How to choose an umbrella

The number of types of umbrellas and the scope of their use are simply amazing. Many people make a purchase simply by external parameters, without delving into the details and features of the product. The period of operation of the product depends on the materials, quality and other features. To buy a quality product, you should know the specifics of how to choose an umbrella. This will save money and not spend money on purchasing new models every season.

The principle of operation and the device of umbrellas

Regardless of the purpose and type of umbrellas, such products include 3 main elements:

  • The core is the main part of the whole thing, which is the carrier and determines the overall durability of the product. Often the rod is very strong, even after a complete failure of the umbrella, the rod remains intact, only in cheap models it can be bent or broken by hand. The constructive component of the element will be much more important, because it will indicate the height, as well as the dimensions when folded. This part can be solid or telescopic, so the length ranges from 60-150 cm.
  • The needles are an important part of any umbrella, as they support the entire canopy. Based on the type and size, there can be 4-16 knitting needles on the surface, 8 units are considered optimal. It is worth remembering that the wider the top, the more needles you need.
  • Awning is a fabric material that does not allow water to pass through, creating reliable protection over a person. Round models are classic, but umbrellas can be of other shapes, especially if they are intended for children. The main requirements are strength, water resistance, as well as the ability to withstand wind currents.

The best umbrella manufacturers

When buying an umbrella, many people evaluate a product according to 2 criteria: appearance and manufacturer. In order not to think and delve into the specifics of the choice, these rules will be enough, since an umbrella is a simple product, and its quality determines its durability. Various companies can offer a good umbrella, but there are leaders on the market who have really durable and very high quality models:

  • Three elephants;
  • Fulton;
  • Doppler;
  • Happy Rain.

When buying things from the described manufacturers, you should make sure that there is no fake in your hands. Very often, the products of well-known companies lend themselves to counterfeiting, and this will affect all operational characteristics, so it is important to pay attention to all the little things.

Types of umbrellas

It is quite difficult to determine exactly which umbrella is better. There are many options on the market, each of them has certain pros and cons, its own characteristics. Before buying and choosing, it is important to know all the options by type, and then study the specific parameters to simplify the purchase.


How to choose an umbrella

These types of umbrellas are the most convenient to use, since they open and close on their own by pressing a button. Great for those who need to quickly get into a vehicle from the street.


  • The best models for ease of use.
  • Small size.
  • Created on the basis of light and strong materials.


  • Complex construction of umbrellas, which causes the risk of breakage.
  • Overpriced product.


How to choose an umbrella

This model is considered modern and easy to operate from mechanical. With the help of a key, the product opens completely, but you will have to fold the device by hand, using a mechanical method. Such a system is considered the most common among all possible ones, since it is characterized by the best ratio in terms of cost and quality.


  • Optimum product durability.
  • Small size, like other folding types.
  • Easy opening of the dome by pressing 1 button on the handle.
  • Large selection of goods.
  • Reasonable cost.

The main disadvantages are similar to mechanical devices - manual folding.


How to choose an umbrella

Such models are usually called the most reliable among any other types, but to open or close the dome, you will have to apply forces, everything is done mechanically. To do this, you will need to pull a special ring along the rod, knitting needles are fixed at one end. The handle simply extends to the very end until there is a click. When closed, the entire structure will be 16-90 cm long, so it takes up a minimum of space.


  • Small dimensions, which are achieved by a telescopic system up to 5 folds.
  • Excellent strength and reliability of the whole mechanism.
  • Affordable pricing policy.


  • The need to carry out all folding and unfolding operations manually.
  • Efforts must be made during assembly.

From the rain

How to choose an umbrella

Most of all the umbrellas that are produced by manufacturers are usually used for protection from snow or rain. These models include a sturdy construction that can handle light to moderate winds. The main element of such things is an awning with protection from water, which performs the main task.


  • The dome is made of materials that are water and wind resistant.
  • The main structural parts are quite strong and durable.
  • Large selection of models of different types.
  • The cost of the product is in a wide range.

The main disadvantage is that strong winds can turn the canopy inside out.

From the sun

How to choose an umbrella

These products are lightweight and laced and help protect women from the sun's rays in summer. Only a few are using such accessories at the moment, but many years ago they were in-demand products. The relevance of using sun umbrellas appears due to the aggressive and very active sun. These models include the lightest materials with optimal strength, not designed for bad weather. Despite this, some can be used for protection from precipitation.


  • Nice appearance.
  • Excellent sun protection.
  • Based on the specific model, the umbrella can be used against rain.
  • Minimum weight.
  • Affordable cost if it's not a designer accessory.


  • The device will not be able to withstand the greasy wind.
  • Minimum demand for sun umbrellas.

From the wind

How to choose an umbrella

Such models are even less in demand than options from the sun. This design helps to maintain the shape of the dome without turning it up from wind currents. Models withstand flows up to 30 m / s. In general, the device can be used for rain protection, but the shape of the dome will be non-standard.


  • Best wind protection.
  • Due to the design features, inversion of the dome is excluded.
  • Powerful framework.


  • External characteristics for an amateur.
  • Difficult to find on the free market.

Cane umbrellas

How to choose an umbrella

These models are considered the largest, the length of the structure is up to 1.5 meters, the rod is one-piece, after opening, a wide dome is obtained, which is 1 meter in diameter. Such models can be used not only against rain and other weather conditions, but also for the image of a person.


