How to choose an exercise bike for your home

To maintain health and a beautiful figure, experts recommend walking more in the fresh air and playing sports. Due to the hectic pace of life, there is often not enough free time to visit the gym. To get a positive result, it is not enough to visit the gym once a month. Such training should take place on an ongoing basis. An exercise bike for home use is an alternative. This is a great option to pump up the desired muscle group, lose those extra pounds without leaving your home. How to choose an exercise bike for home, what are the selection criteria and the most common models, more on this.

What is a simulator

Before deciding which exercise bike to choose, you need to study what this unit is. The design itself is very similar to an ordinary bicycle. During the training itself, an imitation of cycling occurs. There are many varieties of models, and the most recent of them are more advanced. With the help of modern options, you can set different modes, load, training intensity.

With the help of special sensors and a display, you can monitor the state of the body, make training useful, based on the goals and objectives. Thanks to all the listed functions, such training has great potential and has a positive effect on the result.

Varieties of simulators

There are main types of simulators, which are subdivided among themselves. They all differ from each other in many ways. These include technical characteristics, loading system, pedal localization. To figure out which one is better, you need to consider each of them separately.

Bike station

How to choose an exercise bike for your home

The design looks like a bicycle mounted on a special support. Thanks to this, you can pedal the bike while staying in one place. If you want to go on a street bike ride, you just need to remove the bike from the stand. The main advantage of such a simulator is that you can make it yourself.

Mechanical type

How to choose an exercise bike for your home

In such a simulator, all resistance levels are set manually. What they can be:

  • Belt. When adjusting the load, the belt tension method is used.
  • Shoe. The load level changes by adjusting the brake pad resistance.

This type is compact in size and easy to use. A special advantage is an affordable price range and a wide range of assortments. The disadvantages include the noisy work of the exercise bike and the limited amount of functionality.


How to choose an exercise bike for your home

The unit is a vacuum unit in the form of a capsule, localized in the lower region, creating a place of reduced pressure.In this area, a separate atmosphere is created, amenable to change and regulation. Why do you need reduced pressure:

  • The load on the joints is reduced, due to which there is no overload. Physical activity occurs as if in a state of weightlessness.
  • Tissue trophism becomes more efficient. All fluids in the body circulate better, maximizing functionality and interaction. For these reasons, the machine is very effective, it has a positive effect on the burning of excess fat by developing muscle tissue.

Training on this unit is difficult, but very pleasant. All the benefits are incredibly tangible. The body receives a load in an intense rhythm. Due to its positive qualities, the simulator is used not only by people undergoing rehabilitation, but also by professional athletes.

Magnetic type

How to choose an exercise bike for your home

A distinctive feature of this simulator from the rest is the load on the pedals due to the attraction of the flywheel itself, created by the magnetic field. Built-in magnets provoke them. The load and its intensity can be adjusted manually or set to automatic mode.

They work absolutely silently and their course is smooth. If we compare such models with a mechanical type, then they can be safely attributed to more advanced models. They are equipped with a built-in computer that can track, control and record important body parameters during training. Due to the variety of models and price ranges, many users can afford such a simulator.

Folding type

How to choose an exercise bike for your home

A very convenient version of the simulator due to the fact that it can be folded and taken with you at any time. This makes it easy to transport it. Due to their compactness, they are easy to fit and have a special bonus for transportation in the form of special rollers for moving. It only has a pedal box. Seating is not provided, but absolutely any type of furniture can act as it - chair, armchair, sofa. It is a very convenient and practical option.

Electromagnetic type

How to choose an exercise bike for your home

Such simulator options are connected to the electrical network. Due to the electromagnetic field, a level of resistance is created. There are many models of this type, including their own generator. This allows the unit to operate completely autonomously, independently of the electrical network. One of the main advantages of such a simulator is the ability to place it anywhere in the room.

More modern and improved models are equipped with computers, with the help of which the desired parameters are set. With their help, you can track all indicators of the body during training. For more effective workouts, there are specially selected programs that work in automatic mode.

Hybrid type

How to choose an exercise bike for your home

Includes several types of capabilities related to the horizontal and vertical types of exercise bikes. Depending on the preference of the consumer, the fit and use method can be set. Ideal for people who like to change their position periodically. This is a great way to put a good load on all muscle groups of the legs.

For these reasons, the machine is ideal for all family members. Due to its high functionality and efficiency, its price range is higher in relation to analogs of horizontal and vertical types.

Spinbikes (bicycle ergometers)

How to choose an exercise bike for your home

These are models of advanced exercise bikes. Including an advanced generation computer system. With its help, it is possible to carry out effective training, and with strong loads on the body, to fix all the indicators on the display.

This provides a unique opportunity to tailor training to the individual characteristics and physical capabilities of the body, to conduct high-quality and effective training.Due to its wide range of functionality, this type is one of the most expensive exercise bikes.

Horizontal type

How to choose an exercise bike for your home

Widespread models of exercise equipment are very popular among consumers. A distinctive feature of these units is the location of the seat and pedals. They are located in the same horizontal plane. Due to this, the user conducts training in a reclining position. This training effectively and positively affects all joints, gradually increasing the range of motion.

