How to choose a stretch ceiling

Stretch ceilings are a great alternative to any other type. The choice is considered modern and beautiful, at an optimal cost, in addition, the surface will perfectly complement the overall interior. Often, such a surface is often the main room for creating an accent or decor. Through the use of modern technologies, it is possible to implement the most unusual solutions of designers, to improve the degree of comfort for life. Canvases are of different types, they will easily hide defects on the ceiling, communications. They are characterized by durability, practicality, but you need to know which stretch ceiling to choose for a particular room, since the types are suitable for different purposes.

Types of stretch ceilings

Based on the type of stretch ceilings, homeowners get a different effect. At the moment, there are several main options that differ in properties and appearance. The correct selection of the product is possible with an understanding of the features.

Glossy PVC Film

How to choose a stretch ceiling

Stretch glossy ceilings differ from others in their varnish surface, which has a mirror effect and perfectly reflects light with a coefficient of about 70%. Such a covering for the house will visually increase the area of ​​the room. It is the glossy film that is presented in the largest assortment, there is a huge number of colors and shades to choose from.


  • During installation, you can implement any lighting solutions by obtaining a mirror effect.
  • The material does not have an electrostatic voltage, therefore dust attraction to the surface, accumulation of dirt on the ceiling is excluded.
  • Great for any interior materials, textures and styles.
  • Can use bright photo prints that will become the accent of the room.
  • Excellent elasticity of the film, which helps to hold up to 100 liters of liquid per 1 sq. M. This can save from a flood in case of flooding from the upper floors.
  • Suitable for installation in the kitchen, bathroom or toilet, as well as rooms where there will be high humidity.
  • It is possible to remove the canvas and use it again, provided that it is fixed using the harpoon method.
  • Does not collect odors on the surface.


  • To perform the maintenance of the canvas, some experience will be required, if there are no cleaning skills, that is, the risks of staining.
  • Under the influence of high temperatures from incandescent lamps, as well as from direct sunlight, yellow spots are formed, and as a result of extreme cold, cracks on the surface can occur. It is not recommended to use the canvas in rooms where the temperature will be less than 5 degrees.
  • There are risks of accidental puncture of the film. Based on the specific case, the surface can be restored with the help of wizards, but this area will be noticeable. Often, after a puncture, the entire ceiling should be pulled over.

Matte PVC Film

How to choose a stretch ceiling

This type of surface allows you to scatter all light rays that will hit the ceiling, and the reflectance is up to 5%. The surface of this material will be smooth or embossed.It is often used by people for reasons of accessibility and high practicality, because the surface is suitable for any room design.


  • A high degree of versatility, which allows you to fit into any room, regardless of its purpose and style.
  • Photo prints can be applied that will have vibrant colors.
  • Help to create a comfortable environment and also absorb glare from the sun, but does not darken the overall space.
  • Great for other types of finishes, including stucco or imitation.
  • High practicality, the surface is easy to clean with a cloth soaked in water.
  • Can be used for re-assembly when removed.


  • The material, even with minimal embossing, is not suitable for the kitchen, since the material of the porous structure will clog fat, which is difficult to remove, but the presence of a productive hood will partially eliminate the problem.
  • Since the film is under tension, there is a chance of puncture. Independent recovery after this is impossible, the case is entrusted to the masters, and after work, decoration must be carried out. In certain cases, it is better to make a constriction.
  • Installation can only be carried out in rooms that are constantly heated.

Fabric stretch ceiling

How to choose a stretch ceiling

For this type of ceiling, polyester is used, which is additionally impregnated with polyurethane. Due to the surface texture, the coating gives the effect of a perfectly flat ceiling after plastering. A woven stretch ceiling is several times more expensive than using PVC film. This surface is often used for luxury styles and homes. At the moment, manufacturers offer different materials that can repel dirt, have an antibacterial layer, provide additional insulation from noise, there are also types with a water-repellent effect.


