How to choose a Turk for coffee

Only the most sophisticated coffee lovers know that the most delicious coffee is the one made in a Turk. Therefore, such lovers of an invigorating aromatic drink will be interested in knowing how to choose a Turk for coffee.. The crockery in which you have to prepare ground coffee determines 50% of its taste. Today you can find Turks of different types and sizes in crockery stores. Only highly qualified experts can make the right choice. Their advice will help all coffee lovers find the right dish for themselves. The Turkish coffee experts are well aware of all the features of such an important kitchen utensil.

How to choose a Turk for coffee

The history of the appearance of the coffee turk

Humans learned how to brew coffee beans over 1000 years ago. However, they did not immediately use the Turks for coffee for this. At first, coffee beans were brewed in simple copper pots without grinding over hot coals. This drink was far from what is used today.

How to choose a Turk for coffee

Over time, people realized that the taste of a drink depends on the shape and type of container in which it is brewed. In the Arabian Desert, the Bedouins always had a special copper jug ​​with them for making coffee, in which they carried water. It had a wide rounded lower part and a narrow neck with a spout. It had handles on the sides. It was more convenient to brew coffee in it than in a pot. But even such a container did not allow brewing delicious coffee, since the long throat made it difficult to follow the boiling process.

Later, having understood how to properly prepare an invigorating decoction from coffee beans, the Bedouin nomads came up with a special container for brewing coffee on the basis of a vessel for water called ibrik. It was made of copper or brass. Outwardly, the dalla looked like a jug. She had:

  • curved nose;
  • cap;
  • a pen.

It differed from ibrik in that it had one handle and for the convenience of cooking it had a straight shape and was directed slightly upward. This made it possible not to burn your hands while making coffee over an open fire. Such a container is still used by the Arabs, who usually prepare coffee over an open fire in the desert.

Turk, or cezva. was invented in the Ottoman Empire during the time of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent in the 16th century. It was at this time that coffee beans came to Turkey as an exotic gift to the ruler of this country. Since the drink was intended for the sultan, it was first prepared in a small golden saucepan. But the taste of the drink was not aromatic and tasty even in such dishes, until they came up with a cezve, which had a wide bottom, thick walls and a narrow neck. The handle of such a vessel was wooden.

How to choose a Turk for coffee

From the Ottoman Empire, together with the recipes of Turkish coffee, cezve first came to Europe, and then spread throughout the world and began to be actively used for brewing coffee in different countries before the advent of coffee machines.

Shape, volume and material

How to choose a Turk for coffee

The taste of a fragrant invigorating drink depends on the proportions of the turk used. In order for the coffee to have an excellent aroma, it is necessary that the liquid warms up evenly during brewing. For this, the bottom of the pan must be wide and thick. The cezve itself should have the shape of a truncated cone with a narrow neck.In such a container for brewing coffee, it is easier to ensure that the drink does not boil over and does not get on the stove.

It is very important that the copper turk has thick walls and a bottom. Copper has a high thermal conductivity. The best copper Turks are those with a wall and bottom thickness of at least 1.5 cm. In such a dish, the coffee drink will heat up slowly and evenly without losing its taste.

Escaped coffee spoils its taste and aroma. The narrow neck prevents the foam from splashing onto the stove. It is enough, when the liquid boils, just to raise the turk so that the rising coffee foam quickly falls back, rolling into the vessel along the inclined walls of the conical turk.

Also, for brewing coffee, it is important to determine the volume of the Turkish. When choosing such dishes, one should proceed with how many people will prepare an invigorating drink. For two servings of strong coffee served in small cups, a 100-150 ml turk can be suitable. In it, you can make coffee for one person. Typically a serving of one cup of coffee is 100 ml. For its preparation, dishes are required, the volume of which is 1.5 times larger.

Thus, it is easy to calculate which Turk to choose for the house:

  • 1 serving requires a volume of 100-150 ml;
  • 2-3 servings - 300-350 ml;
  • for 5-7 people - 750 ml.