Ideal for people with musculoskeletal problems. Often, such a simulator is prescribed to patients after injuries during the rehabilitation period. Often it is used during pregnancy and people in old age.

With this training, stress is relieved from the joints and spine, all groups of muscle tissues of the legs work. Such training will be useful for pain in the back.

Mini exercise bike

How to choose an exercise bike for your home

Ideal for home use. It does not include much functionality, but it is common among a large number of consumers. The main factors when buying such a unit are budget cost, compact size, ease of use.

Due to its small size, it can be placed in an apartment, transported. It is a great helper in the fight against excess body weight, it will help to tighten the figure, make it slim. It has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, perfectly tones the entire body as a whole.

Vertical type

How to choose an exercise bike for your home

Since the whole system is based on a simple bike, this type of exercise bike can perfectly replace cycling. Ideal for consumers accustomed to intense and vigorous workouts. It will perfectly keep the figure in good shape and put the whole body in order. It has a positive effect on the burning of extra pounds, trains the entire group of muscle tissues of the legs, and exerts a load on the cardiovascular system.

The intensity of the load can be adjusted. With the help of special modes, you can set the function of an intensive workout or a walking option. Ideal for consumers in good health as it puts stress on the leg joints.

How to choose the right exercise bike for weight loss

In order to correctly answer the question of how to choose an exercise bike for weight loss, it is important to pay attention to a number of important factors when choosing. Be sure to look at the type of unit. In this case, the ideal solution would be a vertical type simulator, which has an adjustable pedal resistance. Such models are ideal for losing excess body weight. Some models have a special feature in the options called fat burning. With its help, it is possible to effectively remove extra pounds from the body.

An important role in training is played by special recommendations of experienced coaches and specialists in this field:

  • Fat burning will be most effective with a heart rate of 130 beats per minute;
  • Increase the intensity of your workouts gradually. The maximum load threshold should be in the middle of the session.
  • The average training time should be 40-60 minutes.
  • To maximize the effect of training, you must completely revise your diet in favor of healthy and low-calorie foods.

The best models of exercise bikes

To choose which is the best simulator, it is important to consider the most popular options, familiarize yourself with their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

AmericanFitness SPR-XNY17458B

How to choose an exercise bike for your home

Belong to the number of units of the vertical type. The seat is adjustable both vertically and horizontally. Ideal for effective training and excess body weight loss. Equipped with accessibility features and a range of useful features for effective practice.It has a magnetic loading system.


  • includes about twenty training programs;
  • designed for a weight of 140 kg;
  • adjustable seat in both planes.


  • is designed for people with good health, since a strong load is provided for all muscle groups of the legs and joints.


How to choose an exercise bike for your home

It is a very convenient and compact machine for home use. Due to its small size and special transportable rollers, it is easy to transport and install in any place. You can take it with you on a trip. Has an affordable price range.

No electrical connection required and easy to use. It is worth paying attention to the Life Fitness line simulators. They are ideal for both home and professional use. The brand has introduced a whole line of models for cardio and strength training and others. Ease of use and compactness are a huge advantage.


  • compact dimensions;
  • ease of use;
  • wide range of functionality;
  • easy to transport;
  • affordable price range.


  • not found.

Aeromax Fitness BK-1300

How to choose an exercise bike for your home

It has a magnetic load system, all workouts are carried out in an effective mode. Has an adjustable seat that can be adjusted both vertically and horizontally. The unit has a special computer to track all body parameters during training. Designed for heavy weight, which is a maximum of 120 kg.


  • the seat is adjustable vertically and horizontally;
  • the presence of a special computer to track the parameters of the body during exercise;
  • has great functionality.


  • not found.

Diamond Fitness

How to choose an exercise bike for your home

Refers to the number of upright exercise bikes with a magnetic load system. An excellent option for home use, includes eight load modes. The seat can be easily adjusted both horizontally and vertically. Additionally, you can adjust the steering wheel. With the help of special sensors mounted on the handles, you can measure your heart rate. Able to withstand loads up to 120 kg.


  • ideal for home use;
  • not only the seat is regulated, but also the steering wheel;
  • has 8 load modes;
  • has special sensors located on the handles for measuring the pulse;
  • able to withstand a load of up to 120 kg;


  • not found.


How to choose an exercise bike for your home

The upright exercise bike is ideal for fat burning with both horizontal and vertical seat adjustment. A special feature is the steering wheel adjustment for the individual growth characteristics of each user. As an additional bonus, it has a floor uneven compensator. Suitable not only for home use, but also for the gym. Due to its versatility, it is able to conduct high-quality and effective training. It will be an excellent solution not only for burning extra calories, but also for cardio workouts and other types.


  • the seat is adjusted vertically and horizontally;
  • the presence of a compensator for uneven floors;
  • suitable for training at home and in the gym;
  • has a wide range of multifunctionality.


  • not found.

Before buying an exercise bike, you need to decide on its purpose. For home use, you will need a small model with compact dimensions. To put it in the gym, you can pay attention to more expensive and oversized models. Be sure to pay attention to the functionality of exercise bikes. Models with built-in computers are much more expensive, but have a variety of useful features. To choose a weight loss simulator, be sure to pay attention to vertical type simulators. These are the most effective and beneficial exercise bikes for burning extra calories.

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