In spring, everything starts to turn green. In the beds, gardeners want to see early vegetables in order to quickly include them in their fortified diet. For this reason, the question of how to choose a covering material for the beds is often gaining relevance, which will help speed up the process of growing crops.
Due to this attribute, it is possible to keep warm, to protect young seedlings, which are afraid of frost. Moreover, all this will allow you to minimize the process of soil treatment. For summer residents, this article will certainly be useful. We researched the material in order to more deeply introduce the reader to the course of the topic. In this case, you can buy a practical substance to shelter certain types of crops.
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- 1 List of manufacturers: which brand to give preference to in choosing a covering material
- 2 The composition of the covering material: application practice
- 3 Useful qualities of covering material
- 4 Varieties of covering materials
- 5 Basic parameters for the purchase of covering material
- 6 Price question: how much does it cost to pay for the covering material
- 7 Width selection
List of manufacturers: which brand to give preference to in choosing a covering material
For those who are lazy or simply do not want to delve into the specifics of this issue, but need to purchase a high-quality covering material, it is recommended to pay attention to the best brands in this industry. These are: Lumiteks, Khimkor, Agreen, Hexa, Ayaskom. We have studied the information on the Web, got acquainted with the opinion of buyers and professionals, who share in reviews that the covering material of these brands is really high quality.
If you intend to understand the materials more deeply, then read the article to the end. Thus, you can find the option that will allow you to grow horticultural crops more successfully and fruitfully.
The composition of the covering material: application practice
It is customary to make a covering material based on ethylene polymers. It is produced on the basis of thermoplastic processing using pressure. Due to this, it is possible to obtain a dense artificial canvas that is sufficiently resistant to impacts, makes it possible to transmit light and heat. It is not prone to deformation in case of frost, and it has low adhesion parameters.
Due to this, the covering material is suitable for protecting the soil, young seedlings, retaining moisture in the soil, and will help resist grass-weeds.
Application is possible in a number of ways:
- covering plants with material that will rise as the stems grow. So that the canvas does not fly off, the edges must be sprinkled with soil, or you can use another method and overlay with a wooden beam;
- you can build small arcs in the area above the bed, which will cover the frame;
- it is recommended to build full-fledged greenhouses, sheathe them using roll material;
- a covering cloth is simply laid on the surface of the earth, and small cuts are used for plant growth.
The substance belongs to synthetic, and therefore can be used in different seasons. In spring, it can help protect young shoots that may suffer from frequent frosts. This makes it possible to grow cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs, strawberries, much earlier than the prescribed time.In summer, the material will not allow moisture to evaporate from the soil. This will reduce the work involved in plant care. Those. with frequent watering, cases of hilling.
In autumn, artificial fabric will make it possible to re-harvest such plants as cucumbers, zucchini, strawberries, carrots, radishes. Those. when it is cold at night, the sprouts will not be able to survive, but with the help of covering material everything is possible.
The specificity of the canvas is such that it can be used even in winter. It is used as a protective property of seeds and tubers that are present in the soil. These can be varieties of garlic, flowers, strawberry roots. Also, due to it, berry bushes are wrapped, starting from autumn time and ending in spring. Most often, such manipulations are recommended for the harsh regions of our country.
Useful qualities of covering material
Due to its dense properties, as well as the ability to interact with light, the covering material improves the quality and quantity of yield on the site. In hot weather, it can lower rates of moisture loss, labor costs associated with soil cultivation, increase the rate of fruit ripening, and also have a protective function by keeping plants warm.
It is important to note that very often the covering material does not allow the birds to eat the crop, and even has the properties of neutralizing excess UV flux.
Varieties of covering materials
To date, there are several types of bed linen. The division is due to the structural features and qualities of the material. It is proposed to talk about them in more detail, identifying the advantages and disadvantages.
Polyethylene film
By heat treatment under pressure, the formation of a polymer substance is observed. It is popularly called polyethylene. Often, it is either cloudy or transparent. Today it is customary to distinguish between several types of production. It is primary and secondary. Those. I mean, in this case, recycling.
The film is suitable for covering the beds by placing them on a small frame made of assembled arcs. It is convenient to grow strawberries, carrots, tomatoes, peppers, garlic, and onions under the canvas.
The pluses include:
- excellent light transmittance;
- frost protection;
- affordability;
- retention of heat that has entered;
- ease;
- the sale is carried out within the gardening and building shops.
The disadvantages include:
- use on arches or full-fledged greenhouses, since placement on plants will contribute to the breakdown of young shoots;
- does not allow water to pass through, which requires a large amount of labor costs in the field of irrigation;
- if the bed is not ventilated, then a high temperature may form. Those. this can be detrimental to the sprouts;
- with frequent winds, films in the corners of the frame can be wiped;
- condensation forms from time to time under the material, and therefore plants are prone to various diseases;
- sagging is observed from cargo in the form of snow or hail;
- the service life is not high, as a rule, 1 season, and after that it is worth replacing it.
