How to choose sunscreen

Long exposure to the sun requires a recommendation for the use of sunscreen. You have to figure out how and why it should be used, what properties you need to rely on in order to choose a quality product.

Under the influence of ultraviolet rays in the human body, the production of vitamin D is observed. But keep in mind that this not only benefits the body, but also can strike. Due to sunscreens, you can stop the fact of getting burns, eliminate photoaging of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles. This article will discuss how to choose a sunscreen. You will find out what nuances you should rely on when choosing.

List of manufacturers of sunscreens: which company should be preferred

How to choose sunscreen

When faced with the dilemma of which sunscreen to choose, note that it is best to go with the well-known brands on the market. These could be companies like L'OREAL, Nivea, Vichy and Hikari. Each of these products has properties that help provide effective protection against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Please note that not all modern companies are capable of producing quality products, even if the prices seem tempting. If you want to choose good protection for a child or an adult, then it is recommended to pay attention to those companies that have strict requirements for their products.

The brands listed in the article are well-known in different parts of the world and have won the trust of buyers for a long time. There is nothing surprising in this, because the products are developed by professionals who are well informed in the field of dermatology, dietetics and other specialists.

Through collaboration with pharmacists and physicians, companies use many technologies in the medical field. Of course, these are the latest developments. Before they enter the market, they undergo a series of clinical trials that confirm the quality and level of safety.

But if you decided to delve deeper into the question of how to choose a sunscreen, then continue reading our article to the end.

Features of buying a quality sunscreen

How to choose sunscreen

UV radiation today is distinguished into 3 types. These are UVA, UVB, UVC. The most harmful to human health are UVC. They are absorbed by the atmosphere, without reaching the Earth's surface. If we talk about A and B form, then they affect the human body, but the concentration is different.

Only 5 percent of UVB rays can reach the planet's surface. Nevertheless, if you stay in the sun for a long time, then this amount will be enough to cause serious damage to the skin, even tissue mutation and the oncological process.

95 percent of the ultraviolet radiation is represented by UVA rays, which constantly surround us, creating a tan on the skin. With prolonged exposure, they can lead to hypersensitivity, photoaging of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles.

With this effect on the skin of rays, dermatologists strongly recommend the use of creams with sunscreen properties. They are able to protect the skin from burns. The presence of a sunscreen factor will not interfere with your skin's tanning properties. It will become darker. The tanning process is not as intense, but at the same time it is safe.

The presented funds may contain special substances that neutralize the effects of ultraviolet rays A and B. These are ultraviolet filters, which in turn are divided into types.

They are physical and chemical. The first option is to help create a screen that prevents rays from penetrating into the area of ​​deep skin. But the second one penetrates the skin, and can convert solar energy into heat.

All packages of sunscreens have an SPF, which varies considerably from 4-50. It denotes the level of protection of the cream from the harmful rays of the sun. Please note that the higher the parameter, the greater the protective properties. Also, there are products on the market where the SPF is 50 or more. But keep in mind that this is only a PR campaign, and therefore it is foolish to overpay for such a high protection that does not exist.

Types of sunscreen creams

For very fair skin

Such creams are capable of providing intense protection against sun exposure. These include funds with an SPF of 35-50. These are great options for individuals who have a hard time getting in the sun. The thing is that the skin will quickly burn and even blister. As a rule, such people are distinguished by red hair and light curls. They have a pale skin color, sometimes there are freckles and an expanded capillary network may be present.

The advantages include such properties as instant protection of the cover from aging and burns. The cream is able to prevent the fact of flaking and dryness. It will also gently affect skin areas where there is a birthmark or pigmentation.

The disadvantages include the fact that after 2 hours the product must be reapplied. The thing is that when it comes into contact with water, a towel or sand, it tends to wear off. Sometimes, such a cream can leave a plaque. It has a thick consistency that cannot be absorbed immediately.

By repeated application, the duration of the protective effect will not increase.

For fair skin

This category includes a cream with SPF 25-35 protection. The funds are suitable for people whose skin burns out rather slowly, but at the same time burns when they have been in the sun for a long time. These are the people who have a light shade of hair, i.e. wheat, golden and light blond.

Among the advantages is the property of preventing early aging of the skin. The cream is able to stimulate the appearance of a natural tan and evens out the tone. It also provides opacity, high photoaging prevention performance.

But the disadvantages are that if you do not observe the proportions of application, then you may be faced with the fact that the cream will provoke irritation on the skin. As a rule, products have a dense texture that is not easy to apply.

For normal skin

And one more type, which is distinguished by the presence of SPF 15-25. It has an average degree of protection, has a tonic and regenerating effect. Suitable for those people who have dark skin and dark hair. As a rule, they sunbathe perfectly in the sun.

