How to choose a microwave oven for your home

The modern range of kitchen appliances is full of various new products. For this reason, the question of how to choose a microwave oven for the home often pops up among ordinary buyers. It turns out to be quite difficult to understand the list of criteria that are useful in practice alone, without proper experience.

Knowledge of the types of modern microwave ovens, their technical features, brands in demand on the market - all this will allow you to understand for yourself which microwave model is most optimal in your case.

Main features of devices

How to choose a microwave oven for your home

Every microwave oven has a primary goal, which boils down to making everyday tasks easier for its owner. It will allow you to get rid of the worries of cooking or heating food. This gives you more time for other activities. This greatly simplifies the everyday life of every housewife, and in the case of heating food in the office, the microwave will be useful.

Microwave is an electrical device that affects food by means of wave radiation. It is formed by a magnetron. Waves are capable of acting on products in such a way that they are spoken from the inside or undergo heating. The owner of the device does not have to worry about burning the crust. This will not happen if you set the timer and temperature correctly.

Inverter devices have become the most popular in the market in recent years. They differ from standard microwave ovens in that there is no transformer in the composition, but there is an electronic control unit. Due to this, it is possible to adjust the operation and power indicators of the magnetron.

The main advantages of the device

How to choose a microwave oven for your home

First of all, you need to designate the universal properties. The device will allow you to reheat food, cook food, bake or defrost food. It can also be sterilized with it.

Heat treatment is not delayed for a long time, and therefore no product will lose its beneficial properties. Each of the devices can be programmed to perform options that will relieve a person from the importance of monitoring the microwave operation process.

Preparing food or heating food can be carried out in the dishes that are used for serving. Those. you are relieved of the need to transfer dishes to other plates and wash them.

During the use of microwave oven odors in the room are excluded. Plus, modern devices are compact in size. In this case, the appliance can be installed anywhere in the kitchen. It will be easy to use, and therefore even a beginner will understand how to operate it.

Device selection criteria

If you do not know which microwave to choose, then pay attention to the following parameters:

  • view;
  • volume;
  • cover and body material;
  • door construction;
  • control;
  • optionality;
  • cost;
  • manufacturer's brand.

We suggest dwelling on each of them in more detail.


Today, the most affordable are solo ovens.Such models are characterized by the fact that they have everything necessary for defrosting, heating and cooking food. They fit perfectly into the overall picture of the kitchen and are also appropriate for the office interior.

If you are in need of a microwave that will allow you to cook complex treats, then you need to pay attention to the multifunctional types. The devices have an option for grill, convection.

Choosing a model with a grill will give you the opportunity to get a fragrant crust on fish, meat or vegetables. The convection mode will guarantee fast and high-quality cooking. The device has a fan that will create favorable conditions for cooking. A number of modern models have in their equipment 10 or more programs, an automatic plan.

There is another type that is assigned to a separate group - small microwave ovens. By volume, they are not more than 10 liters. Indicators of width, depth - 50x40 cm, or even less.

Note that there are also free-standing and recessed views. If you are unsure how to choose the right built-in microwave oven, consult your store representative. This type of placement is very convenient, as it allows you to use the space in an office space or at home in a competent way.

Volume indicators

The parameter is really important. First, you need to understand how many people will use the microwave, how much space in the room for the device, whether the oven needs additional options or is it only needed as heating.

Today, there are 3 types of microwave ovens by volume: small-sized - no more than 20 liters, medium - no more than 27 liters, large - 28-42 liters.

Speaking about the best option for 3-4 people, it is recommended to pay attention to 30-35 liters.


The most common option for coating inside the oven is considered to be enamel. The surface is easily cleaned of oil drops and other things. But keep in mind that the durability properties of the coating are not the best.

Durable and durable stainless steel coating. He is not afraid of high temperatures. But there is also a minus here. It really takes extra effort to clean the material.

Bioceramics or ceramics are the best options. The surface is durable, safe. If you are looking for a reliable microwave that will last a long time, then pay attention to these options. The surface is almost not covered with grease, easy to clean, not prone to scratches. But the disadvantages are that the cost for it is high, in the event of an impact, and even a slope to the appearance of cracks.

In general, all the available types of coatings are associated with both pros and cons. The choice is entirely yours.

Material for microwave housing

Many of the options on the market are made of metal, which is coated with special paints. The color can be absolutely any. The palette ranges from classic white to silver, from black to red. There are also unique variations.

To date, models are presented, the body of which is made on the basis of high-quality stainless steel. The choice of color will depend on the preferences of the hostess, the design solution, as well as the color of the kitchen itself.

