, it is recommended to use it for studios or synchronous recording of various musical instruments, but in front of each of them you need to put a separate microphone.

Based on the direction, unidirectional devices are divided into several subspecies:

  • Equipment with a cardioid diagram - is characterized by a sound reception angle of 130 degrees. Does not receive voice or melody from the rear.
  • Eights are characterized by angles of about 150 degrees in front and behind. Side noise is eliminated with a microphone. An excellent choice for conducting interviews when the host and guest are facing each other.
  • Supercardioid - Similar to a figure eight, but the angle of capture is different. The front part is 100 degrees, and the back is not more than 10. Noise is suppressed from the sides.
  • Hypercardioid - a type of bidirectional device with angles of 75 and 25 degrees. Due to a certain design, all noise is eliminated as much as possible.

Which microphone to choose

To simplify the choice for the selection and purchase of equipment, you can use not only the above information, but also some expert advice:

  • If the microphone will be used only for the transmission of sounds and speech, then you can buy budget models of the cardiode ribbon type. SPL will not play an important role in this case, since the load will be no more than 80 dB. Also, the frequency is not particularly important, it will be enough for the range of 100-6000 Hz.
  • For all users with a loud voice or if it is necessary to conduct events on the street, conduct interviews, you should buy less sensitive tape or dynamic devices that will work with loudness up to 100 dB.
  • In the case of concerts in open stadiums, dynamic models can be used, as they can withstand up to 130 dB, especially with additional playing of the instruments. The frequency of operation should correspond to the sounds that will come out, in order to be sure of high quality, it is better to choose options for about 50-15000 Hz and more. Ideally, buy unidirectional machines with a simple cardioid.
  • For studio recordings with high-quality isolation, capacitor-type devices are ideal, where directivity can be switched. The design features will independently give high sensitivity to the microphone, and the frequency is recommended to be taken in the range of 20-80 Hz and up to 15-20 kHz.
  • Anyone who records speech at home can use electret microphones, which are cheaper than more professional devices. Moreover, for the optimal amount, the user receives high-quality sound. The main requirement is universal parameters, among which are pressure 100-130 dB and frequencies 80-15000 Hz.

Microphone cost

The cost of each model depends on technical features, filling and other factors. Average prices will be as follows:

  • A simple dynamic model starts at 150 rubles, it is recommended to use it for karaoke, but professional equipment for serious vocals will be about 100-120 thousand rubles.
  • Tape products cost more in the range of 6-450 thousand rubles.
  • Condenser microphones start at 600 rubles, for professional studio products you need to pay 500-700 thousand rubles.
  • Electret devices can be purchased within 500-60,000 rubles.

The described article allows you to learn how to choose a microphone with headphones and other types for speech recording. When choosing, it is recommended to focus not on cost, but on technical parameters. Before buying, it is better to select several models and collect as much data about them as possible in order to make the right choice.

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