How to choose a face cream

In addition to everyday problems and difficulties, the eternal problem of the female sex is how to remain the youngest and most beautiful woman on earth, despite her age. A variety of decorative cosmetics will help in this desire, but this is until the moment the applied makeup is removed with special means. How to choose a face cream to stay always in an attractive shape and get rid of daily make-up, dusting the nose? The answer is simple - you need special cosmetics that will help take care of the face and keep the skin of a fashionista in a healthy state. How to choose the right face cream among the many cosmetics on the shelves of specialized stores? Which manufacturers of beauty creams have shown their relevance and usefulness for skin care? We will try to answer these and other questions in this material.

Well-known cream manufacturers - how to choose the right one

To choose a facial skin care product, each consumer begins to study the line of the adored manufacturer. This is the right approach to the topic of choosing the right tool. Indeed, depending on the manufacturer and the type of beauty's skin, each cosmetic product can bring not only the desired result, but also seriously harm the skin.

To choose creams for skin care, it is advisable to use products of the same brand, which will make it possible to avoid side effects of different types of products. After all, one production line gets along well with each other. Therefore, one of the tips is to choose tonics, cleansing milk, a makeup base from one manufacturer.

In the absence of favorite brands of cosmetics, take a look at these companies:

  • L'Oreal;
  • Clarins;
  • Lancome;
  • Payot;
  • Vichy.

All of the listed brands of cosmetics have been on the market for more than one year, have special research centers, which makes it possible to produce safe products.

Depending on the condition and type of the consumer's skin, his age, in a huge selection of products, you can find the most suitable means and solve the necessary beauty issues.

Types of facial skin care creams

Depending on the type and type of skin of a woman of fashion, special means have been created that can solve the current problem and restore a healthy look to the face, give elasticity and firmness, remove wrinkles, and so on. What types of creams are there and what do they give to their consumer?

Nutritious cream

How to choose a face cream

The human skin, like the entire body as a whole, needs proper nutrition and care. Despite the fact that the main replenishment occurs through the blood, with an increase in the age threshold, the usual physiological process is not enough. Therefore, you should not wait until the necessary minerals and nutrients reach the problem areas on their own, but nourish the skin from the outside. Moreover, it will speed up the time of transportation of "vitamins" to the required place.The composition of such creams includes the necessary trace elements, ceramides, phytohormones and other useful substances that will help the skin of the face to remain at its height, beautiful, young.

Usually, this type of cream is used before bedtime, since at the time of relaxation of the muscular system, skin spores are most open to receive useful substances. Such creams are also called "night".


  • A huge range of vitamins and minerals.
  • Saturation of the skin with essential trace elements and minerals.
  • Allows the skin to take on a natural healthy color.
  • They create the ability to retain moisture in the skin, which improves softness and elasticity.
  • Relieves irritation and inflammation.
  • Accelerates the process of recovery and regeneration.


  • They can provoke a complete blockage of the pores of the skin.
  • Depending on the individual characteristics of a person, they will provoke a "delayed" allergic reaction, swelling.
  • Owners of skin with high oily content are not recommended to leave such a cream overnight.

Even considering yourself a connoisseur of cosmetics, you should not neglect the advice of professional cosmetologists who can save the woman of fashion from unforeseen problems.

For self-selection of creams, pay attention to the composition. The most useful will be products that contain natural fats of plant and animal origin (spermaceti, lanolin, waxes). In terms of their chemical properties, these substances are most similar to the secretions of the skin, which the mineral components in the form of paraffin and petroleum jelly cannot boast of.


How to choose a face cream

The misconception that degrading creams are used for a narrow need for dry skin. This type of cream is necessary for all consumers in hot weather, because regardless of the condition, it requires constant moisturizing and enrichment with microelements.

When purchasing a moisturizer for the skin of the face that retains moisture in the cells, it is worth taking into account the necessary components (hyaluronic acid, elastin, glycerin and vegetable oils, panthenol). Other components should be present only as prescribed by the beautician for each type of skin individually. What are these excipients:

  1. For normal or oily dermis, extracts of green tea, chamomile, and licorice will be an excellent reminder.
  2. For skin with an abundance of fat, sea minerals with an extract from seaweed will be a good reminder.
  3. For dry dermis, creams with an increased content of naturally occurring fatty oils are well suited.

