How to choose an orthopedic mattress

Solving the problem of how to choose an orthopedic mattress is aimed at achieving several goals at once. A properly equipped sleeping place allows a person to fully rest for a third of the time available to him during the day. Orthopedic mattresses are in high demand among those who want to immediately get comfortable in bed and provide rest to the tired body, and wake up refreshed and slept in the morning. This is a great opportunity to avoid the usual morning pains with osteochondrosis: the disease has become younger due to the realities of the modern lifestyle, sedentary work at the computer, lack of physical activity. An orthopedic mattress will also be a topical acquisition for an elderly person, in whose body irreversible age-related changes have occurred.

Purposes of acquisition and manufacture

Comfortable products for sleeping have spread relatively recently, but have already become the subject of increased demand. Search engines in the global information space are full of requests on how to choose the right device for sleeping. Thousands of people daily decide which filler to prefer, which orthopedic mattress to choose for a healthy person in order to avoid spinal diseases and how to give a comfortable posture to patients of a vertebrologist, whose spine has already acquired deformation and has become a source of constant pain.

Throughout the day, a person spends a lot of time in an uncomfortable position, sitting still, with stable sedentary work, or subjecting his body to physical exertion. With age, this has an increasingly destructive effect on the musculoskeletal system. Diseases of the spine are the inevitable payback for such violence against the usual state, and the situation is aggravated by an uncomfortable posture during rest. Hence - the curvature of the usual functional bends, osteochondrosis, indispensable pain, intervertebral hernias, and other poorly treatable pathologies.

Special devices for giving the body a comfortable position during a night's rest appeared on the market relatively recently, but quickly gained increased demand from the consumer. The main purpose of purchasing such a device is to alleviate the painful condition, optimize the position of the spine and provide comfort. However, if you make the right choice, you can achieve a therapeutic effect, and if you know how to choose an orthopedic mattress for a bed so that it meets certain requirements, then you can prevent the development of negative conditions in a still healthy person.

The variety of all kinds of offers from manufacturers with a proven reputation confuses a potential buyer. filler options, designs, price component. existing diseases - all this requires strict consideration when deciding which is better - for this, special ratings are drawn up, medical recommendations are written, new models are created and different fillers are used.

What to consider when choosing a product

The correct choice is based on the availability of the necessary knowledge about the subject of future acquisition and taking into account the characteristics of the person who will use the orthopedic mattress. Age categories determine the degree of rigidity: for children - hard, but well ventilated, for adolescents and young people under 25 - medium or hard, until the final formation of the musculoskeletal system. Such a mattress is no longer recommended for an elderly person. In middle age, there is a fairly moderate resistance of the material, the more age-related changes occur, the more gentle rest regimen is needed for the spine and joints.

The weight category also matters - the more a person weighs, the more significant loads his spine has to withstand. If people sleep in the same bed, but the requirements for their comfort are different, due to age, weight and the presence of diseases, the problem arises of how to choose an orthopedic double bed mattress. To resolve it, manufacturers have developed products with different degrees of hardness on the two halves.

The more you delve into the intricacies of the process, the longer is the list of questions that arise from an uninformed consumer. The main issues requiring consideration need to be carefully examined in order to get a rough idea of ​​the subject of preference.

Hardness: types and method of selection

How to choose an orthopedic mattress

A person's personal preferences can influence the choice, but it is still better to consult with a vertebrologist or orthopedist and follow his professional recommendations. They are determined on an individual basis, taking into account the relative health, a certain period in life, or discovered diseases of the spine:

  1. A soft product may be prescribed to a pregnant woman to avoid problems with blood circulation and pressure on the fetus. It is considered optimal for the elderly person to sleep, especially if they have a cardiovascular disease or problems with the lumbosacral region. Sometimes such mattresses are considered suitable for thin people, but this is already a matter of individual preference.
  2. Moderate softness or moderate hardness are optimal for middle-aged people, but sometimes they are advised even at a younger age: sedentary work in the office or at the computer desk led to the relatively early development of spinal diseases in response to occupational deformity and inactivity.
  3. Medium severity is an excellent choice for teenagers and those middle-aged people who weigh less than 90 kg. Vertebrologists advise such mattresses to patients with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine or intervertebral hernia localized in this area. This allows them to sleep in a comfortable body position and avoid morning pain.
  4. Very hard - the subject of preference in childhood, while the initial formation of the bone skeleton occurs (after three years it is replaced with a more loyal structure. -motor apparatus during night rest, which is inevitable with other types of orthopedic products.

The habit of sleeping on a hard surface in some people persists for a long period of life, and can affect the choice even in old age. But after 55 years, orthopedists recommend such things only if there are special indications for this. In other cases, age-related changes that begin in the musculoskeletal system can lead to the development of existing pathologies or cause morning discomfort throughout the body.

Ways to achieve the desired effect

Even having decided on the required type of resistance to the body during the night's rest, you can make the wrong or incorrect choice, guided only by this indicator.It is imperative to be interested in how the desired effect is achieved in the chosen product. The orthopedic mattress, showing, at the first examination, softness or rigidity, can be spring or springless, and each of these types has its advantages and disadvantages.