When choosing such utensils for brewing coffee, you need to pay attention to the material from which the handle is made and the way it is attached to the Turk. In order not to burn your hands, you need to choose dishes with a handle made of wood or plastic, which have a low thermal conductivity. In this case, the handle itself must be attached to the metal base in order to avoid strong heating of the material during cooking, otherwise the material will spread the smell and spoil the drink.

How to choose a Turk for coffee

It is also important how the handle is attached to the Turk. Bolt-on fastening is considered to be of the highest quality and reliability. The soldered base of the handle during prolonged use of such utensils may melt under the influence of high temperature.

Manufacturer's choice

To make coffee always tasty, it is important not only to know how to brew it correctly, but also to properly choose the manufacturer of utensils for brewing an invigorating drink. Turks today produce not only in industrial volumes in production, but also in workshops in a single copy.

How to choose a Turk for coffee

Hand-made coffee brewing utensils are distinguished by an exclusive design. It costs more than industrial analogues, but it is in them that the most delicious coffee is obtained.

Cezves, which are made for mass sale, have a lower price. You can also make delicious coffee in them if you buy a container produced by an oriental company. It is these manufacturers who adhere as closely as possible to the technology of making utensils for brewing coffee.

For those who cannot take advantage of a trip to an eastern country to purchase handmade Turks or the production of an eastern enterprise, we can recommend a list of proven manufacturers of such dishes:

  • Vitesse;
  • Bekker;
  • TimA;
  • Regent;
  • The village.

They are made from different materials and decorated with stylized patterns, which makes them look like hand-made cezves. Moreover, they are cheaper.

How coffee is brewed in a Turk

How to choose a Turk for coffee

Due to the special design, the Turks manage to get incredibly tasty and aromatic coffee, subject to the technology of its brewing. The classic Turk has a conical shape, wide at the bottom and narrow at the top. Today, manufacturers can offer cylindrical coffee makers.

During the preparation process, ground coffee is poured into the dishes and water is poured. The container is placed on the stove, stirring the mixture until smooth. Due to the specific shape of the turkey, which has a wide bottom and a narrow top, little water evaporation is provided during brewing, as a result of which the coffee does not turn out to be thick and viscous. An aromatic drink is cooked in such a bowl for 10-15 minutes, depending on the recipe used.

Thanks to the wide base, the dishes are quickly and evenly heated together with the coffee solution. Due to the narrow throat and conical shape, the foam does not have time to quickly settle up thicker if you quickly remove the Turk from the fire.

After the end of cooking, the finished drink is allowed to settle for 5 minutes, so that the boiled thick is settled, and poured into cups.

Varieties of Turks by type of material

Cez for brewing coffee are made from different materials. Before answering the question of which Turk to choose for your kitchen, you need to study the features and prices of all types of such dishes.

Clay Turks

How to choose a Turk for coffee

This is the most ancient type of Turks. The price of clay products is low and ranges from 1 to 1.5 thousand rubles. Usually, special Yixing clay is used to make utensils for brewing coffee.

The product is not so popular among buyers, as it has a lot cons:

  • increased fragility;
  • suitable only for making coffee of the same type;
  • quickly absorbs the taste and smell of coffee beans, which is then reflected in the preparation of a drink from coffee with other taste qualities;
  • dependence on sharp temperature changes.

TO pluses clay Turks can be attributed to the affordable price and the ability to saturate the prepared drink with oxygen. If you buy such a Turk, then you need to take several pieces in order to always have a fresh container for making a new type of coffee.

Cezves made of copper

How to choose a Turk for coffee

The first metal containers for brewing coffee were made of copper alloy, so there will be no problems with preparing aromatic liquid with such dishes. With the help of a copper turk, even a beginner can easily control the coffee preparation process.

Cezve made of industrially produced copper costs from 600 to 1000 rubles. The cost is influenced by the brand and the design of such dishes.

A handmade Turk is more expensive. Its price depends on the specific master and on average starts from 1500 rubles. Which Turkish to choose in this case most often depends on the buyer's ability to visit countries where both types of such dishes are presented.

