How to choose a steam cleaner

In order to disinfect and remove the most persistent contamination from floors, tiles and glass coverings, a quality steam cleaner is required. With it, you will not need to use dubious chemicals or waste time wiping off frozen greasy stains - it will be enough to pour water and the technique will give out hot steam that will remove any pollution. Of course, the device is extremely comfortable, but you have to know how to choose it. To know how to choose a steam cleaner, you need to read the recommendations.

The principle of operation and the device of steam cleaners

How to choose a steam cleaner

The steam cleaner for the home is one of the most effective and versatile devices today. At first, the device was used in medical institutions in order to disinfect the floor, but over time, the scope of application has increased. Now, thanks to the steam cleaner, it is possible to clean the room, as well as use it in the process of cleaning the interior of a car or household appliances. The purchased device is often used for cleaning bathrooms, however, a large number of other options for use are known, which include:

  • Cleaning glass surfaces.
  • Elimination of frozen dirt from dishes and household appliances.
  • Disinfection and cleaning of furniture.
  • Cleaning bed linen from mites and allergens.

Taking into account the above possibilities, the device can be confidently called universal and practical in use. It is not recommended to use the device under consideration on a wax and varnish coating, to clean cold glasses in winter (during temperature changes, the glass may crack).

There are 3 units in the assembly of all steam cleaners:

  • steam boiler or liquid container;
  • Heating element;
  • nozzle-nozzle or flexible hose for steam supply.

Directly they will perform the main work: it heats up and turns the liquid into steam, and then is removed outside. In a situation with a domestic steam generator, the supply process still needs to be controlled, but such an option will often be reduced to the usual opening of the valve that retains the steam. And the accumulated pressure will provide a fairly powerful flow that can handle even stubborn dirt.

Taking into account the model of the steam purifier, the liquid is heated by a direct-flow method - in this situation, the water from the container will flow to the heating element, and, turning into steam, will go to the outlet nozzle. Steam generators function somewhat differently. They are distinguished by the fact that the transition of a liquid into a gaseous state will occur precisely in the boiler, where the pressure accumulates. During the use of such an assembly, it is possible to obtain at the outlet a more powerful flow with extremely high temperature indicators.

Steam cleaner selection options

How to choose a steam cleaner

Having made the choice of the form of release of the steam purifier, the next stage will be to assess its parameters and functionality. There are specific requirements for each type of device.They will give you an idea of ​​how the steam cleaner will work effectively.

Tank volume

The larger this parameter, the longer it is possible to use the device for 1 refueling. However, everything will depend on the type of steam purifier chosen. For example, hand-held devices have a working volume of 85 ml - 1.5 liters, but it is inconvenient to hold a heavy device weighing 1–2 kg in your hands.

In floor-standing devices, the tank is located in a housing that actually does not need to be lifted, so a large capacity here will only be an advantage. In current household appliances, there is a 1-5 liter reservoir - the product is selected taking into account the perimeter of the home and the cleaning time. As a guideline, it is possible to take average values: 1 liter of liquid is generally enough for 30-40 minutes of device operation.


In this matter, you should take into account the form of release of the steam cleaner and remember the capacity of the tank or boiler.

Hand tools are produced with a capacity of 0.7-1.6 kW. In portable devices, the tank capacity is small and the time savings will be negligible. In this regard, there is no point in overloading the wiring and purchasing a device of more than 1 kW when its volume is no more than 1 liter. However, when the user chooses a larger device, a more powerful device from 1000 watts will be required.

Floor standing steam cleaners are characterized by power consumption in the range of 1.35–2.35 kW. Here it is optimal to focus on products that are approaching the upper limit. You should not buy low-performance devices when they have an extremely long hose - this is the most unfortunate combination that reduces the efficiency of the device and leaves a wet track on the treated area.

Steam pressure at the outlet

This parameter is more important than performance, since it will directly affect how effectively the device will work. Typical values ​​for household appliances are in the 2-8 bar range. But here you need to take into account the probable pressure drops during steam passage through the hose and the nozzle - it sometimes reaches 50%. You should always take the device with a margin.

Optimally, a home steam purifier delivers a flow of 3 bar or more. However, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics that the developer indicates in the documentation. When there is no information about the pressure in the boiler, it is probably extremely low, the device will not be able to perform serious tasks.

In addition, it is advisable to clarify the intensity of the steam supply, in particular when it is planned to use the device in order to eliminate difficult dirt. In such a situation, the user will need a product that produces 80-150 g per minute, provides a high-temperature wet wash. However, those who constantly keep their home clean can use low-current devices with an intensity of 30-40 g per minute.

Temperature regime

Steam functions most efficiently, the temperature indicators of which will reach 135-140 degrees. It is distinguished by the cleaning of surfaces, as well as their disinfection. When the device gives out about 100 degrees, it is suitable only for the purpose of steaming things and restoring carpets - it will not be able to cope with deep sanitization and mold.

Hose length

In a situation with floor steam cleaners, you will need rather long hoses, but at the same time, you should not purchase too large ones. Flexible 3-meter tube provides free access to virtually any surface. When it is shorter, it is possible to overlook corners, baseboards and mezzanines. An overly long hose should also not be taken - until the steam reaches the nozzle, it will cool down significantly.

