How to choose a stroller

From six months to 9 months or more, babies grow out of an ordinary cradle, so their vehicle changes into a stroller. It is characterized by a seated position, but if desired, you can change its plane if the child is sleeping. At the moment, there are many options for walking models that any parents need to familiarize themselves with. Experts believe that with such a model you can walk with your baby for a long time without any problems. The child himself will be quite comfortable and comfortable. But there are several features that allow you to figure out which stroller to choose so that it is convenient not only for the baby, but also for the parents.

The principle of operation and the device of a stroller

Regardless of the type of stroller, it must have the following elements:

  • A frame made of metal, which will be of high strength, but light weight, is best of a folding type.
  • Wheels from 3 to 8 units.
  • Seat and backrest with soft material.
  • Seat belts.
  • The presence of a hood for protection from weather conditions.

Such products must also include other important parts, including wheels with a swivel mechanism for hanging maneuverability, a braking system, a crossbar for protecting children.

A useful addition will be the presence of a bag or pockets, a basket where you can put your child's things or store purchases. It is convenient for the baby to have a cup holder for a mug or bottle. The most advanced models may include a mosquito net, rain protection and other extras.

Best stroller manufacturers

For many years, there has been a strong competition and struggle between well-known manufacturers of strollers for children. Some try to get a new client with their bright colors and appearance, while others take on functionality, high-quality materials. Every year, new models are presented on the market in large quantities, which makes it possible to choose an option for every taste and need.

For those who do not know how to choose a stroller and do not have time to consider the main parameters, you can leave the choice on well-known brands that guarantee the best quality, reliability and functionality:

  • Chicco;
  • Geoby;
  • Hauck;
  • Peg-Perego.

In order to understand exactly which type is exactly suitable for a child and family, you should familiarize yourself with the possible types of strollers, their features and other characteristics.

Types of strollers

The stroller can be of different types, which differ in the folding mechanism, therefore, canes and books are distinguished. They are characterized by a different design, they have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Universal stroller-transformer

How to choose a stroller

This type is considered a separate segment that can be used from the very birth of a child up to 3 years old. Such models are 2 in 1 strollers, because they provide a block for walking and a cradle for babies. The rest of the elements are roughly the same - frame, wheels, basket, which can be removed to reduce the weight of the product.

A walking block is used for babies from six months and older. The transformation mechanism is a book, but the back can be adjusted in many positions, its degree of expansion is 180 degrees. Many companies try to make as rich a package as possible, so parents get everything they need. Elements are easily removed and installed back. On the plus side, the large wheels, the sturdy frame, and the comfortable, adjustable handle are a plus.


  • Sturdy frame.
  • Better stroller functionality.
  • It turns out to operate with 1 hand.
  • Handles riding on any road surface with ease.
  • The backrest can be fully extended to a horizontal position, allowing the child to take the correct resting position.
  • Versatility allows you to buy 1 stroller instead of 2.


  • The average cost is 17-50 thousand rubles, and for twins it can be 20,000 rubles higher.
  • The largest weight and dimensions of all possible models.
  • Storage will require a lot of space in the house.
  • The structure may not always fold.

Cane stroller

How to choose a stroller

These devices are small, lightweight, and also great for children 1 year and older. They have a padded back and seat. The mechanism allows them to expand to a half-sitting position, so children can rest during a long walk.

The reeds are characterized by the presence of maneuverable front wheels that turn completely around the axle. If required, this function can be limited so that the front wheels remain exceptionally straight forward.

Such models can be recognized using a pair of separate handles, as well as a footboard to activate the mechanism. There is a cross-shaped connection of elements under the seat. This design feature allows the stroller to be folded 4 times, due to which it may visually seem like an ordinary cane in hand.


  • Small weight and dimensions.
  • The ability to quickly transform that does not cause problems.
  • The front wheels swivel completely for a high degree of maneuverability.
  • After folding it takes up minimal space in the house.
  • The optimal cost, models are on sale in a large price range from 1 to 47 thousand rubles, and if you buy transport for twins, then the cost will be from 5 to 42 thousand rubles.


