How to choose a braid for spinning

Many years ago, man learned to catch fish from the water using fishing rods. Since then, the fishing industry has developed rapidly. If at the beginning of the journey it was a craft that allows you to get food or make money on it, then over time, more and more people began to treat this as a hobby. Now there are even sports related to fishing.

Along with the development of fishing, tools also developed. Thus, today modern spinning rods, which are quite technological devices, are most often used for fishing. A good attachment should have a high-quality and reliable reel on which the line is wound. As a rule, a braided cord is used for this, since it has the highest quality technical properties. In this regard, many beginners or amateurs are interested in how to choose a braid for spinning.

The principle of operation of braids for spinning

How to choose a braid for spinning

To decide which braid to choose for spinning for pike or other fish, it is recommended to begin with familiarizing yourself with the general principles of operation of such devices. This will facilitate the selection process in the future. At first glance, it may seem that this is an ordinary fishing line, no different from its standard types. However, when zooming in closely, 4 to 8 strands can be seen intertwined.

The procedure for making braids is as follows: several strands of thread are tightly intertwined with each other, forming a thickened cord. After that, another such fishing line is made and they are connected to each other. Thus, the end result is a multifilament line with a high level of strength.

Many are interested in which diameter to choose. If the thickness of the device is 0.1 mm, then its power will be enough to withstand fish weighing up to 3 kg. This is the minimum figure. In reality, there are braided models with a more impressive thickness indicator. Often, fishermen take this value with a margin, since there are non-standard situations in which the load can increase. For example, the line might catch on a branch. Using the considered type of fishing line, you can catch fish weighing up to 25-30 kilograms.

There are other notable features of the braids besides the impressive strength. Such material has a long service life, a good indicator of the sensitivity of the bait, and the line does not stretch when cutting sharply. Even a strong wind will not create strong windage, which can interfere with fishing. In addition, the multi-fiber spinning ropes can be used for long distance casting into the water and also provide good visibility for the fisherman.

The material from which braided lines are most often made does not have a “memory” function, that is, it can take a different shape after spinning on a drum. The braid will always remain straight, even if it is very tangled. Today, most fishermen distinguish Japanese and American models of multifilament lines. They are of higher quality and efficiency.Typically one model contains a 90-150 meter coil.

The main types of braids for spinning

Consider the main categories into which the braids for spinning are divided. Today, 2 key types can be distinguished, namely classical and parallel. Each of them has its own characteristics. It is worth considering each species in more detail.

Classic braids

How to choose a braid for spinning

Standard multifilament lines are made from polyethylene, which is impregnated with special substances. Such models can have a different number of cores from 3 to 8. The thickness of such a line can be from 0.01 to 0.89 mm. The higher this indicator, the higher the strength and fishing efficiency. This category of braids can be used both by beginners and amateurs, and by professionals in their field. Manufacturers recommend using this line for fishing from the shore, pier or boat.


  • An impressive service life;
  • A wide range of costs. Representatives of all classes will be able to choose the most suitable model for themselves;
  • Sturdy structure;
  • A wide range of the number of strands, as well as the total thickness of the braid;
  • Wide range of different colors for fishing in different conditions;
  • You can purchase a braid for both light and heavy spinning.


  • The cheapest models have low-quality threads, on which villi begin to appear over time;
  • Poorly stretchable;
  • Poor-quality threads are flattened, which increases the wind sail ratio.

Parallel braids

How to choose a braid for spinning

Now let's look at the type of parallel braids for spinning. Such braids are made by a more modern method than the classic ones. Here the threads are soldered together under the influence of high temperature. Moreover, as the name implies, they are located parallel to each other. Such a braid cannot stretch, but the strength and sensitivity are much higher.

This type of spinning rod is perfect for beginners or hobbyists who have little experience with multifilament lines. However, it is not well suited for professional fishing.


  • High level of strength;
  • Allows you to learn how to effectively perform sweeps;
  • Copes with strong currents in the river;
  • The bait is well felt when driving;
  • Allows you to fish on the move while on board the boat.


  • Modest service life relative to classic models;
  • The greater the distance to the water, the greater the windage during casting. For example, this is felt strongly when fishing from a bridge;
  • Over time, villi appear.

The best manufacturers of spinning braids

How to choose a braid for spinning

As mentioned earlier, the highest quality products are made by brands from Japan and the United States. However, there are manufacturers from other countries who also hold strong positions in the market. The trusted brands that have earned the trust of users include the following names:

  • Berkley;
  • Benkei;
  • Sufix;
  • Power Phantom;
  • Stinger.

If you do not have time to understand all the intricacies of choosing a high-quality braid for spinning, then you can purchase products from one of the listed brands. These are proven manufacturers, whose products have been occupying the shelves of all thematic stores for several years. Therefore, there is no reason to doubt the quality of their lines.

Parameters for choosing braids for spinning

How to choose a braid for spinning

When choosing braids for spinning, as well as when choosing any other technical devices, it is worth paying attention to certain characteristics that are most important in the operation of these devices. These parameters include diameter, number of veins, visual density, strength level, color scheme, number of weaves, and so on. It is worth considering each of them in detail.

