How to choose a digital video camera

Today, a digital video camera is no longer a wonder as it was 20 years ago. With the flourishing of YouTube and other services, such devices can be found in many homes, where they like to shoot videos for uploading them to the network or storing them in a personal collection.

However, without proper experience, no user knows how to choose a good video camera, having received the necessary capabilities and without wasting money. Our article will be an excellent assistant in this case, where we will consider in detail the different characteristics of cameras, and also highlight the key ones for different tasks and activities.

Purpose of use

Purpose of using camcorders

When choosing a camcorder for shooting video at home, you can choose the budget option. So for creating your own blog, the Sony HDR-CX405 and Panasonic HC-V160 are perfect, the lack of sound and stabilization in which are easily eliminated with a tripod and a lapel. In dynamic scenes, like recording clips on a trip, budget cameras will not be able to provide sufficient quality. To get an excellent picture in this case, you will need more expensive camcorder models equipped with improved stabilizers and noise canceling microphones.


The prices of camcorders on sale today are so diverse that they can easily satisfy any category of buyers. Do you have enough money and do not seek to save? Feel free to purchase professional camcorders such as the PXW-FS7 from the Japanese brand Sony or the equally versatile but more compact Canon Cinema EOS C300. Are you severely limited in money? This is not a problem, because inexpensive, but good cameras now have several dozen options. However, the budget should not be overly cut and it is better to look closely at JVC Everio GZ-RX615B, Panasonic HC-V760EE-K and similar models.

Criteria for choosing a video camera

camcorder in hand

Following the financial issue, you need to pay attention to the characteristics. Among them, the most important are the parameters of the matrix. Resolution, light sensitivity, quality and other parameters depend on it. It should be understood that not only models with one matrix are presented on the market, but also video cameras with a large number (up to three). This expands the capabilities of the camera and the quality of shooting, but also significantly increases the cost of the camera.

You also need to study the characteristics of the lens. These include the focal length, which affects the maximum angle of view of the camcorder, the type and maximum zoom ratio, the quality of stabilization, the type of viewfinder, and other parameters. The more functionality the video camera provides, the higher its cost, respectively. However, you will not need all the features in real use, so you shouldn't overpay for them.

The matrix

camcorder matrix

In cameras, the matrix acts as a human eye. It is she who captures the transforms the image into electrical impulses, which then become data available for playback on any appropriate device.Today there are only 2 types of video camera matrices on the market:

  • CCD
  • CMOS

It is impossible to single out an unambiguous leader among them, because even among professionals there are still disputes on this score.

CMOS-matrices boast low power consumption, which will appeal to everyone who wants to get excellent autonomy from the camera. However, this is a minor plus, but here's what CMOS matrices bypass their competitor, so it is in the order of reading the cells. In the considered version, it is carried out arbitrarily when in CCD - simultaneously. Due to this reading option, the possibility of smearing the picture is excluded, and it turns out to be more pleasing to the eye.

The disadvantages of this type of matrix include poor light sensitivity. IN CMOS all electronic processing is carried out directly on the pixel, which leads to an increase in the amount of noise in the picture. Another disadvantage is the low scan time, which leads to distortion of objects in the frame when the operator is moving. For this reason, high quality digital camcorders with CMOS-matrix is ​​the best to choose for mostly static shooting with good lighting, like recording your own vlogs.

Camcorders with matrices CCD allow you to get a better picture. It is for this reason that they are installed in professional cameras. Visually distinguish material captured on CCD-matrix, from a video from a camera based on a CMOS matrix is ​​very easy: in the first case, you get much less noise and higher clarity. Moreover, the monitored type also boasts an amazing efficiency with a fill rate close to 100%. Compared to the human eye, this is almost 10 times more!

Of the cons CCD- matrices can be distinguished by the high cost and increased power consumption. Camcorders of this type cost several times more than their competitors. However, if you need to get the perfect color image quality, then it is worth choosing. CCD... Matrices CMOS much simpler, so they are used even in smartphones.

Important parameters are also the size and resolution of the video camera matrix. The first is measured in millimeters (15.81x8.88 mm) or fractional parts (cameras with a matrix 1/3, 1/5, and so on). The higher this indicator, the more light the sensor can capture. As a result, the picture will be of better quality, more "volumetric" and more realistic. In addition, a larger sensor size will provide better quality in low light conditions. So the Canon XC15 4K camera with a 35 mm matrix, with a slight difference in price, will demonstrate a better result than the Canon Cinema EOS C100 Body (24.6x13.8 mm).