  • Small wheels, which impairs cross-country ability, reduces comfort when driving on a bad road.
  • Due to its design features, this model is not suitable for one-handed operation.
  • After unfolding, it is important to ensure that all elements of the mechanism are installed in the right places.
  • A cover may be needed for transport as the wheels protrude outside the frame.

Book stroller

How to choose a stroller

These devices are suitable for children who may already be seated. In this form, the dimensions and weight will be higher than the usual cane, but when folded, the product is quite compact. To transform, you need to press the side buttons or levers, which allows you to open the latches, and then you can fold or unfold the entire structure. There will be no problems with this type of stroller with and without a car, since the structure can be easily moved in public transport or in the trunk of your own car.


  • The construction is sturdy and reliable.
  • The chair and backrest are rigid, so there is excellent support for the child's back.
  • There is a lot of space inside, even if the baby is large or dressed in winter clothes.
  • The wide handle can be used to drive the stroller with 1 hand.
  • The mechanism allows you to quickly transform the product.
  • Large hood for weather protection.
  • Often, products include a rich package, including a mattress, foot cover and more.


  • Large mass and dimensions, which are significantly felt compared to a cane.
  • The average cost for conventional models with 4 wheels starts from 1.5 thousand rubles, and devices with 3 wheels from 6,000 rubles, but the price reaches 70,000. This is caused by the brand, as well as the series of the stroller itself.If the family has twins, then this option starts at 10,000 rubles.

Stroller selection options

You can fully understand how to choose a stroller for a child if you understand the main parameters that you need to pay attention to.

Dimensions and weight

After choosing the type of stroller, you must immediately take into account the size and weight. In this case, you need to understand where you plan to store the device, how convenient it will be to pull the structure out of the yard or entrance every day.

Often, for residents of private houses, questions and problems do not appear, but those who live in apartments must know in advance the width of the elevator, which must be compared with the dimensions of the stroller chassis. Of course, when folded, the devices can be carried as desired, so they can enter the doors or the elevator, but if the child sleeps before or after a walk, additional difficulties will appear.

Wheelbase widths may vary depending on design features. You need to focus on the following indicators:

  • Canes - up to 50 cm or up to 80 cm, if the model is for 2 children at once.
  • Books 65 or 80 cm.
  • Universal models - 65 and 90 cm.

When choosing the width of the chassis, it should be borne in mind that many elevators will not allow models over 60 cm, so it is better to re-measure everything carefully.

It is better to choose the mass with the lowest possible value. Many models, besides universal ones, are characterized by low weight, but their center of gravity is heavy, so children will not roll over. Since the stroller will not only ride, but also be worn in the hands, you should choose the lightest options. The heaviest ones will be universal models with a walking block, their weight reaches 15 kg.

Wheel type and size

You can choose the best stroller by the size of the wheels, their type. Many parents are perplexed, because at the moment manufacturers offer a very large selection of sizes and materials for wheels.

The controllability of the device and the permeability will depend only on the diameter and type of wheels. It is recommended to focus on the following indicators:

  • Rubber models that are inflated with air provide excellent shock absorption on uneven surfaces, and the stroller itself rolls well. This design is better to have a classic foot-activated brake and an auxiliary hand brake.
  • Polyurethane foam elements are tougher, but they serve for a long time, and on irregularities they behave no worse than rubber models.
  • Plastic wheels are considered the cheapest and toughest, in addition, a loud sound from them appears while driving. There is no cushioning, the service life will be up to 2 seasons, the main plus is that they are great for driving in stores on tiles.

If the roads of the city are not the most ideal and when walking you have to constantly drive through holes, bumps and other obstacles, then you need to give preference to swivel wheels. This will allow for better maneuverability, but it can be difficult to control itself as the structure takes the stroller anywhere. To avoid such a problem, the swing mechanism can be locked and the function can be very convenient.