Door construction

The way the door is opened is also an equally important parameter. The simplest option, which is reliable and familiar to many, is a simple pen. Just pull is enough to open the door.

There is another option - a button. By clicking on it, you can open the microwave.

Power features

The parameter will depend on which type of device you have chosen.

If the choice fell on 300-900W, then this will be quite enough for defrosting meat, heating simple dishes and cooking them. Usually, such indicators are inherent in solo options.

If you are interested in a multi-option device, then the power indicators will be much higher. If you have chosen an excellent oven with a grill, then the power will be 1.2-1.5 kW. But if you want to buy a microwave with convection, keep in mind that the power will be 1.8 kW, at least.

Management capability

Today there are types of microwave control: mechanics, buttons and sensor.If we take the first option into consideration, then it has handles that allow you to set the required power, as well as turn on the timer. The advantage of the model is that it is reliable, but the disadvantage is the need to set the time for 1-2 minutes.

The buttons allow you to set the cooking time. Devices, as a rule, with a screen, there is the possibility of programming the principles of cooking.

The sensor looks modern. The control is carried out by touch, it is easy to care for it, but such devices are expensive. And keep in mind that power surges can harm touch controls.


As a rule, those microwave ovens that have many options are equipped with convection, grill. They can be either separately or together.

The shady grill is available. It looks like a spiral that rotates. It is located at the top of the camera or below. There is also a quartz grill. It is presented in the form of a wire that is placed in a quartz tube. Placement can be on top. In this case, heating is quicker and more economical. The device is easy to clean.

Convection mode requires a special fan to provide favorable conditions for cooking. The device can become a complete replacement for a traditional oven. Due to this, the hostess will have another opportunity to experiment with different types of dishes. Plus, there is a different mix on the market. These are microwaves and grills, as well as convection with microwave waves, grilling and convection.

Thanks to the automatic defrosting option, you can count on fast and quality defrosting of food. The temperature is set automatically.

There are also options for maintaining temperature, it is also an automatic function due to which you can keep food hot. You can set up a debugged startup so that you can turn on the device at the right time. This allows you not to be distracted from other tasks at all.

The most popular recipes will remain in the memory of the microwave oven with auto-cooking. Advanced models will allow you to set the cooking mode by setting the product name and weight indicators. The options of a built-in bread maker and a double boiler, steam cleaning, odor removal are present in the new microwave ovens, which have recently added to the range on the market.

Additional equipment

This is also an important aspect. After all, the standard equipment includes: grill rack, tray and lid. But if this is a model with a frying option, there may be a disc that acts as a frying pan. There is a disc that takes over the tasks of a double boiler.

When the process is completed, the sound timer will notify about it. It is also convenient that some models have a child lock. As a result, the microwave becomes even safer to use.

Price question

On average, the purchase of a microwave will cost $ 150. For this money, you will receive a microwave, endowed with a large option. Of course, the higher the price, the more options the device has.

But if you want a simple budget model, it will cost around $ 60. Such options are most often bought for offices in order to warm up food.

TOP models from the best manufacturers in the world


How to choose a microwave oven for your home

If you are interested in buying a good microwave solo, take a look at the offer from the LG brand. This is the MS2042DS model.

The volume of the device is 20 liters, the power indicators are 700 watts. It is suitable for heating and defrosting food, cooking. There is a child lock option. Sensor control, there is a display for data output. The chamber is equipped with enamel, which is easy to clean. There is also an instruction that suggests 3 interesting recipes for cooking food in an automatic mode.


How to choose a microwave oven for your home

Another proposal from the Bosch brand.

The HMT 84G461 model is a well-deservedly recommended purchase. This is the option with microwave and grill. It is a reliable device, robust and easy to use. Designed for 25L, the chamber is made of stainless steel. Power indicators 900W.


How to choose a microwave oven for your home

The TOP is completed by the Sharp brand.

Here is the R-8771LK microwave oven, which has many options. You can cook in grill, convection, microwave mode. The options work both separately and in combination. The device is made of stainless steel inside. In general, the microwave can replace a standard oven. The sensor is simple, the controls are clear. In general, you can easily set the desired cooking program.

Recommendations from a specialist

So that the microwave does not carry danger, do not break the simple rules:

  • if the door is open, do not even try to turn on the equipment;
  • do not use the device without products inside;
  • do not use metal, porcelain dishes with silver or gilding;
  • you can not heat eggs in shell or boil them;
  • do not put food in sealed packages (canned food, cans, etc.);
  • hot objects should not be placed on the cold turntable.
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