The copper container does not allow to bring the drink to a boil, evenly heating it and ensuring high-quality extraction of coffee essential oils. As a result, the drink is especially tasty and aromatic.

TO pluses copper jazz can be attributed:

  • excellent thermal conductivity;
  • strength;
  • durability;
  • uniform heating of the liquid.

When choosing handmade Turks, you should always pay attention to the fact that the inside of the Turks is covered with a metal alloy safe for human health. Usually tin is used for this.

This requirement is always observed in industrial Turks.

Minus Such Turks is the need to use a special coating of the inner surface with a food-grade metal alloy, since copper compositions may contain impurities hazardous to health.

Ceramic cezves

How to choose a Turk for coffee

When working with such utensils, you need to take into account the fact that after removing the coffee from the stove, it continues to brew in them, so there is a high probability that the foam can escape. To make high-quality coffee in such a Turk, you need a certain skill: you need to know how to properly heat such a container. To remove from heat in a timely manner, bringing coffee to a boil without a stove.

Ceramic Turks are inexpensive - from 1200 to 2000 rubles. The advantages of such containers include:

  • versatility;
  • good thermal conductivity;
  • resistance to odor absorption;
  • resistance to temperature extremes;
  • reasonable price;
  • the presence of removable handles in the design, which simplifies washing the turks.

TO cons we can safely attribute the complexity of controlling the cooking process and the fragility of the material.

Turks made of stainless steel

How to choose a Turk for coffee

Universal and inexpensive utensils for brewing coffee, the price of which ranges from 500 to 1000 rubles. The stainless steel does not oxidize and is easy to clean, it is not afraid of shocks and temperature changes.

Pluses such coffee utensils are:

  • affordable price;
  • oxidation stability;
  • durability;
  • strength.

Minus Turks made of stainless steel is that such an alloy heats up unevenly.The temperature in the lower part of the crockery is always higher than in the upper one, as a result of which the coffee essential oils burn. This leads to a deterioration in the taste of the drink.

Turks made of silver

How to choose a Turk for coffee

This is an excellent type of coffee tableware, which is used only for making coffee on special order of a VIP person. They are very expensive, only very wealthy people or elite catering establishments can buy them. The price of a silver turk, which is most often made by hand in a single copy, starts from several tens of thousands of rubles.

pros silver containers for brewing coffee:

  • durability;
  • oxidation stability;
  • antibacterial properties;
  • good thermal conductivity;
  • uniform heating of the liquid;
  • resistance to temperature extremes;
  • suitability for different types of coffee.

The only one minus the silver turkish is its high value.

Cezve made of aluminum

How to choose a Turk for coffee

This is the most budgetary type of Turks, the price of which fluctuates around 200-400 rubles. At such a low cost, an aluminum alloy cezve would not be the best option for brewing excellent quality coffee.

Even food grade aluminum alloy, when heated, begins to emit hazardous substances that not only spoil the taste of coffee, but also make it unhealthy.

TO pluses such coffee utensils can only be attributed to the low price and durability, which do not help in making good coffee.

Minus aluminum Turks are considered that it spoils the taste of coffee, making such a drink hazardous to health due to the fact that harmful aluminum compounds get into it.

Features of choosing Turks

How to choose a Turk for coffee

When choosing utensils for brewing coffee, you need to take into account how the material affects the process of preparing such a drink. It will be easier for beginners to prepare aromatic coffee in a copper turk, in which it is easy to control the boiling process.

Ceramic and clay containers can be used by people who have quite a lot of experience in making coffee. They will be able to control the brewing process and be well versed in the types of coffee beans, knowing how to use such utensils correctly during coffee preparation.

Silver products are affordable only for wealthy coffee lovers. But they should also purchase Turks made of copper, ceramics or clay in a set of coffee dishes, since it is impossible to make coffee with silver cezve every day. Such dishes are usually used only on special occasions, after which they are thoroughly cleaned.

Stainless steel Turks do not evenly heat the liquid, which leads to a change in the taste of coffee due to the fact that the essential oils at the bottom burn. It is better not to buy them and the Turks made of aluminum, since it will not work to make delicious coffee in them.

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