Where the manufacturer has used natural packing, there is a material that is resilient and porous. Such interlayers are well ventilated and, at first, do an excellent job with their purpose. However, over time, they become caked and lose their initial convenience. However, the presence of springs does not guarantee durability - much depends on the used spring blocks, their number per unit area, the type of connection between themselves or insulation and the independent action of each.

How to choose an orthopedic mattress

A spring mattress with a dependent block is shown in the picture above.
Good filler

Springless mattresses are not always the best solution. They can be short-lived if a cheap option is purchased, for example, standard foam rubber, which quickly squeezes through and stops serving its purpose. Polyurethane foam works a little better in cheap products, but it also has a significant drawback - a synthetic origin. Of the natural fillers, several common types of stuffing are used, but there are pros and cons:

  • wool (usually sheep, but in expensive and imported ones it can be the fibers of an exotic animal) - not a cheap pleasure and has the ability to cake over time;
  • seaweed contains iodine, which can be useful for a growing body or is contraindicated in thyroid diseases associated with an excess of it;
  • coconut coir is used mainly in children's mattresses, due to its antibacterial properties and its inherent rigidity - this helps to prevent scoliosis;
  • artificial latex is cheaper than natural, but after long-term use it begins to crumble and deforms the product, it is not worth buying for people with a large weight due to the inability to withstand heavy loads for a long time;
  • natural latex is an option with many advantages, it breathes and does not cause allergies, lasts a long time, but the cost of such a mattress is not cheap.
  • cotton is hypoallergenic and ventilated, but just like wool, it has an unpleasant tendency to deform during use.

Despite its artificial origin, polyurethane foam is gaining more and more popularity: it is used in spring and springless types, using material of various densities. This filler is able to memorize the shape of the body and give additional comfort in a dream, making it easier to choose a comfortable position. In the absence of springs, it is he, to a certain degree of density, that gives the mattress high or medium rigidity, in a spring product, PPU provides the necessary softness, cushioning the action of the tensioner.

How to choose an orthopedic mattress

Spring types

In affordable products in this category, bonnel is most often used, in other words, a spring block, in which the shock absorbers for the body are closely and reliably interconnected. Pressing one or several leads to an effect on the entire system, but usually those that bear the main load suffer. Its unevenness leads to the failure of some springs and the relative safety of others. As a result, a kind of hammock is forced through, into which the body of a sleeping person falls. After a few years, such a product becomes unsuitable for fulfilling its main purpose.

Positive reviews can be found for other gadgets, for example, independent blocks or multipackages.

There are also springless models.

How to choose an orthopedic mattress

NB and multipacks

The thoughtful arrangement of each spring in a separate cover makes it possible to quickly resolve the problem of how to choose a double orthopedic mattress.It is available in standard and non-standard sizes, for a matrimonial bed of variable dimensions, the difference between the airbag and the multipack is in the number of shock-absorbing springs per square meter. In the second case, their placement is 2 or more times denser.


  • lack of reaction on one half, if on the second the sleeper turns or lies;
  • the possibility of combining sections with different degrees of spring stiffness;
  • the presence in the assortment of options with the necessary indicators - soft, medium and very elastic;
  • duration of operation due to the lack of pressure of one spring on adjacent or remote ones.


  • high cost, especially if it is recommended to purchase an independent spring block with a good filling.

In the instructions for the consumer, the name Pocket Spring is sometimes found - this is a standard airbag with a density of 256 pieces per square meter. A multipacket (the term Mikropocket or multipocket is found) means that the springs in it are from 500 or more (up to 1100) pieces per sq. m.


A type of mattress with spring blocks, independent of each other, which can be staggered and have different diameters. The number of spring coils in such a product is 255 pieces per square meter


  • pronounced ability for anatomical adaptation;
  • high degree of convenience;
  • duration and noiseless operation;
  • resistance to loads of any type;
  • good isolation of each spiral and its maximum preservation for a long time.


  • not marked.

Excellent consumer reviews are usually found on premium mattresses, high value mattresses, natural fill, independent spring units, removable laundry covers. However, this does not mean that you need to buy the most expensive products, especially for people with spinal diseases.

In some conditions, a dependent spring unit or mattresses filled with coir or latex may be the best option. Domestic manufacturers produce excellent economy and premium class options, when buying which there is no need to overpay for the brand name or transportation across the border.

How to find out what mattress is needed for different diseases

In this case, you need to seek professional advice - a vertebrologist or orthopedist. authoritative recommendations are easily distributed in the global information space. But the clinical picture in a person can be deeply individual, you will have to take into account various contraindications and the chronic pathologies present.

You cannot be mistaken when purchasing a mattress with a coir filler for a healthy child under the age of 3 years, but in case of a threat or development of scoliosis, depending on the progression, the recommendations may be opposite: with or without a spring block, medium hardness or very hard ...

The situation is similar with adults: the diagnosis of osteochondrosis is too general. When the disease is localized in the lumbar region, a soft product is prescribed, or equipped with an airbag, the location of the lesion in the thoracic region may imply a product of medium or high shock absorption capacity. Severe pain syndrome usually means a mattress with memory - it relieves muscle tension in a dream and alleviates the general condition. Knowing about the disease, to consult with a vertebrologist before buying means to make a successful and useful purchase.

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How to choose