How to choose a toothpaste

Every person's dream is a Hollywood smile with beautiful and healthy teeth. For this reason, many people are interested in how to choose a toothpaste, how to properly follow the principles of oral hygiene. Indeed, these are very important aspects that should be given special attention. Toothpaste is considered an essential part of every day dental care. It also supports healthy gums. It has a positive effect on the health of the oral cavity, removes various dental ailments. As part of our article, useful information will be provided on how to choose a toothpaste for yourself or a child.

The main positive properties of toothpaste

Dentists regularly advise cleaning the mouth, not just in the morning. You need to do this at least 2 times a day. Whatever one may say, but there are those people who generally do not brush their teeth with a toothbrush, but they remain intact and intact until old age. But keep in mind that these cases are isolated, and therefore you should not be guided by such examples.

Most people need to monitor their oral hygiene on an ongoing basis. Otherwise, unpleasant diseases such as periodontitis or periodontal disease, as well as many others, will develop.

Interesting fact! More than 100 years ago people preferred to clean their teeth with special powders, which included chalk, sand and other components. Substances were really able to prove their effectiveness in practice, and therefore most of them are preferred by modern manufacturers to include in oral care products.

Please note that preventive examinations are mandatory. They should be completed once a year. But experts say that today the choice of toothpastes is very large. There are different price offers, but it would be most appropriate to opt for famous brands.

There are many advantages. Toothpastes will strengthen enamel, destroy pathogenic microorganisms, remove bad breath, and prevent a number of dental diseases from developing.

True, not all toothpastes are effective and safe, as can be heard from TV commercials. On the pharmaceutical market, you can buy a lot of modern pastes that can harm, and not benefit a person.

The presence of harmful components in the toothpaste

Probably many people know that the human chewing organs are composed of hard tissues. They are present in the thickness of the gum itself. The most vulnerable is the top layer, which is threatened by microbes. Under the influence of acids or other substances, the destruction of the layer is observed. The main components in the enamel structure will be calcium and fluorine. If there is a normal concentration of these substances, then the teeth will be healthy.

Lauryl sulfate is considered to be the main harmful component that is present in the composition of toothpastes. He's already quite common.It must be admitted that the main purpose of the paste is to get rid of the shortcomings of the oral cavity, but not all manufacturers manage to take into account the fact that some of the components are dangerous. For this reason, when choosing a toothpaste, you should read the composition.

Lauryl sulfate should be understood as a foaming agent that is found in various detergents. When chemically converted, it promotes the transformation of nitrates and oxides, which are deposited in the human body. This is the main reason for the appearance of an allergic reaction, manifested in the form of itching and burning.

Propylene glycol. It is part of antifreeze and brake fluid. This is the most solvent. When it is in the body, it is deposited on the kidneys and liver. As a result, the destruction of cellular proteins and membranes is observed in a gradual manner.

Triclosan destroys pathogenic microorganisms. This is an antibiotic that should be used only after receiving a prescription from a doctor. He also has to monitor the state of the body as a whole. The substance can have a detrimental effect on the functioning of the lungs, kidneys and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract system.

Paraben preservative is used to increase the shelf life of products. When it accumulates in the endocrine glands, it becomes a source for the development of malignant tumors.

It is customary to add polyphosphate water softeners and reaction stabilizers to a range of washing powders. The component is able to dramatically raise cholesterol levels, which is the reason for the development of inflammation in the mouth.

Teeth enamel in the form of fluoride is needed to be added to the paste, but note that it can only be used if your dentist considers it necessary. At increased concentration, the teeth will become dark in color, which will lead to the development of fluorosis.

Not all components can be present in the composition of toothpastes. But if you still need to use them, do not do it every day.

List of manufacturers: which brand to choose for the purchase of toothpaste

Before purchasing, it is worth deciding which manufacturer to give your preference to. It would be right to buy a product from a renowned company that values ​​its reputation. For decades, such brands have been producing products that do not lose demand in different parts of the world.

We analyzed the information on the Web and made a list of those brands that dentists and buyers trust. We found a lot of reviews on their account. Here you need to designate brands such as: Lacalut, Blend-a-Med, Aquafresh.

