How to choose an elliptical trainer

Exercising on an elliptical trainer, you can pump the main muscle groups, strengthen the heart and blood vessels, while not having a detrimental effect on the articular joints, and lose weight. Despite the numerous advantages, certain nuances must be taken into account when choosing it. This article will show you how to choose an elliptical trainer.

What it is?

How to choose an elliptical trainer

It is a device with movable / fixed type handles and two foot pedals, sometimes there is a seat. The simulator can have several operating modes:

  • multi-speed walking and running;
  • hand training using special handles.

The main difference from other simulators is the movement of the lower limbs along an ellipsoidal trajectory.

The thighs and calf muscles work on the ellipsoid. The knee joints are practically not involved, so the risk of injury is minimal. Thanks to this, people with joint diseases can work on the ellipse.

In the reverse step, you work the glutes and tendons. It is very difficult to achieve this effect on another simulator, therefore experts call the ellipse the best device for independent training.

Using the handles, you will pump up your arms. With the simultaneous work of the upper and lower extremities, in a short period almost all muscle groups can be pumped up, even passive ones (they are activated to keep them on the pedals). This also increases blood flow.

Orbitrek stands out against the background of other devices:

  1. Multifunctionality, since during training it works out almost all the muscles of the body.
  2. Absence of restrictions on physical training. The device is suitable for both beginners and professional athletes.
  3. Versatility. It can be used by people of all ages.
  4. Minimal time spent. In just half an hour, you can strengthen your CVS, tighten your body and improve your well-being.
  5. The presence of several operating modes. Combining running, walking, rowing and skiing in one device, you will be able to pump your muscles properly.
  6. Security. The joints receive minimal stress, so they are not injured.

The minus of the ellipse is exerting a great load on muscles and the whole body as a whole. To get only a positive result from training, it is recommended to consult with your doctor in advance.

The principle of operation and design of the elliptical trainer

How to choose an elliptical trainer

The ellipsoid consists of:

  • frames on non-slip support;
  • step pedals connected to the flywheel and movable handrails;
  • resistance block;
  • microcontroller or simple computer;
  • heart rate sensors (not all models).

The simulator works very simply: grab the handrails, step on the pedals and alternately press on them, "stepping" forward, and help yourself with your hands.

Thanks to the elliptical trajectory along which the legs move, you feel like you are weightless. Your spine is completely unloaded. Muscles swing due to the presence of a resistance block.

Types of elliptical trainers

Today, there are several varieties of ellipses.


How to choose an elliptical trainer

Resistance is provided by a built-in magnet: when approaching the flywheel, it slows down, and when it moves away, its attraction decreases. As a result, the ride is smooth and safe.

Such a simulator can support a person weighing up to 180 kg. There are 30 levels of load, 13 training programs. The device is equipped with a microcomputer. The magnetic ellipsoid is small in size - 1.6 * 0.70 * 1.2 m.


  • compact;
  • has many load levels;
  • has a high smoothness of movement and switching;
  • works quietly;
  • has heart rate sensors.

The only but significant drawback - relatively high price.


How to choose an elliptical trainer

The simplest and cheapest type of simulator. They function thanks to a belt drive that connects a heavy flywheel and a pulley. The flywheel can be located at the front or rear. The simulator can support athletes up to 120 kg. It is very large - 2.5 * 0.85 * 1.8 m. The loading modes are limited.


  • easy to use;
  • can be repaired;
  • pumps all muscles well;
  • has a simple load adjustment;
  • sold at an affordable price.


  • noisy;
  • sharp move.


How to choose an elliptical trainer

Powered by electricity or built-in generator. The step size varies within 40 cm. The working unit is installed vertically, so the simulator turned out to be very overall - 1.65 * 0.7 * 1.75 m. It weighs no more than 80 kg. Such an ellipsoid can be used by people weighing up to 150 kg.


  • variety of loads and programs;
  • practically silent work;
  • long-term operation;
  • minimal electricity consumption.


  • high price;
  • rarely go on sale.


How to choose an elliptical trainer

The most expensive and functional model. Resistance comes from electrically controlled magnets. Most electromagnetic ellipsoids are equipped with a computer that generates a multi-level load with a smooth transition.

The stride length is adjustable in the range of 0.45-1 m, since such ellipsoids are designed for trained people. The electromagnetic ellipsoid weighs about 200 kg and reaches a size of 2.6 * 1.05 * 1.85 m. It can be used by people weighing up to 180 kg.


  • many different functions;
  • noiselessness;
  • large selection of loads;
  • many programs;
  • various sensors are provided to monitor the athlete's condition;
  • resistance to breakage;
  • durability.


  • large size and weight;
  • work from the electrical network;
  • high price.

Elliptical Trainer Selection Options

When choosing an ellipsoid, you should pay attention to such criteria.

Lifting capacity

Try to buy devices that can "pull" a person weighing up to 200 kg. Even if your family does not have such, a stock will not hurt. This will help prevent damage to the frame and resistance unit.


Consider the size of the machine. If your space is limited, a professional electromagnetic ellipse will take up a lot of space. In such a situation, it is advisable to purchase a small magnetic or foldable model.

Step size

It is worth considering the size of the legs and the level of physical fitness.

For beginners and short people, a stride length of 30-40 cm is suitable, for people of average height or amateur athletes - 40-50 cm, for professionals or tall people - more than 50 cm.


By the location of this part, the ellipsoid is:

  1. Rear-wheel drive. Suitable for simulating skiing or running, since the human body is tilted forward during training. Despite the small size of the simulators, tall people can train on them.
  2. Front-wheel drive. In such simulators, the gap between the pedals is smaller, which allows you to keep the body straight. Suitable for losing extra pounds and pumping muscles.