All of these moisturizing creams have their positive and negative sides.


  • Light consistency.
  • They are quickly absorbed into the skin.
  • They have a softening effect.
  • Accelerate the process of self-healing (regeneration).
  • Relieve redness and peeling of the dermis.
  • Perfectly nourish the skin with minerals and useful vitamins.


  • They create a sticky film on the skin.
  • Depending on the season, they choose a cream with a more pronounced fatty content or completely refuse to use it during the day.

Anti-aging creams for the dermis

How to choose a face cream

Recently, you can pay attention to the fact that this type of cream is gradually "rejuvenating". You can watch the new 25+ lines, although in the old days, these creams were popular among women in the 40+ age category. Therefore, the choice of a cream is a responsible and serious event, requiring caution, adherence to the framework prescribed by the manufacturer.

Depending on natural and physiological factors, the skin ages according to its own individual scenario, therefore, when purchasing this type of cream, contact a professional cosmetologist. When choosing a rejuvenating agent on your own, pay attention to the content of some substances acting on the dermis (antioxidants, "beauty vitamins" A, C, E, F, various acids that remove peeled skin cells, UV filters).


  • They significantly slow down the aging of the skin.
  • Enrich the dermis with collagen or increase its production.
  • They perfectly moisturize and nourish.
  • Creates an immediate visual effect of improving skin condition.
  • For ladies over 45+, this cream has a lifting effect.
  • Lightens age spots to match the color of the skin.


  • The high cost of the product.
  • The effect of accumulation in the body and on the treated areas is completely absent, which creates a constant need for acquisition and use.

Separately, we can talk about creams that come in a separate anti-age line. These products have highly developed restorative and regenerating properties, which dramatically removes the effect of aging and accelerates the rejuvenation of the skin of the face, but they need to be acquired by women of fashion from 40 years old and above.

Derma tonic creams

How to choose a face cream

Many women of fashion do not try very hard to use a variety of creams and are content with simple cosmetic care - nourishing and moisturizing the dermis, which is the right measure. This helps prevent the aging of the skin, which in turn gives a delay for a couple of years of using anti-aging cosmetics. Well this type of cream is suitable for women with dull tired skin of the face, which has an earthy shade, flabbiness.

Toning creams of this branch solve such problems:

  • For oily skin - antibacterial properties.
  • For the sensitive dermis, hypoallergenic products with a calming effect are produced.


  • Lightweight and non-greasy texture.
  • Increased content of phytocomponents with an integrated approach to skin care activities.
  • Accelerates the process of cell metabolism, improves their nutrition.
  • Softens and firms the skin.
  • Shrinks skin pores.


  • Special formulas for toning dry skin are rarely found on the market and are made to order.
  • Partially dry the skin.

The composition of tonic creams contains a variety of extracts of essential oils from citrus fruits, mint, chamomile, eucalyptus, aloe, tea tree leaves, and so on. This variety is well suited for daytime and evening use and as a base for applied makeup.

Derma softening creams

How to choose a face cream

Such creams are called "seasonal". Therefore, depending on the season, they are required to soften and protect the dermis in any bad weather. The resulting film makes the dermis immune to frost, wind, and sun. These creams contain zinc oxide, lanolin, which removes and smoothes fine wrinkles, removes inflammation from the face of the skin.


  • They create maximum protection for the upper layers of the skin, which reduces the impact on the skin of extraneous natural factors.
  • Creams in this series have a rich content of nutrients, which enhances the nutrition.
  • Retains moisture in the dermis.
  • They create an instant effect from the application, relieve the flaking of the skin.
  • They have a low cost compared to other types of creams.


  • They are poorly absorbed and take longer to act.
  • After application, there is a slight tightening of the skin, a slight heaviness on the face.

This type of cream must be used in cold or windy weather, while the age of the woman of fashion is not significant. It protects well and removes the risk of injury, which over time will bring significant benefits in the restoration of the skin on the face.

What parameters should you pay attention to when choosing

How to choose the right face cream? There are mandatory parameters that every customer needs to pay attention to.

Derma type

Pay attention to the manufacturer's label explaining which type of skin this product is used for:

  • Derma with increased dryness requires intense hydration, while oily skin can do without it. At least until the age of 30.
  • For a stably stable skin, you should choose a formula for the temperature season.Oily for the winter, and hydrating (retaining moisture) for summer.
  • Those with combination skin have their own difficulties, so they need to select for each area of ​​the skin individually.