Braid thickness

How to choose a braid for spinning

Quite often, fishermen are primarily interested in how to choose the thickness of the braid. Indeed, the level of strength of the fishing line and the maximum load that is allowed during its operation depend on it.Let's highlight the 5 most common options:

  • 0.7 mm. As a rule, this indicator is considered the maximum thickness of multifilament lines. Thicker models are extremely rare and do not enjoy much success. It is not difficult to guess that this line diameter is suitable for hunting large fish. A spinning rod with such a braid will be able to withstand a fish weight of up to 25-30 kg and not break;
  • 0.6 mm. Braids with this thickness have good resistance to conditions that interfere with fishing. We are talking about strong winds, tall grass and so on. This line allows you to catch pike or other large fish weighing up to 15-20 kg;
  • 0.4 mm. This is a universal metric that is most often found in theme stores. The maximum weight of fish with such a braid is 8-10 kg. The characteristics of such braids suggest that this is an excellent option for beginners who have just started to get involved in the craft in question;
  • 0.2 - 0.3 mm. The fish weighs 2-5 kg. Suitable for hunting perch or womer;
  • 0.1 - 0.15 mm. Minimum diameter indicator. This product is recommended for use only on light spinning rods and for training. Great for long distance casting. However, they are difficult to distinguish in water.

Strength level

The diameter of the braid directly affects the level of strength. And this indicator, in turn, determines the maximum stress, upon reaching which the line will break. Modern manufacturers indicate the strength on the packaging of their products in kilograms. This value can vary from 1 to 20 kg. The easiest way to determine the level of durability you want is based on the type of fish you are going to hunt. The following list will help with this:

  • Strength of 3-5 kg ​​is enough for perch;
  • If you plan to fish for pike or pike perch, then it is recommended to buy a fishing line with a strength of 12 kg;
  • In small reservoirs and rivers where many species of fish are found, 8 kg of strength will be enough;
  • If you are going to go to sea and hunt for large species of fish, then it is worth buying a braid with a strength value equal to 15-20 kg.

In addition, the compatibility of the braid and the spinning rod greatly affects the strength. It is not recommended to use powerful lines with light spinning rods, and weak ones with heavy spinning rods.

Color solution

Not many people know, but the color of the line also has a significant impact on the effectiveness of fishing with it. You can find dull and inconspicuous braids, or you can purchase a bright model that is easy to notice even under water. Thus, the chosen color should depend on the type of fishing. In total, there are 3 main options:

  1. For the classic type of fishing, which involves pulling the line straight in a straight line below the water surface, it is recommended to use dark shades of braid.
  2. If you like to fish with a ratler at the bottom, then it is better to use a line of light green or similar shade.
  3. Bright shades are recommended when zigging the bait vertically. This will allow you to clearly see the bait and control the direction of its movement.

Number of plexuses

When choosing a classic braid (and not parallel), you should pay attention to the number of weaves. This indicator determines the number of intersections for all strands of the product for each centimeter. You can find models for 5, 6, 8 or 12 plexuses. For each option, you can select the mass of fish for which it is suitable. In this way:

  • 5-6 plexuses for any kind of fish weighing 3-5 kg;
  • 8 plexuses for medium pikes weighing up to 8 kg;
  • 12 plexuses for larger fish.

Extra options

In addition to the main parameters, there are minor ones that are also worth paying attention to when choosing. The characteristics given in this section are more like small “secrets” for choosing the best quality product. These actions can be performed right in the store and you can understand whether the selected product is worth buying.

First of all, it is recommended to remove the coil from the packaging and unwind about 1 meter of braid, and then carefully examine it.A high-quality fishing line should not have any flattening, scuffs and the like, and there should also be no villi. If at least one of these parameters was found, then it is recommended to refuse such a purchase.

After that it is recommended to bend the cord slightly. It should fold easily into a loop, and also not emit any crackling. Look in the coil box. If a powder is found at the bottom that matches the color of the line, then you should not buy such a model. This indicates that the paint will wear off quickly.

It is recommended to take into account the footage. Any braids for spinning are sold in special reels. However, there is no single standard for length. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the proposed footage and correlating it with the price. This is due to the fact that, for example, if we compare a 90 meter coil for 1200 rubles and a 150 meter coil for 1800 rubles, it becomes clear that the first option is more expensive.

Recommendations for the selection and cost of modern braids for spinning

The cost of the braid depends on many factors. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the approximate price tags for certain types of products. It is worth noting that 135 meter products are expected.

  • If you are a beginner and are just gaining experience in fishing, then it is recommended to purchase a classic product for light spinning rods. Such a purchase will cost 1000 - 1500 rubles;
  • If you are going to fish from a moving boat, then you need to buy a product with trolling support. Such a model will cost 2,000 - 3,000 rubles;
  • To catch large fish, you will need to buy a product with maximum strength for heavy spinning. The cost varies between 1500 - 2500 rubles;
  • And, finally, if you plan to do jig fishing, that is, fishing from the bottom of the reservoir, then you need to purchase a suitable type of braid. The most popular models for jig fishing will cost 1,500 - 2,000 rubles.
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