If we talk about the size of the wheels, the choice also depends on the characteristics of the road surface. At the moment, you should focus on the following wheel options:

  • Small - are produced in the size of 8-15 cm, are often made of plastic and are characterized by minimal cross-country ability. They are suitable for driving on a flat surface such as asphalt or paving slabs.
  • Medium - have dimensions in the range of 15-25 cm. Not a bad option, which is made more often from polyurethane foam or rubber. The weight of the wheels is large, but it gives excellent flotation. Often the average size is placed on the back of a stroller.
  • Large - wheel diameter 25-40 cm, usually made of rubber, but they are not used for conventional strollers. Such dimensions can be seen on universal models.Wheels provide better cross-country ability, shock absorption, which will allow walking in the forest, on a dirt road and any other bad surface.

Safety and comfort system

You need to think about safety, not least, it is immediately recommended to turn to shock absorbers, their presence in the entire structure. The comfort and convenience of the child inside the stroller will depend on this element, since a smooth ride will appear.

In addition, it is recommended to select and purchase models with 5-point seat belts. Some children are very active during growth, so passive safety can be very helpful. In addition, you should choose devices with a protective bumper across the entire width of the seat. So that there are no problems with planting children inside, you should choose products in which such a part will unfasten.

The braking system also affects the degree of safety. All mechanisms must be easy to press and also securely fixed. This allows, even when the child stops and moves, not to disturb the balance, and the stroller will definitely not be overturned.


When choosing a stroller for a walk, you should focus on the handles, since they will make the stroller easier to control and move:

  • The most comfortable handle is in the form of a regular straight staple. This option can often be seen on models for newborns. However, due to their design features, they are installed exclusively on wheelchairs and station wagons. Such a handle will allow you to drive transport for a child with 1 hand, and in the other hand you can hold a second child by the hand or bags, a phone.
  • "Horned" types of handles are installed on the canes, which will always be separated. They do an excellent job of controlling, but you won't be able to hang anything on them, and control with only 1 hand is considered impossible. This option is recommended for people who do not plan to go shopping.
  • The simplest option is the rotary knob, which is mounted exclusively on the model with an electric motor.

Adding mechanism

For everyone who needs the compactness of a stroller, removal should be given to the main mechanism for transformation. In this case, it is more advisable to stay on a cane. During the purchase, be sure to appreciate the ease of addition and ease of operation of the entire mechanism. A quality product is one that can be folded with 1 hand.

If active travel and movement around the city is not planned, but there will be short hikes near the house, then you can use book strollers.

Backrest adjustment

The backrest adjustment is very convenient for all ages, children often fall asleep while walking, and the horizontal position helps to shape the back. The canes in this case are the simplest, so the children will only be in a sitting position. It is better to give preference to mechanisms that fully unfold the backrest 180 degrees, the operation of the element should be smooth, quiet and transform with one hand.

Which stroller to choose

Based on the foregoing, we can draw a conclusion in order to better choose for certain needs and tasks:

  • For families living in a private house, you can use transformers, which will have large rubber wheels with a diameter of about 25 cm.In this case, the dimensions and weight will not play a big role, which means that parents will not have to spend additional funds to purchase a second model.
  • For city residents, as well as mothers who appreciate fashion and everything new, you should focus on models with 3 wheels, which fold like a book. They can use medium-sized wheels based on PU foam or rubber. This choice is not only stylish, but also characterized by low weight, maneuverability.
  • Families living in multi-storey buildings where an elevator is provided or for parents with a car, you can choose a book stroller, which will have wheels within 15-20 cm.
  • If the family does not have its own car and needs to move using public transport, and the house does not have an elevator or the work is unstable, then it is better to give preference to light models in the form of a cane with small wheels.

You can buy strollers for walks in different places. Often, parents choose hand-held options that have already been used. Such models can have breakages and other defects, so there is always a certain degree of risk. The main advantage is the low starting price, which allows families with any financial capabilities to buy the product.

In addition, the purchase can be in the market or in a special store. In the first case, many are attracted by the cost of products, which is lower than in specialized retail outlets. Often, if there is a defect or marriage, no one returns the product, and you can easily buy a fake. Buying in special stores allows you to get qualified advice, immediately choose from a large assortment and get a guarantee for the goods. The main disadvantage is the cost of the products.

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How to choose