Age of the fashionista

Anti-age creams are more suitable for this parameter. Even when buying such a universal product, you should not neglect the explanations on the label, the age threshold from a brand cosmetics manufacturer. In addition, do not forget that with age, the need to use cosmetics is constantly changing, which requires the correct selection of creams:

  • For girls 20-25 years old, while maintaining a correct and healthy lifestyle, the main rule is to preserve the pristine beauty of the skin. Therefore, a toning, moisturizing and protective cream should appear on the dressing table, which will make it possible to maintain the dermis in a correct and healthy state.
  • For ladies from 25-30 years old, you will have to focus on protective skin softening creams, while day creams with UV filters and antioxidants are well suited.
  • For women 30-35 years old, remember that the skin needs nourishment and good hydration. This is the period when the first wrinkles appear, so you can consider options for night moisturizers, with the addition of anti-aging effects.
  • From 35-45, the skin begins to intensively lose moisture and becomes dull. In order to regain the smoothness and elasticity of the dermis, you will need anti-age regenerating creams, which will improve the regeneration itself. The presence of collagen and hyaluronic acid in a purchased cream for this group of fashionistas is a must.
  • From 45-55 years old, hormonal changes occur in a person. During this period, it is worth completely revising the drugs used and updating the line of creams for intensive types of cosmetics. This group of women will need cosmetics with a lifting effect and an increased content of collagen and peptides.

Time of using creams

As many have noticed, creams are divided into night and day types. According to cosmetologists, the process of restoring skin cells has cycles and is activated from 5 pm and continues until 4-5 am. Therefore, at the moment, the skin needs enhanced nutrition with microelements and vitamin complexes.

For the daytime, creams with protective indicators will be required, which will save the dermis from damage by weather factors. Particular attention should be paid to the fat base, which should differ from the time of day and composition. Which face cream to choose depending on the time of day:

  1. For daytime skin care products, creams up to 75% moisture are intended, and oils and fatty components require a small fraction. This opportunity is provided by emulsion creams, which have the ability of accelerated absorption into the human dermis. Moreover, this cream is widely used as a base for applying makeup.
  2. For night creams, the opposite is required. These are very thick products with a moisture content of up to 25%. Poor absorption provides good protection characteristics. One drawback is that after sleep, you will need to remove the remnants of the cream from the face with special means.

How to choose the right face cream

Depending on the type and type of skin, it is worth considering whether your skin is normal or oily. This is the only way to choose the right cosmetic product and keep your dermis youthful.

Oily skin

To moisturize oily skin, it is required to use light emulsions based on thermal water with a minimum of oils. This will remove the risk of pore clogging, which will remove the possibility of inflammation, acne, acne. The presence of hyaluronic and salicylic acid in such creams will be helpful.

Nutritional compositions should be approached with extreme caution, giving preference to the content of vitamins A, E, lactic and fruit acids in creams.If the question arises of how to choose a foundation for the face, then it is worth understanding that its use must be started from a young age. It relieves inflammation well, has a matting effect. At the same time, additional additives in the form of caffeine, medicinal herbs, niacinamide, will only improve the effect of the application.

To choose anti-aging creams and products, they should include minerals of the sea depths, an abundant amount of useful trace elements and a vitamin. Depending on the woman's age, you should select the right product using labels or recommendations from cosmetologists.

Dry skin

A dry dermis will require ample hydration, which can be provided by a cream with an oily concentration. The composition should include: glycerin, lanolin, vegetable fats of coconut or cocoa, dimethicone.

For toned creams, it is best to choose light emulsions with a high water content with the desired additives of nettle, chamomile, sage extract. This will bring good results and improve the quality of the skin of the face, relieve inflammation.

For the autumn and winter periods, the use of protective creams with a dense structure based on wax and petroleum jelly is required. To avoid flaking of the skin, olive oil, jojoba oil must be included in the composition. For age-related cosmetics, it is worth purchasing creams that moisturize the skin with extensive additions of vitamins, antioxidants, and alpha oxy acids.

In each case, you should carefully approach the choice, and if necessary, consult a cosmetologist.

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How to choose