  • The material does not emit harmful substances for the human body, and after installation there will be no unpleasant smell of chemistry in the house.
  • The surface is breathable easily.
  • Excellent resistance to damage, materials are about 20 times stronger than PVC film. For example, a ball, a champagne cork will not be able to penetrate the surface and break the integrity.
  • Excellent insulating properties to protect against loud upstairs neighbors.
  • The coating does not burn, and some manufacturers make additional impregnation with substances that increase safety in the event of a fire.
  • Wide scope of use, which is caused by the ability to operate in large temperature ranges from -40 to +80 degrees. This allows you to stretch the fabric ceiling in the country, in a loggia or gazebo.
  • With the help of powerful lighting devices, there will be no fading of material, color, and there will be no melting in the place of active exposure.
  • Simple and quick installation, during which the use of a heat gun is excluded.
  • You can paint on canvas or paint in several layers.


  • High cost in comparison with PVC film.
  • The practicality of the material is worse than that of PVC. It is recommended to carry out only dry cleaning, as liquid can provoke stains.
  • The fabric collects odors on itself, which makes it impossible to install in the kitchen.
  • The cover will not be able to retain water if flooding by neighbors begins.
  • It is not suitable for installation in complex structures, since the fabric is characterized by low elasticity.
  • After removal, you will have to buy new material for installation, re-tensioning is impossible.
  • If the room is large in size, then the canvas will only be connected mechanically. For sale, fabric covers are sold no more than 5 meters wide. The surface must not be glued or welded.
  • When using photo prints, it will appear dull and faded.
  • Despite the treatment with antibacterial substances, it is better not to install ceilings in a bathroom or rooms with high humidity.

Stretch ceiling quality check

Often, stretch ceiling canvases can successfully serve for years without changing their qualities and external characteristics. This can be achieved only with the correct selection of materials, as well as the installation work performed in accordance with all standards. Each client and buyer of paintings, installation services should know the specifics of determining the quality of the product. Experts advise doing the check several times in order to accurately determine the fake or defects in the installation work. The basic rules are as follows:

  • The contract always indicates the name and complete set, the parameters must strictly correspond to reality.
  • If there is a holographic sticker on the package, we can talk about the authenticity of the product.
  • The presence of quality certificates, guarantees with a wet seal is a big plus.
  • The edge of the canvas is always supplemented with marking, as well as a logo from the manufacturing plant, a special tag with a number is glued.

When choosing a vinyl ceiling, the material will heat up during installation using special equipment that runs on gas. To be sure of the safety of work, you can check the certificates of the installers, because they must undergo training and receive the appropriate document.

After all the installation work, but even before the skirting boards are fixed, you should look at some small details:

  • Uniform tension of the canvas, there should be no wrinkles, sagging and other folds on the surface.
  • Evenness of color, since the hue can change if there is a violation of technology.
  • The presence or absence of scratches, dirty marks from the hands of installers.
  • The presence of rings for thermal insulation around lighting devices.
  • The gaps between the material and the wall should be minimal.

In the case of using the plinth on the ceiling, its fixation is always carried out on the wall, and not to the film - another parameter to check the quality of the team's work.

Fastening the canvas

Fixation of the tensioning web is carried out by installing a frame from a profile on which the web itself is fixed. The bar can be made of aluminum or plastic, the first type is used for large areas. Among the types of fastening stretch ceilings are:

  • Harpoon - it is necessary to carry out accurate calculations and preparation of the ceiling. A harpoon (plastic edge) is attached to the edge of the film, which is inserted into the opening of the baguette. The method will allow you to remove and install the ceiling back.
  • Shtapikovy - the film is cut with a margin of about 10%, the edges are fixed in the profile holes, fastened with a plug. At the edges there will be remnants of the canvas, which is cut off or hidden under the skirting board. Installation does not require preparation and precise calculations.
  • Clip-on - fastening for fabric materials, after pulling a mechanism in the form of a clothespin is used, where the edge of the ceiling is inserted.