As for the matrix resolution, it is usually low. Even the expensive JVC GY-HM750E camcorder uses a 2070000 matrix (about 2 megapixels). Moreover, the Canon EOS C700 EF Body, which costs about two million rubles, uses a matrix of only 11.57 megapixels. This is due to the fact that cameras with good image quality take a huge number of frames every second, so the installation of similar matrices that are present in modern cameras will not allow any processor to process the incoming information stream.


camcorder lens

Optics are the heart of any video camera. When evaluating it, you should first of all pay attention to the focal length. Moreover, it is not only the maximum, but also the minimum viewing angle that matters. Also find out what type of zoom is used on your camcorder and what is the maximum zoom. You shouldn't pay for extreme odds of x20-30 if you don't need them in your daily use. But you should not give up stabilization, since every person from time to time needs to shoot a video on the go. The absence of at least a digital stabilizer in the camcorder will lead to significant frame shaking, which makes it impossible to view the footage with comfort.

Focal length

Camera focal length

It is impossible to talk about which video camera is better to choose without ignoring the issue of focal length. If we describe this parameter in simple words, then we are talking about the camera's viewing angle. In the most affordable camcorders, the focal length is quite modest, so you have to move further to capture a specific object entirely. However, in this situation, it is important to be careful, because this is not the case when the more the better. So for a focal length of 21 mm, the viewing angle will be 90 degrees, for 18 mm this parameter will increase to 100 degrees, and with a focal length of 16 mm - up to 115 degrees.

Recording standard

As for the recording standard, its choice depends entirely on your preferences and tasks. Based on the feedback from users about camcorders, we can conclude that the standard is quite enough for your own blog and home video collection. Full HD (1920 x 1080 pixels)... It is these models for the most part that are now on sale. Simpler options that remove HD (1280x720) are less and less common. Cameras with filming begin to appear instead. Quad HD (2560x1440), and the place of devices with Full HD shooting claims Ultra HD (3840x2160) models. At the same time, 4K content is now becoming more and more popular, so with a sufficient budget, you can purchase such a camcorder with a margin for the future, even without having an appropriate TV at home.


good zoom camcorder

The simplest zoom option is digital. It is executed by the processor of the camera and by its mechanism of work resembles the usual stretching of the picture on the monitor screen. This type of zoom is used as the main and only one in the cheapest camcorders. At the same time, the magnification can be very large, sometimes reaching x100 and more.

Optical zoom is the magnification of an image using optics. This zoom is achieved by shifting the lenses in the camera relative to each other. As a result, the focal length changes, which affects the angle of view. In compact models, the digital zoom is usually 4-6, and in larger and more expensive cameras from 12 to 16.

There is another type of zoom called intelligent zoom. It is a combination of the above varieties. When this function is enabled, the camcorder automatically combines the digital and optical zoom for best results. In practice, with such a zoom, the picture deterioration is almost imperceptible, although the image itself is enlarged significantly.

Digital media type

camcorder with memory card

Many inexperienced users forget that an appropriate storage medium must be installed in the camera to shoot high-quality videos. Even with the best lens and the most modern sensor, the final result will be far from ideal if it is written on an outdated type of drive. Most camcorders today are equipped with flash memory. It has a huge number of advantages, such as reusability, fast writing and reading, as well as reliability and durability.

An alternative to Flash drives are ordinary hard drives, similar to those installed in personal computers. However, they are significantly inferior to the speed of flash memory. As for the reliability of the HDD, it is at an unsatisfactory level. This is due to the extreme sensitivity of hard drives to shock and similar loads.

Even less often on sale are camcorders with recording on optical discs and drives such as MiniDV, DV and Digital8. The last three are ordinary videotapes, and the difference between the three types lies in the size and type of magnetic tape.

Image stabilization

Image stabilization

If you want to choose a digital video camera with good sensitivity and excellent quality of shooting in motion, then it is important to pay attention to the type of stabilizer installed in the device.Electronic or, as it is also called, digital type works by cutting off part of the pixels. This means that 40% of the image (stripes at the top, bottom and sides) are cut out and used only to create a stable image.

The optical type, in turn, works due to the lens moving along the horizontal and vertical axes. In this case, the user receives the entire frame without cropping at the edges. Depending on the type of stabilizing element, the number and quality of the sensors, as well as a number of other nuances, the effectiveness of optical stabilization may differ.

