How to choose bed linen

Some housewives periodically wonder how to choose bed linen. This happens often when the old is already gradually falling into disrepair, and a requirement of good quality is imposed on the new. In addition, it is important that the material is pleasant to the touch, and in order for the purchase to be doubly pleasant, the underwear should be at an affordable price. Since ancient times, people have been very careful about bed linen, so the best fabrics were used for it, especially such linen was especially thin.

By the way, bed sheets of high quality made from the best materials and embroidered with gold or silver were considered quite a worthy dowry for any bride. However, in the modern world, not everyone treats bed linen with special trepidation, although they should. After all, you will have to be on it almost every night, and comfortable underwear can provide you with a healthy and pleasant sleep, so you should pay special attention to its choice.

In the modern world, bed linen is chosen more for its appearance than for the softness and comfort of the material. However, this is not surprising, since in most cases, linen is made from the same materials, usually cotton. Nevertheless, before buying, it is worth paying more attention to a detailed examination of the bed linen, since you choose what a priori should be comfortable and comfortable at night. In addition, nowadays bed linen is often not cheap, so it is better to approach business responsibly so that you do not spend extra money later.

Which manufacturer is best to choose when buying bed linen

Often, before asking the question of which bed linen to choose, you need to decide which company you will prefer, because this can often become a determining factor. It is nevertheless necessary to pay more attention to how long this or that company has been on the market. For this reason, it is precisely those manufacturers who have established themselves over the years as companies that make comfortable bedding that can serve you for many years.

For example, buying bed linen from a manufacturer such as Horns and Hooves can disappoint you that the material will quickly leak or shed. It is not even an hour that you wake up in some kind of incomprehensible thread, and the material itself will quickly wear off. However, this will not only cause you inconvenience. This negligent approach from manufacturers can seriously harm your health. The reason for this is that various paints containing toxic elements are often used for the manufacture of such models. Low-grade synthetics and cheap materials are also often used. Believe me, nightly contact with such materials does not bode well for your health, so before buying it is necessary to check as carefully as possible what your bedding that you would like to purchase consists of.

When purchasing, be sure to check the manufacturer's name on the label.However, how can you tell if the product is of good quality based on the manufacturer's name? The following firms are noted as the most competent in this area:

  • Frette;
  • OnSilk;
  • "Monolith";
  • ART Design.

Really high-quality bed linen is best purchased from such firms, since they are the most famous of all the others, which means that they must not only follow the latest trends in the fashion world, but also meet high requirements. By the way, you can choose bed linen for children separately, if necessary, especially the first company on the list, which is engaged not only in sewing bed linen for adults, but also for children, is suitable for this. In addition, they create interesting designs that fit completely different interior styles.

What are the types of bedding

There are several types of bed linen, basically, it is divided into classes, that is, it all depends on how expensive materials are chosen for the manufacture of this or that linen, as well as how it is sewn. Therefore, the difference between different types can be due only to the type of fabric, and they also differ in quality. So before buying, always ask yourself what quality bedding to choose.

In addition, the gradation into classes is somewhat confusing and somewhat confusing. Indeed, any bedding can be made from completely different types of materials, as well as have completely different sizes. These factors also affect the price range and appearance of the bedding itself. The best guide in this case will be the cost, since it clearly reflects what and how this or that model was made. And in this case, the rule is that the cost reflects the quality of the bed linen. In this category, there is an almost direct relationship

Elite bed linen

How to choose bed linen

This bed linen belongs to the luxury class. In this case, it is quite obvious that such underwear cannot have any flaws, since it is always made of high quality materials, and also has an unsurpassed and sophisticated design. Such bed linen can easily be attributed to the section of luxury goods, and it will be able not only to create comfortable conditions for you while sleeping, but also to be an excellent element of the design of your bedroom. In any case, luxury bedding can always decorate almost any interior, but in this case, the exception is that not every room design can be matched with such bedding.

The problem may lie in the fact that the modest rooms will seriously contrast with the aesthetics of the rich decoration of luxurious bedding, so if your dwelling is made in a relaxed and rather simple design, then it is better to choose something appropriate, since although the bed will be comfortable, but outwardly it will look a little ridiculous.

However, the famous brands that offer such bedding are definitely leading not only in terms of design for their products, but also in terms of quality. In addition, most manufacturers of luxury products of this kind have their own laboratories, in which they try to improve their products, and therefore, the quality of the fabric will be many times higher.

Often they use their own unique structures, with which they create high quality fabrics, and also use the technology of harmless dyes, which also have the corresponding properties. Some companies may even use perfumed items that will exude a pleasant and unobtrusive scent while you sleep.Some experts say that this approach helps a person fall asleep better, since it is the atmosphere that surrounds him that can affect his condition at night.

In the process of making such bed linen, natural silk is used, as well as other fibers, which are often made by hand. In addition, satin jacquard and some other exotic materials are used in the tailoring of luxury bedding. Often, the appearance is developed only by famous and most fashionable designers who are trying to create something at the level of the noble chambers.


  • the quality of the material used to make bed linen is the highest, since manufacturers cannot fall into the dirt with their faces due to the fact that their status is too high;
  • if you want to purchase linen of some special tailoring or you need your own design, then you can order individual tailoring of the bed linen that will not only suit you with quality, but also fit the external interior of your bedroom;
  • in the manufacturing process, manufacturers use only the best fabric, for example, natural silk or satin can be used as the basis;
  • often such a masterpiece is packaged in a branded or branded box, which can make a valuable and luxurious gift out of bed linen;
  • such models are made using multi-stage protection against all sorts of fakes, so you can definitely count on the fact that you are purchasing a really high-quality item.