The advantages are that such products will help you acquire an even natural tan, while burns are excluded. They provide an optimal level of protection in case of sunbathing. The texture of the product is generally not thick.It is perfectly absorbed and will not leave marks. Due to their effect, the funds are able to neutralize the harm from UV rays, prevent harmful radiation that does not get into the deep skin.

But keep in mind that there is a minus. Such a cream, a couple of hours after application, must still be washed off.

For dark skin

The products have an SPF of 4-15 and easily protect the skin while maintaining elasticity. Suitable for people with dark skin, dark hair. Those. those who almost never get sunburned when resting in the sun.

The good news is that the cream can stimulate the appearance of sunburn naturally. It will stop the drying out of the skin, and will also prevent the start of the process of premature aging. The product has a very light texture, and even it is able to protect the skin from exposure to UV rays.

As for the disadvantages, you should not use the product in case of individual intolerance to those components that are present in their composition.

The main criteria for buying a quality sunscreen

Indicator of the level of protection against exposure to UV radiation

How to choose sunscreen

This is an important nuance to rely on when choosing a safe tanning product. Please note that the lighter and more sensitive the skin, the higher the level of protection the product should have. The same applies to mature skin, which does not tolerate UV radiation well. For this reason, experts advise strengthening protection as you grow older.

When choosing an SPF level, take into account that the duration of exposure to sunlight is really long. People who are prone to a long stay in the sun need increased protection, and therefore the SPF level should be 30 or not less.

The UV index is related to the fact that the higher the parameter in the region, the more intensive protection you will need. Find out the value of this parameter and you, it's easy to do. You just need to use a smartphone and a weather forecast application.

Filter type

Manufacturers on the packaging indicate the type of sun rays from which the cream is able to protect. The most effective remedy that can act simultaneously with UVA, UVB. Also, sometimes protection from A rays can be designated as IPD, PA +, PPD.

Additional set of substances

It is better to opt for those formulations where there are vitamins B, C, A and F. All of them will contribute to intense hydration of the skin and have an antioxidant effect. At times, there may be alcohol in the composition, which helps to reduce the fat content of the texture.

As you know, it seriously dries out the skin, and therefore, after application, you may feel tightness. In order to avoid such an effect, it is worth choosing those products where there is no alcohol or it is present in a minimum value.

Moreover, creams may contain unwanted ingredients that negatively affect the cellular system of the skin. These are parabens, Oxybenzone and Retinylpalmitate.

Determination of the optimal consistency

The product should be absorbed quickly without leaving an oily sheen. For this reason, it is important that it does not have a very thick structure, does not differ in its liquid.

Consider this point when choosing, as many neglect it, which then makes them regret the perfect purchase.

Water resistance properties

In the case of excessive sweating, or if you are planning to swim, you should choose a cream with waterproof properties. Those. the effect will persist after exposure to water. Reapplication of the cream is possible after 15-20 minutes.

Hypoallergenic properties

This parameter is also important. If it is indicated on the package, then keep in mind that the cream has passed a number of multiple clinical tests for an allergic reaction, and after application there will be no dryness, burning or rash.

Price question: factors that influence the cost of sunscreen

So, the price of the product will depend mainly on 2 important factors. In the first case, it is a manufacturer. In the second, the components that are present in the composition.

As seen in practice, many eminent brands often set prices for goods much higher.But you can also find those products that are presented on the market by lesser-known brands, which are not inferior in efficiency and are much cheaper. But keep in mind that a quality product doesn't come cheap. So you do not need to be led at a meager price, this may indicate that in the future you will not get the desired effect.

The price of sunscreen for sunburn varies in the region of 100-14 thousand rubles. If the composition of cosmetics is close to natural, there will be no harmful impurities in it, and even the network is vitamin-filled, then get ready for the fact that the cost will definitely be high.

Choosing a sunscreen: advice from dermatologists

Many experts advise that you have several products with sunscreen properties in your arsenal. Until the skin is tanned, you need to buy SPF 30, but not less. As soon as your tan appears, switch to a cream with an SPF of up to 15. Anyone who wants to buy products that will help stop premature aging, it is better to opt for products with an SPF of 30 or even higher.

If UV rays are prohibited for you for various reasons, for example, you are undergoing cosmetic procedures, taking hormones, then in the summer you need to use intensive protection. Then choose SPF30-50 products.

But for everyday use before walking, it is worth using 5-20 SPF for the face. But for the sea, it is better to buy a waterproof product. For children, choose creams with SPF 40-50. Intensive protection will prevent the sun from negatively affecting the skin, which will prevent burns and prevent the skin from being damaged. For a sensitive skin type, it is better to purchase those products that have a vitamin composition.

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How to choose