These brands produce a wide range of oral hygiene products. Their activities are very successful due to the high quality of goods, which is possible with regard to compliance with the strict control of production, the use of the latest technological equipment, raw materials and cooperation with dentists who are real specialists in their field.

The main effects of toothpaste

Before plunging headlong into the question of which toothpaste is better to buy, you need to figure out what this remedy really is.

It should be understood as a means that is used for daily brushing of teeth. In addition to its hygienic properties, which should mean the cleaning of tooth enamel, gums and breath freshening, it should also have a therapeutic and prophylactic effect.

Toothpastes are really in demand, as they have a complex effect and make it possible to eliminate existing problems. A certain component is responsible for all these properties of the paste.

The main abrasive components that are responsible for removing plaque are considered to be silicon compounds, calcium carbonate, etc.

But if the composition contains sodium lauryl sarcosinate, SLS, alizarin oil, then the paste has an increased cleansing ability, and therefore it will be economical in consumption.But keep in mind that a high concentration of the paste can irritate the mucous membranes in the mouth.

Due to fragrances, the effect of breath freshening is obtained. As for taste, mint remains the most popular. True, today manufacturers are introducing various additives into the composition. For example, fresh herbs, pine nuts, green tea or chocolate, vanilla mint, etc. If you do not know which toothpaste to choose for your child, you will be pleased with the decision of manufacturers to use a number of interesting fruit additives for their production.

Speaking about the moisturizing components in the composition of pastes, it is worth noting that their main purpose is to retain moisture. This can be polyethylene glycol and glycerin. But hydrocalloids are binders. They make it possible to provide a pasty consistency with a homogeneous composition. It can be synthetic or natural. For example, sodium alginate, methyl and ethyl cellulose ethers, tragacanate.

But preservatives are needed so that the agent is not a breeding ground for the reproduction of microorganisms when it is simply not used by the owner. In this case, sodium benzoatepropylparaben, methylparaben, etc. is used.

Varieties of modern toothpastes

Whitening Pastes

How to choose a toothpaste

The pastes will give the smile a shine of whiteness. Bleaching is observed due to the chemical reagents that are included in their composition. They have enhanced abrasive properties and their combinations.

The first are aimed at whitening the enamel due to a chemical reaction during toothbrushing. These can be special enzymes, pyrophosphates, which destroy pigment or bacterial plaque.

The latter are capable of lightening the enamel due to mechanical cleaning of plaque and elimination of pigmentation. If you show an RDA above 80 units, then the paste reacts aggressively to teeth. Such products are recommended for use in order to maintain white color, whiten teeth for a couple of tones to a natural shade.

Speaking of the pros, it is worth noting that pastes really make teeth white, remove dark spots on the enamel, which are the result of regular smoking and drinking coffee. They can also remove tartar.

As for the shortcomings, it is strictly forbidden to apply them to those who have problems with enamel. The abrasiveness of cheap toothpastes of this type is high, and therefore has a whitening effect. But keep in mind that along with this, there may be scratches on the hard tissues of the tooth, which will lead to increased sensitivity in the future.

Hygienic Pastes

How to choose a toothpaste

The main purpose of this type of paste will be to support oral hygiene. Due to their composition, they manage to freshen breath and clean the tooth enamel, which is covered with plaque. Children's toothpastes, which have bright colorful packaging, have found a place in this category. They are pleasant to taste, give off sweetness. Such products will be useful in caring for healthy teeth.

Let's mark the advantages: pleasant to taste; make your breath fresh; differ in cleaning properties.

There are drawbacks. Such pastes do not stop bleeding gums and do not solve caries problems.

Anti-caries paste

How to choose a toothpaste

The composition will necessarily contain calcium or fluorine, or maybe a combination of these 2 components together. These substances will be useful in the prevention of caries. The effectiveness lies in the fact that fluoride is in the hard tissues of the teeth 3 minutes after the paste comes into contact with them.

In the case of regular use, the process of remineralization of the enamel is observed, as well as an increase in resistance properties in relation to a negative external environment. Those. an excellent anti-carious effect is observed due to fluoride, which provides hard tissues during their maturation.