  • A high degree of reliability and a long period of operation, since there is no telescopic structure.
  • Equipped with a hook handle for easy carrying on the elbow.
  • The large dome will perfectly protect the entire human body from precipitation.
  • The design is strict, classic.
  • Can be used instead of the classic cane.


  • High pricing policy.
  • Large dimensions complicating storage.

The cost of umbrellas

The pricing policy may differ significantly, since it depends on the specific model, as well as the manufacturer of the product. Average prices are as follows:

  • Walking sticks for men with a mechanical system - 600-17000 rubles, and for women it will be up to 20,000 rubles.
  • Semi-automatic cane for a man - 400-24000 rubles, female models no more than 15 thousand rubles.
  • Automatic walking sticks cost up to 7,000 rubles.
  • Folding models for men are in the range of 300-4000 rubles, and for women up to 9 thousand rubles.
  • Semi-automatic products of folding type in the range of 500-130000 rubles.
  • Fully automatic folding options cost around 500-10,000 rubles, but for men they will be up to 7.5 rubles.
  • Children's options can be found in the region of 160-2500 rubles based on the model and materials. Similar cost for sun protection items.
  • Wind umbrellas cost about 5,000 rubles.

Parameters for choosing an umbrella

To figure out how to choose the right umbrella for protection from different weather conditions, you need to understand several main characteristics of the product.

Needles and rod

The main problem of any umbrella is knitting needles. When choosing a good thing, you should look at the quality of such elements, as well as the number of fasteners to the awning. This will help highlight how much the umbrella can protect against breakage. It is recommended to give preference to a spring-loaded system so that when the canopy is turned in from the wind, they simply open in the other direction, but do not break.

Among the main materials for the rod and spokes are:

  • Steel is a strong and durable material, but it is heavy.
  • Fiberglass - characterized by some elasticity, minimal weight and long service life. It is second only to steel in its strength.
  • Aluminum is an inexpensive and lightweight material, but its service life is short. In case of strong winds, there is a risk of deformation on the spokes or bar.

If we talk separately about the rod, then you need to look for an average option between size and strength, if we are talking about folding options. The more parts there are in the telescopic system, the more likely it is to break.

Awning material

When buying a quality umbrella, you must carefully familiarize yourself with the print, as well as the material of the entire awning. This will help you know the durability of the product. At the moment, manufacturers can offer the following material options:

  • Nylon is one of the cheapest materials, the fabric is synthetic, it includes average indicators for water resistance. The material is considered good for protection from rain, but in the event of strong winds there are risks of rupture of the fabric. With prolonged use of things, color fading begins.
  • Polyester is a reliable and more expensive material, especially when exposed to Teflon impregnation. The fabric does not shrink, helps protect people from rain, and dries quickly after use. Despite the years of use, the paints do not fade, but in the event of a strong wind flow, there is a risk of material rupture.
  • Pongee is a combined material based on nylon and polyester. It is considered a reliable fabric, high strength, but high cost. Such a surface does not allow water to penetrate, it dries quickly after use, but the main advantage is that the material does not tear or rub.
  • Satin - such a surface is always impregnated to protect it from water, it is considered the most expensive type of canopy that is applicable for premium umbrellas. Among the advantages are reliable protection, fast drying, as well as resistance to abrasion and strong winds.
  • Vinyl or polyethylene - such raw materials for the dome are used if you need to make it completely transparent. Often, umbrellas are deep and narrow, through the walls you can see what is happening around. Since the film is thin, the service life is short; it can even break in a purse.

Which umbrella to choose

There are several features to help you make your choice easier.To buy the right product, experts advise you to follow these tips:

  • A woman's umbrella should be medium in size, with an unusual and bright design, expressed in colors. For comfortable use, a narrow, cylindrical handle is suitable, as well as models with a U-shaped handle for a cane. It is recommended to choose a frame with spokes from fiberglass, but if the cost seems high, then choose aluminum parts. Automatic or semi-automatic devices that can be folded up to 5 times are an excellent choice. This factor will help you to use the umbrella for carrying in your bag. Choose any awning, it does not have a significant value, since women are used to changing umbrellas often. A nylon or polyester cover will suffice for protection.
  • A large folding model or walking stick is suitable for a man. Appearance and color should be restrained, strict. It is best to give preference to a product with a massive handle, which is perfect for a large palm. Choose a strong frame made of steel. Men's models are often bought for several years, their service life is very long, so it is better to immediately choose a quality product from trusted manufacturers. In such an umbrella, an awning made of pongee or satin is preferable.
  • People who prefer to often walk outside the city in the summer, on the beach or in other sunny places, should choose special umbrellas to protect against ultraviolet rays. Such products help to protect the skin, with the help of the product a shadow appears. Often, the described models are purchased by brides for a wedding, if the ceremony is held at the height of summer.
  • Children's models should have a bright appearance, it is best to have an awning with a cartoon print. The sizes are small, the frame is necessarily light, so aluminum or fiberglass is preferable. Handles are better suited from plastic, small in size and weight. The tips of the needles should cover the large overlays to prevent injury. In this case, mechanical unfolding and folding is preferable in order to protect the child. Choose an awning from inexpensive materials, including PE, nylon or PVC film.
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How to choose