Non-woven fabric
The material has other names as well. This is agrotechnical, agrofibre, spandbond. It is formed by melting the polymer and passing it through the dies. At the exit, continuous threads are formed, which are attached by chemical impregnation and needle punching. As a result, the material becomes similar in appearance to a film, but it has much softer properties to the touch, as well as in weight, it is not so heavy.
Application is possible for the purpose of covering full-fledged greenhouses or laying on top of plants without a frame. The material is suitable for growing thin and delicate stems of young peppers and tomatoes. It is practical to wrap shrubs for the winter due to this canvas.The material has good properties and can also be used as mulching when it is covered on the ground. The sprouts will pass through the slots, which neutralizes the emergence of weeds and helps to reduce the work in the field of soil maintenance.
The pluses include:
- long service life. The canvas will last about 6 years;
- the mass is light;
- the material can be laid on the stems due to the soft structure;
- if necessary, you can sew several sections to increase the width properties;
- available in several colors;
- the canvas facilitates the passage of moisture and air through the boundaries between the propylene fibers;
- resists weeds when mulching and in a fairly active way;
- it is possible to water the beds without removing the material.
The disadvantages include:
- expensive price than in the case of buying a film;
- stitching the edges will not give the full effect.
Basic parameters for the purchase of covering material
The correct choice of material for covering beds and other vegetation is important. So that you do not have to pay for an expensive canvas or spend 2 times on buying a film, it is worth taking into account a number of parameters that are associated with the cultivation of certain crops and taking into account local conditions.
Density properties
Covering material has different density, which can be measured in g / m². Substances of the polymer type with an indicator of 14-17 g / m² are suitable for laying on sprouts. The weight is not small, but it will not harm the shoots that are just growing. They will be able to pick it up when they start growing on their own. This is suitable for beds with low properties. For example, for growing onions, carrots, garlic, dill, parsley or strawberries.
When using non-woven fabric, it is not necessary to remove it in case of watering. The water will pass through the fibers and well enough. One has only to weight the edges with a wooden beam or earth so that the material is not ripped off by the wind.
Fabric with parameters 28 - 42 g / m² is the most demanded on the market among summer residents today. It is used for greenhouses on steel bars with low parameters. Often, these are personal plots and dachas. Tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini grow well under the canvas. It is convenient to use the material in practice, and it is also suitable for equipping spring greenhouses to plant flowers. The density indicators are sufficient to skillfully withstand gusts of wind and rain.
If it is a material with 42-60 g / m², then it can be used to equip full-fledged greenhouses. Terms of application - 1 season. The material will not allow the birds to peck up the crop, will save it from spring frosts and will make it possible to avoid overheating in hot weather. Such canvases are suitable for winter sowing and plants that prefer to grow in warmth.
But the densest polymer is inherent above 60 g / m², which is usually used for mulching. Laying is done on the ground. The greenhouse effect is achieved there. As a result, the soil will warm up quickly enough, and it will be ready for planting. Cross-shaped cuts must be made in the canvas, due to which the trunks of the plants will pass. Due to the fact that the weeds are covered, they will not need streams of light, and therefore will begin to wither quickly enough.
Choosing a color scheme
Shelter material comes in different colors that serve a specific purpose. Below are the parameters that you should rely on in case of a particular need.
White color will be appropriate for equipping beds in cold regions. It is able to attract streams of sunlight to itself, and also to warm up the soil as much as possible. Due to it, you can cover greenhouses or lay the canvas on the ground even before the plants are planted.
Black is able to reflect light onto plants. You need to lay it on the soil surface. It will "muffle" the growth of weeds. It is very practical, especially if you are dealing with a soil with a lot of weeds.
The black and white combination is meant for covering the ground. This is an innovative solution. The black side should be lowered to the bottom, which will help to reduce manual labor in the area of processing the site from the grass, when the white helps to repel active sunlight and protect the crop from overheating. Also suitable for growing plants in a warm environment. If summer residents are elderly people, then this is a convenient solution, since the garden is irrigated through the material, and the site will not need weeding.
The green color is presented in the form of a near-stem decor. He is able to perform the mulching option. Often, it is purchased by those people who do not have time to work the garden, but there is a desire to have a beautiful landscape next to the site.
Price question: how much does it cost to pay for the covering material
We have analyzed the supply market and selected a list that will help you navigate the prices of polymer in a roll. For 10 m length for covering the beds under greenery, prepare to pay around 95 rubles, but for tomatoes and cucumbers, a film under the frame, which costs 140 rubles, is better suited. In the case of mulching for strawberries, you need to pay 360 rubles, but the film for a harsh region costs about 500 rubles. Reinforced material for the greenhouse will cost around 540 rubles.
Width selection
The parameter is represented by a variety of 1.5-3.2 m.To cover the beds, you do not need to connect the strips of rolls, this will negatively affect the properties of the material. Choose the width of the canvas based on the size of the area that you planted. The edges should protrude 10 cm so that there is something to sprinkle with earth.