Choosing the right toothpaste for children. In this case, if the child regularly brushes her teeth, then the fact of caries occurrence is 35 percent lower.

The advantages are that the paste helps to prevent the appearance of plaque, saturates the enamel with minerals and increases its resistance to acidic environment. Also, the tool can reduce the likelihood of developing inflammation in the mouth.

But there are also disadvantages. With advanced caries, such pastes are not appropriate for use. They will not only not allow to stop the development of pathology, but also negatively affect the condition of the teeth. For this reason, anti-caries pastes should be used to prevent caries.

Fluoride pastes are not suitable for use in fluorosis.

Desential Pastes

How to choose a toothpaste

This type of paste allows you to maintain dental hygiene, but the enamel remains intact. It differs in that the composition contains no more than 60 units of abrasive particles. Due to the minerals that are present in the composition, the agent promotes the accumulation of enamel in damaged areas and restores smoothness.

With regular use, there is a decrease in the fact of teeth sensitivity to temperature changes, chemical irritants. A person can drink and eat cold, sour or sweet foods without unpleasant discomfort. It is recommended to use pastes for hyperesthesia.

The pluses include the fact of a decrease in the sensitivity of nerve endings, as well as the restoration of microdamage to the enamel, i.e. it takes on a sleek look. There is also an increase in the resistance of the enamel to an acidic environment, a decrease in the fact of sensitivity.

The soft tissues of the teeth will become healthy and will be strengthened by the action of the paste.

The disadvantages are that, due to the low abrasive properties, the quality of plaque removal is somewhat lower than that of other types of pastes.

Anti-inflammatory pastes

How to choose a toothpaste

Such pastes in the composition may contain herbal and antibacterial components. These are essential oils, herbal tinctures and their extracts. The main purpose of the funds is to resist pathogenic microflora in the oral cavity, as well as to restore soft tissues that have been damaged.

It is worth using such pastes in cases of gum disease. These may be cases of periodontitis, gingivitis, edema, the fact of bleeding, etc. If the paste contains potent components, then it should be used in accordance with the recommendation of the dentist for no more than 21 days on an ongoing basis.

The advantages are that it is possible to effectively destroy pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity. It has an antioxidant and antiseptic effect, and due to herbal components, you can quickly regenerate soft tissues and remove bleeding gums.

But there are also disadvantages here. The composition may contain an antibiotic that provokes an allergic reaction in some people. Such pastes should not be used for prophylactic purposes, and they are not used often. The presence of antibiotics can cause the development of other ailments, for example, thrush, dysbiosis, darkening of the enamel. It is also possible that gustatory sensitivity will be impaired.

Organic Pastes

How to choose a toothpaste

These toothpastes are 100 percent natural. There are no aggressive particles in it, and therefore plaque removal is observed without harming the enamel.

Natural substances contribute to the improvement of the oral cavity, reduce the sensitivity of the teeth and remove the inflammatory process of the gums. Due to essential oils and natural flavors, for example, from mint, the breath will become fresh and will remain so for a long time. The product is suitable for a child, as well as those people who do not have problems with the health of teeth and gums.

The advantages are that the products are environmentally friendly; with regular use, they do not provoke dry mouth and damage to the hard tissue of the teeth. Provide effective prevention of diseases of the teeth and gums. Such funds do not pose a threat to either children or adults.

The disadvantages of funds include the presence of a high cost in the market, as well as the absence of foam, due to which the consumption of the product is higher.

Salt Pastes

How to choose a toothpaste

The paste has a positive effect on the lining of the oral cavity. The mucous membrane becomes healthier under the influence of a high concentration of salts. There is an increased outflow of fluid from soft tissues that have encountered inflammation. As a result, the pain in the gums will be less. It is appropriate to use this remedy in the case of periodontitis or periodontal disease.

The advantages are that the performance indicators are quite high. There is also an improvement in blood circulation, stimulation of the metabolic process in the mucous membrane, and even there is a preventive effect on the elimination of tartar.

But keep in mind that salt types of pastes have a specific taste.

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