Stretch ceiling selection parameters

You can figure out how to choose a stretch ceiling if you understand the main characteristics, important parameters that require attention.


When choosing a glossy, fabric or matte stretch ceiling, you should focus on the texture. Smoothness, relief, as well as the degree of light reflection depend on it. Such an indicator should be fully combined with the general style of the room where the ceiling is planned to be placed. In addition to the types described above, the texture is different:

  • Perforated - a material in which there are small holes, often used for rooms with interior lighting.
  • Metallic - characterized by a pronounced shine of metal, and as a result of certain lighting it can change saturation and hue.
  • Suede - characterized by a velvet structure that completely resembles a fabric with a small pile.
  • Silk is a semblance of a natural material with a subdued shine, which is found in natural silk.
  • Marble - the film will be completely smooth with a pattern that imitates stone.
  • Mother-of-pearl - a similar canvas is characterized by a soft sheen and differs from others in its pronounced transfusion.

In addition, the ceiling can be embossed or smooth. In the first case, the client can choose and get a small shagreen or a more complex drawing with different colors and shapes.

Applicable material

Based on the type of material used for the stretch ceiling, it depends:

  • The ability to install and use the ceiling at high or low temperatures, as well as in places with high humidity.
  • Brightness of color and clarity of the picture in the case of photo printing.
  • The ability of the material to keep water inside during a flood from above.
  • Possibility of mounting and dismantling the material with the further use of the canvas.
  • Choice of color and texture.
  • Practicality level.

As for the color of the material, you need to take into account your own wishes, as well as the design of the room, the strength of the lighting day and night. It is recommended to use no more than 3 colors in one room.

Ceiling construction

Ceiling design features come in 1 or more levels. With the help of tension models, a "starry sky" is often made, in which the installation of the backlight is carried out inside, creating the effect of a real night sky. This option is suitable for a children's room. Tiered systems allow you to divide a room or a large area into different zones to create a certain accent. It is beneficial to use it for a hall combined with a kitchen or other premises.

Which is better to choose a stretch ceiling

Having studied all the features, you can make a small conclusion on the correct choice of stretch ceiling. Tips are based on the opinions of experts in the field:

  • For a high-tech guest room, where unusual solutions are welcomed, a metallic-colored canvas is suitable.
  • For a bathroom or kitchen, as well as rooms in which there is a high degree of humidity, PVC products should be used. With the help of a glossy coating, it will turn out to increase the area of ​​a small kitchen or bathroom.
  • If the neighbors are not the best, there are risks or there have been cases of flooding, then it is better to use PVC film as a basis for the ceiling, and fasten it using the harpoon method.
  • For country houses, where the owners are only for the season and do not heat the building all the time, preference should be given to woven material, because it is not negatively affected by the cold.
  • Coating with pearl texture should be used for bedrooms made in luxurious styles.
  • The velvet texture is recommended for a bedroom or living room, living room, but installation in the kitchen is prohibited, since the coating will be impractical.
  • Black film or brown gloss, in which there will be many lighting fixtures, will expand the space.
  • For children's rooms, it is not recommended to use bright glossy canvases, as they can negatively affect the psyche of the child. Such a choice will be appropriate for the kitchen, bathroom, but pastel shades are better suited for children.

The cost of a stretch ceiling directly depends on the complexity of the entire structure, volumes, and material. The price formation can be influenced by built-in lamps, as well as other lighting that will be used. It is selected by the type of walls (covering). This is due to the fact that the mounting profiles for fixing the canvases are more difficult to attach to tiles than plaster.

On average, prices for a stretch ceiling per 1 sq. m will be as follows:

  • Fabric - 650-1500 rubles.
  • PVC film - 350-450 rubles.
  • Photo printing - 800-2000 rubles.
  • Textured - 800-1200 rubles.

These are approximate prices, they differ from the company providing similar services and other factors. The information described in the article will allow you to choose the right stretch ceiling for any room in an apartment or a private house, as well as decide which material is better to choose for a dry, wet or cold room.

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