  • often all of the above advantages are accompanied by an exorbitant, and sometimes even exorbitant price, the cost of some types of bed linen can go to tens of thousands of rubles;
  • such products can be purchased only in special company stores, as well as ordered on the official websites of the company, since all companies of this rank do not allow their products to be freely available.

Budget bed linen

How to choose bed linen

This type of bedding is aimed at the average consumer, so almost everyone can buy it. Often, bed linen of this rank can be both more or less cheap and quite expensive. Again, it all depends on what kind of material will be used in this case. What unites all consumers of this class is that they are all focused on the general population, so that both the average person and the more prosperous person can buy such bedding.

Despite the fact that the cost of such underwear is average, such underwear has quite good characteristics, so you can definitely know that you are buying a quality item if you pay attention to the manufacturer's name on the label. In addition, you will have a huge selection of various colors, which will allow you to choose exactly what you like best or suit your interior. This is the key to the popularity of this category of bedding.

By the way, most of modern factories began to produce exactly those products that will delight you not only with high-quality and beautiful colors, but with environmentally friendly materials that show a certain wear resistance in operation. The most popular materials include satin, cotton, as well as coarse calico and poplin. Perhaps it is worth noting that such fabrics are capable of serving for a long time by themselves, however, the paint or print that was applied to them is not able to maintain their brightness for a long time. After a certain amount of time, you will be able to observe how, after the next wash, your linen will lose its color by several tones.


  • such bed linen is often sold at democratic and very affordable prices, so that everyone can afford it;
  • manufactured products of brands that are famous manufacturers of middle-class bedding, often pass all the necessary checks and quality control;
  • middle-class products are often available for sale, so you can buy bedding at any home goods store;
  • a huge number of colors, which are presented not only with standard patterns, but also with a three-dimensional effect, when you can choose for yourself exactly the print that will make your bedroom more modern.


  • you will need to constantly monitor the washing mode if you wash such a thing in a typewriter, since the fabric has a tendency to fade, so in order not to buy new laundry again later, you will need to constantly observe the necessary conditions that will be written on the label;
  • when you buy a thing, be sure to inspect it on one side and on the other, since you can buy defective bedding, which is, unfortunately, not uncommon in the modern world;
  • such a thing can quickly fade, so after a few years you will have to change your bedding for a new one.

Baby bedding

How to choose bed linen

Despite the fact that such bed linen can be both expensive and budgetary, it is often referred to a separate category, since especially stringent requirements are imposed on it. The fact is that such bed linen must meet all quality requirements, since the child's skin is especially sensitive. Therefore, any material will not suit her at all.

In fact, a set of children's bedding should not only be visually attractive, but also be made of special natural fabrics that simply cannot cause an allergic reaction in a child. The fabric must be breathable and withstand constant and possibly frequent washings.


  • in order to sew such bedding, only natural fabrics are used, for the production of which exclusively safe dyes are used, in addition, the fabrics must be soft so that the child feels comfortable in the bed;
  • some bedding sets have a special antibacterial impregnation, so that the child feels not only comfortable, but also safe;
  • such fabrics are durable, so that they withstand constant or frequent washing in the machine;
  • such sets often use beautiful, colorful or funny drawings, in addition, sometimes special applications are used on this type of bedding;
  • kits have been launched on sale, which consist of a different number of items, so that parents can always choose the one that is right for their child, so in fact this is an individual approach.


  • often expensive brands can ask for a fairly high price for one set, since it uses really high-quality materials, and some sewing is often done by hand;
  • no matter how high-quality printing a particular brand uses, the fabric tends to fade over time.

How to choose the right bedding

After you have chosen exactly the type of bedding that you would like to have in your apartment, after that it is important to start with some details that are important to consider when buying a particular model. In this case, it is very important to take into account the numerous factors that may affect your choice.

For example, first you need to first inspect the packaging. Keep in mind that a really good manufacturer won't skimp on this, so this part should look presentable as well. After inspecting the packaging itself, be sure to see if there is a label that contains all the most important information.

Be sure to check if the following data is available: the size of the fabric, its composition, the general equipment of this set of bedding, that is, which elements are included in it. In addition, the labels must indicate recommendations for the care of the fabric, as well as the principle by which it is necessary to wash this or that part. Also check if there are company contacts on the front or back side, so that you can contact them at any time convenient for you.

Be sure to check all the texts that are written below in small print, since often not the most conscientious sellers are able to write the name of cotton on top in large letters, and below indicate the actual composition of the product, which may even consist of a mixed hodgepodge. Often, the amount of cotton in such a composition leaves much to be desired, so it is contained in a small percentage.

By the way, after that you need to pay attention to the smell that comes from the fabric itself. Keep in mind that it should not have any extraneous odors, that is, a distinct aroma of chemicals or some kind of coloring materials is an alarm bell. Natural fabrics do not have a smell as such, however, with a quality manufacturer of the fabric that is used in the manufacture of bedding, you can feel the unobtrusive scent of novelty.

So always sniff your new bedding as you plan on spending more than one night on it. It is very important that the fabric is not only comfortable for you, but also does not create any inconvenience in terms of smell, so that it is pleasant to the touch. Also, pay attention to how different the color scheme of the picture is. It should not be too bright on the front side, and at the same time too pale on the back. This will indicate poor quality printing.

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How to choose