Certain ellipsoids designed for home use have the flywheel centered.In terms of technical characteristics, they resemble front-wheel drive ones, but differ from them in smaller dimensions.

Also, flywheels differ in weight. Small, up to 10 kg, less load on the muscles. Large ones can weigh up to 45 kg. They increase the price of the machine, but have a smoother ride and better pump muscle.

A computer

The computer increases the cost of the simulator, but in the conditions of independent use of the simulator, you cannot do without it. The computer displays information about:

  • kilometers traveled;
  • pedaling speed;
  • the duration of the workout;
  • heart rate;
  • calorie expenditure;
  • generated load.

Load and training programs

The more load levels, the smoother the transition between them. Electromagnetic ellipsoids have the best results for this criterion.

When studying training programs, start not from the quantity, but from the availability of those required for you. In this case, the computer will independently select the load for you.

How it helps to lose weight

Cardio workouts burn fat, so a person loses weight. You can use various simulators in the process, but the ellipsoid shows one of the best results. In order for you to start losing weight during exercise, it is recommended:

  1. Control that the number of calories burned is more than consumed. If you do not stabilize your diet and eat a lot, even daily ellipsoid training will not give positive results.
  2. Enjoy your workouts. Tune in to the positive and you will succeed. To brighten up your class time, you can watch a movie or listen to music in parallel.
  3. Train at least 4 times a week. Without regular training, you cannot get a beautiful, toned body.
  4. Give all your best. The calories shown on the display may not match the actual value by up to 50 percent. Being active for half an hour is much more effective than a leisurely workout for many hours.

How to choose an elliptical trainer

If you need an inexpensive ellipsoid, then opt for a belt mechanical model without a minicomputer. It will be equipped with an 8 kg flywheel. The load level is minimal. But a simple change in the position of the body will help to achieve the desired result. Technical characteristics must be selected according to your physical data.

If you need an inexpensive but functional ellipsoid, buy a magnetic one with a flywheel up to 15 kg. The model is equipped with a small computer, 20 load levels and 4 basic training programs.

If you have a lot of free space and money, buy an expensive electromagnetic model. Its high price is fully justified by the quality and functionality. Buy a trainer with a flywheel weighing at least 15 kg, a built-in computer and several heart rate-dependent programs.

The best manufacturers of elliptical trainers - which company to choose

If you are not involved in professional sports, then you hardly know good manufacturers of exercise equipment. According to the reviews of professional trainers and medical specialists, high-quality ellipsoids are produced by Body Sculpture, Intensor, Spirit, Proxima and Infiniti.

Cost of elliptical trainers

Ellipsoid typePrice (in rubles)
Mechanical8 000-22 000
Magnetic8,500 "home", 250,000-300,000 - professional
Electromagnetic17 000 – 1,400 000
Aeromagnetic90 000-350 000

Consumer reviews

I bought myself an electromagnetic Horizon Andes 3. It is well assembled and reliable. The folding system is efficient and convenient. For some reason, the Russian-language instruction is truncated, so if you have any questions you have to decipher the English one. The manufacturer claims that the simulator has built-in speakers, but I didn't see them. On my orbit track, the movement of the right pedal is a little harsh, but other than me, no one else noticed it. I even contacted the service, but the specialist did not find any violations.

They exercise on the simulator every day for six months, until everything suits them.A friend decided to save money and bought a Torneo, so he completely "exhausted" himself in just a couple of months. I recommend not to spare money on buying a simulator.


After giving birth, my body ceased to suit me, so I decided to urgently lose weight. Since there is no one to leave the baby with, my husband and I decided to buy an elliptical trainer and train at home. We chose KETTLER 7655-350 Skylon 5. Although it is expensive, we decided not to spare money. They brought me home, quickly set everything up and I began to study slowly. The orbitrek works very quietly, which is important, because we have a one-room apartment and the child sleeps with us. The husband also decided to work out. As a result, in just a month I lost 5 kg, and he - 7. The figure has noticeably tightened. The husband even gave up smoking, although earlier there was not enough willpower. I feel much better and have more energy. We are very pleased with the purchase. With cons, I can only name the high cost, but it is fully justified by the quality of the simulator.


Proxima Panda is a full-fledged trainer, despite its modest dimensions. His price is also very reasonable. I was looking for an orbitrack that combines maximum functionality and minimum price, and Proxima Panda fully met my requirements. The device is stable, small, and works quietly. The store employee quickly installed it and showed it how to do it right. The English-language menu does not bring any inconvenience, although my command of this language is poor. The control buttons are large, at a sufficient distance from each other, so it's hard to make a mistake. On my model, the heart rate monitor is "lame", so I had to buy a separate one. I am very happy with my "panda".


My mother and I have long wanted to buy ourselves an earthenware, since we have a sedentary job, and there is no time to visit the gym. I chose for a long time and decided to buy a magnetic ellipsoid HouseFit Compact E1.0. Our assistant is already two years old, so I confidently declare that this is a high-quality and reliable device. It takes up minimum space in the apartment. To move around the apartment on the simulator, wheels are provided, and if you have an uneven floor, you can set the device using the leveling feet. The attached instructions contain a description of the warm-up exercises that must be done before training. Thanks to systematic training, my mother and I lost weight well and improved our well-being. A similar result was achieved by my elderly aunt suffering from excess weight and pressure surges.



Now you know how to choose the right elliptical trainer. We hope our article will help you with this.

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How to choose