Viewfinder type and resolution

camera viewfinder

The viewfinder is a very useful part of a camcorder. With its help, you can competently build a frame, watch the shooting process and quickly change the angle. In total, there are three types of viewfinders:

  • Optic: Uses built-in lenses to work.
  • Electronic: Unlike the zoom, the electronic type is better than the optical type. The fact is that it involves the demonstration of the picture on the device's camera, which eliminates any distortion.
  • Mirrored: If you are attracted by the optical option, but want to get rid of parallax, then you should choose a camcorder with a mirror type viewfinder. In this case, power consumption is reduced, the usability in the bright sun increases, and distortions are removed. However, the price, with all these advantages, is higher than the analogues.

As for the resolution of the viewfinder, then we can talk about it only when considering the electronic type. Usually this parameter is higher than the display installed on the camera. However, the resolution of the electronic viewfinder (usually no more than 1 MP) is still inferior to the real picture, which is not observed in the case of optical and mirror types.

LCD display

camcorder with display

If you want to choose a good camcorder with a screen, you can purchase almost any device on sale. A rare modern camera is not equipped with an LCD display. However, before buying, you need to pay attention to the size and color quality of the matrix. The larger, brighter and more saturated the screen, the more convenient it is to view the footage on it without access to a computer or TV. But it should also be understood that a large, high-resolution display negatively affects camera autonomy.


Inexperienced users may mistakenly believe that this is the sound of the camcorder itself. However, we are talking about sound recording. So in the inexpensive Sony HDR-CX405, the stereo mode is used, and in the more advanced Sony FDR-AX53, the sound is recorded in 5.1 format. The second option is needed mainly in those cases when you have an appropriate audio system at home. In other cases, like uploading videos to YouTube, the standard 2.0 mode is sufficient.

Battery life

If you want to buy a good video camera for your home and do not plan to often use the device outside of it, then this question is not so important for you. But people who love to go hiking, travel and spend time outside the house in every possible way will only benefit from greater autonomy. As noted above, CMOS matrices are distinguished by better energy efficiency, therefore, in the absence of strict requirements for the picture, it is necessary to choose just such video cameras. Also, before buying, look at the battery capacity. Travelers should also get a few extra batteries that can be used for frequent and urgent filming.

External connectors

camcorder outputs

According to the characteristics of the video cameras, they differ from each other not only in terms of internal, but also external equipment. So some modern models may be deprived of important outputs for you. But it is the set of connectors that affects the convenience of transferring footage to other devices.

It is better to choose camcorder models equipped with 4 popular inputs:

  1. S-Video: Analogue data transmission to TV or VCR.
  2. HDMI: digital output to output high quality images to monitors, TVs and other devices with an appropriate input.
  3. DV: used for transferring footage to laptops, computers, projectors or other digital video cameras.
  4. USB: the ability to quickly and easily upload recordings to a PC.

Important functions

If you are looking for an amateur camcorder for the whole family, then you shouldn't spend extra money on additional features that are unlikely to be popular. Otherwise, you should pay attention to the possibility:

  • Night shooting: the excellent light sensitivity of the matrix does not provide the ability to shoot at night, so you need to purchase a camera with the corresponding option.
  • Wi-Fi module: the ability to quickly connect to digital devices without unnecessary cables.
  • Remote control: This function may be required if you are recording yourself in the frame, but you have no one to assign to control the camera.
  • Photography: you should not place special hopes on this option. In modern camcorders, photographic functions are at about the same level as video capabilities in cameras. However, for quick and infrequent photo shooting, this will be enough.
  • White balance: if you need white in the frame to be real white, and not to give off blueness or yellowness, then you should make sure that there is a manual adjustment of this parameter in the model you have chosen.
  • Built-in flash / lamp and so on: any additions to a camcorder cost a lot of money. Therefore, before buying, you need to evaluate how often you may need them.

Which digital video camera to buy

popular camcorder manufacturers

The choice of the manufacturer is also an important point. Buying lesser-known companies for a more affordable cost with similar characteristics is not the best solution. In this case, the savings can negatively affect the durability, usability or the quality of the camcorder's performance. For this reason, it is better to look at brands that have established themselves in the professional field and filmmaking. So in terms of price-quality ratio, Sony cameras are one of the best options. In addition, this brand is the only one among all to equip its devices with an excellent night mode, when other brands often go for tricks. In addition to the famous Japanese company, there are 4 more popular video camera manufacturers:

  • Panasonic
  • JVC
  • Canon
  • Blackmagic


Choosing a camcorder for shooting at home or traveling is not an easy task. The user usually needs to consider many parameters of the device, and only then select the appropriate model. It can often take long days that busy people are unable to allocate. However, our material will help all buyers quickly understand the cameras without a detailed study of complex technical characteristics.

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How to choose