Steam boiler material

Internal boilers of steam cleaners are made of 2 types of metal. Steel is often used in older products, but it is recommended to select more modern accessories with an aluminum tank.They will sooner warm up and less scale. Those who purchase direct-flow devices do not have such a choice - here the container for the liquid is usually made of plastic.


The types and number of nozzles that come with the device will determine how wide their scope of application is. However, here it is necessary to take into account the needs in the matter of cleaning, so as not to get too much and not to limit the possibilities of the device. The most common attachments that will fit in any home are:

  • Brushes. They help to clean any embossed coating, floor surface, ceramics and upholstered furniture from pollution. They make it possible to combine steam treatment and mechanical cleaning, which will give the greatest tangible effect. The presence of scrapers is also permissible, but such combined products are best used on a scratch-resistant coating.
  • Terry covers. Used for delicate cleaning of kitchen appliances, floors and windows. They can be easily removed from the holder and washed, after which they can be used again.
  • Spout (nozzle). Narrow and elongated cone-shaped nozzle to reach every corner of the room. Some of them are equipped with small brushes in order to thoroughly clean small items (for example, a kitchen mixer).
  • Iron. It is used only in combination with combined cleaners that have
    the option of steaming things and the function of regulating humidity.

In any situation, the number of attachments should be at least 3 - only then it is possible to talk about the functionality of the purchased product.

The best steam cleaner manufacturers - which company to choose

First of all, you need to focus on the name of the developer when choosing a technique. Quality steam cleaners are available in the following brands:

  • Karcher.
  • Philips.
  • Thomas.
  • Smile.
  • Kitfort.

To choose the best models, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of the devices and choose a high-quality device yourself.

Types of steam cleaners for home

Despite the differences in the formation of steam, household appliances are classified according to the form of release. It will often directly determine the parameters of adaptation, comfort and scope.


How to choose a steam cleaner

These devices are distinguished by their small dimensions and, as a result, not very capacious reservoirs for liquid. But this should not be considered a disadvantage, since holding the device with 2 kg of water in the middle is also uncomfortable. Such devices have proved to be excellent when you need to reach any corner or process a small coating. A handheld device should be perceived only as an assistant in order to cleanliness in various nooks of the home - it will not wash everything, but it copes with the most difficult areas.


  • small, will not take up much space;
  • fast heating;
  • comfortable use in confined spaces;
  • adequate cost.


  • bulky products from 1 liter are difficult to hold in the hand for a long time;
  • small cycle of operation - approximately 20 minutes.


How to choose a steam cleaner

Outside, such devices are similar to small vacuum cleaners - the same body with wheels and a hose with nozzles through which steam will be supplied. The liquid container is located mainly in the floor compartment, which greatly facilitates the work. In addition, there will be an option to implement the auxiliary functions of cleaning equipment. Floor steam cleaners make it easy to clean up your apartment.


  • proper steam output;
  • function continuously for at least 1-1.5 hours;
  • impressive functionality;
  • will not get tired even when cleaning a large area.


  • overpriced;
  • will take up a lot of space during storage.

Which steam cleaner for home is better to choose

How to choose a steam cleaner

To understand how to choose a household steam cleaner, you need to familiarize yourself with the following recommendations:

  • When general cleaning is carried out not very often and the device is taken out 2-3 times a month, in order to clean difficult areas in the bathroom and in the kitchen, it is necessary to purchase a manual izelia with a tank of about 1 liter. You won't need a lot of power - the usual 900-1000 watts are enough here. It is important that the device creates the necessary pressure, and in the complete set, the proper attachments are supplied to it: brushes and a cover made of terry.
  • Those who use the steam cleaner periodically, to remove a few stains from things, furniture or windows, a compact hand-held device with a small capacity of 85-100 ml will do. With a performance of 700-800 watts, it is ready after a few seconds and copes with tasks as expected. Here, special emphasis should be placed on temperature indicators at the exit - most of these products cannot heat steam more than 98-103 degrees. These are already steamers for things that unscrupulous developers give out as steam purifiers.
  • When there is an allergy sufferer in the home or ideal cleanliness is maintained, you need to take a floor fixture that gives out a powerful flow from 4 bar. The option of setting temperature indicators of about 140 degrees is mandatory, in order to destroy pathogenic microflora. At the same time, you need to ensure that the hose has an average length of 3 m. Regarding the capacity of the tank, you need to focus on the area of ​​the room. However, for a small dwelling, it is optimal to choose devices that hold at least 2 liters of liquid, otherwise you will need to constantly fill in water and wait until it can heat up.

Steam cleaners cost

How to choose a steam cleaner

In order to understand which steam cleaner to choose, you should familiarize yourself with the price range:

  • For a manual device in the form of a teapot, you will need to pay 500-6500 r. - taking into account the parameters and popularity of the developer brand.
  • Compact "travel" devices with a capacity of up to 100 ml cost 700-1500 rubles.
  • Floor fixtures with proper outlet pressure will cost 3-30,000 rubles.
  • Professional steam cleaners that produce a steam flow with a pressure of more than 5 bar can be purchased for 5000 rubles.

People often wonder how to choose the best steam cleaners for your home. To find out how to get the best instrument, you should read these guidelines.

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How to choose